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2� 1 ��544� <br /> '1�. B�rrvwer �Vot Re�eased; Forhearance E3y Lender Not a Wai�er. Ex�ension of the t�me far payment or <br /> modi�ca��on of amortiza�inn of the sums secured by �h�s S�cur��y �nstrument granted by L�nder�� Barrower <br /> or any Suc�essor in �n�erest of Borrower shal� no�apera�e�o release the liability�f Borrower ar an� <br /> Succe�sors in Interes�of Borrower. Lender shall na�be required��comm�nce proceedings again�t any <br /> Successor in�nteres�of Borrower ar�o refus�to ex�end�ime for payment or otherwise madif�amortiza�inn <br /> �f the sums secur�d by this Security�nstrument by reason of any de�nand made by the or�ginal Borrov�rer or <br /> any 5ucc�ss�rs in�nterest of Borr�w�r, Any forbearance by Lend�r in exercising any righ�ar rem�dy <br /> znc�ud�ng, wi�hout limitat�on, Lender's ac�eptan�e of payments from�hird pers�ns, enti�ies or Suc�essors in <br /> �nteres�of Borrawer or�n an�ounts less �han the arn�unt�hen du�, sha�i na�be a v�rai�er of or pre��ude the <br /> exer�ise of an� r�gh�or remedy. <br /> 'I3. Joint and Se�e�al L�ab��ity; �o-s�gne�s; Successo�s and Assigns Bound. Borrower c��enants and <br /> agrees that Borra�nrer's ob�iga��ons and��ab�l��y sha11 be j�in�and se��ral, However, any Borrower wha <br /> co-signs�his S�curity Instrument but does no��xecu�e�he No�e�a "coMsigner"�: �a} is ca-signing�h�s <br /> Secur��y �ns�rument�nly �o mortgage, grant and con�ey the co-s�gner's inter�st in the Property und�r the <br /> ��rm� of thi� �ecurit�l �nst�r-�.�m�nt; �L�} �S n�t�er��n�11�T�rli��t�� t������P 5���.�� ��'�Li�'P� �i�r��.�� ,�Pr�����y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and �c} agrees that Lender and any other Borrovver can agree to ex�end, modif�, forbear or make <br /> any accammodati�ns w�th r�gard�o the�erms of this Security �nstrumen�or�he Note v�r��hout the co-si�n�r's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to the pro�risions of Section �8, any Su���ss�r in�nterest of�Barrov�er who assumes Barrow�r's <br /> obliga��ons under�his Securit� �nstrument in writin�, and is appro�ved by Lender, shall obtain all of <br /> Borro�er's ri�h�s and bene#��ts under this Securi�y Instrument. Borrovv�r sha��not be released from <br /> Borr��er's obi�ga�ions and�ia��iity under this 5ecurit� �nstrument unless L,�nder a�r�es to sueh re�ease�n <br /> v�ri�in�, T��c�venants and a�re�ments of�h�s 5e�urity �ns�rumen�shal�bind texcept as pro��ded �n Section <br /> ZD} and b�n�f�t �he suc�essors and assi�ns�f Lender. <br /> 'f 4. Laan Charges. Lender ma�charge Borrower fees for ser�ices perform�d in conne�t�on with Borr�wer's <br /> default, for the purp�se of prote�ting Lender's �n�eres� �n th� Prop�rt� and r�ghts under�his Security <br /> Xnstrument, �nciud�n�, bu�n����nuted to, attorneys' f�es, praper�� �nspec�ion and �aivation f�es. In regard �� <br /> an�other fees, th�abs�nce of express author�ty in this Security �nstrumen�to�harge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower shal� not be construed as a prohibi�ian�n the charg�ng of such fee. L�nder ma�r no�char�e f�es <br /> tha�are express�y prohib��ed b��his Securi�y �nstrumen�or by Appl�cable Law. <br /> �f�he Loan �s subjec��a a law which sets max�mum loan charges, and that �aw is finall� in�erpre�ed so�hat <br /> �he�n�erest or other loan charg�s collected or tfl be c���ec�ed in connection wi�h�h�L,oan�xc�ed�he <br /> p�rmitted ��m�ts, �hen: �a} any such�Qan charge shall�e r�duc�d by the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge to �h�p�rm��ted��m�t; and tb} any sum� aiready coii�ct�d from.Borrower which exceeded permitted <br /> limi�s will he refunded to Borrower. Lender may c�aose to make�h�s refund by reducing the princ�pal owed <br /> under the Note ar b� making a dir��t�ayment�� Borrawer. �f a refund reduces principai, th�reduction wi�l <br /> h�treated as a partial prepaymen�w��hout any prepa}�ment�harge�whether or n��a prepayment charge�s <br /> provided for under the No��}. Borrower's ac�eptance of any such refund made by d�rec�paymen�to <br /> Bflrrower wi11 Ganst�tute a vvai�er of any right of act�on Borrflv�rer m�ight have ar�s�ng out of su�h o�ercharge. <br /> �5. Nnt�ces. A�l no�ices�iven b� Borrower or Lender in connectian vv�th�h�s Security �nstrumen�mus�be in <br /> v�rriting. Any notice to Borrav��r in connect�on with this Security Instrument sha���e d�emed�o have�een <br /> �i�ren t� Borro�ver when mai�ed��first c�ass mail or when ac�ua��}��elivered�o Borrower's notice address if <br /> sent by o�her means. Notic��o an�ane Borrower shall const��u�e not�ce to al�Borrowers uniess App�icab�e <br /> Law expressly requires atheru�is�. The noti��address shall be�he Proper�y Address un�ess Borrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac uNf�ORM INSTRUMENT Fv�-m 3�28 tID� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N�y(i 3�2� <br /> lAlotters Ktuw�r Finan�ia[Ser�ices Page 1 1 ❑f�7 <br />