2� 1 ��544�
<br /> in th� Proper�� and rights und�r�his Security Instrumen�; and�d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender ma�
<br /> reasona�ly requ�re�� assure that Lend�r's in�ere��in�he Pr�perty and righ�s under this Secur�ty �nstrumen�,
<br /> and B�rrower's ab�iga�inn�o pay th�sums s�cured b��his Security Instrumen�, shall�on�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrower pay such reins�a�ement sums and expenses �n one or more of�he fa�low�ng
<br /> forms, as selec�ed by Lender: �a} cash; �b} m�ne�arder; �c�c�rtified ch�ck, bank check, �reasurer's c�eck or
<br /> �ashier's check, provided any such che�k�s drawn upon an�nst�tuti�n vvhose depflsits are insured by a
<br /> federa� agency, �nstrumentality or entity; ar�d} E��ctroni�Funds Transfer. Upon r�ins�atemen�by Borrawer,
<br /> this Securi��r �ns�rumen�and ahliga�ions se�ure�.hereby s�all remain full�effecti�e as if no acce�era�ion had
<br /> oc�urred. Hawever, �his right to reins�ate shal�no�apply �n�he case of accelera�ion under Secti�n �S.
<br /> ��. Sa[e of Nate: Change of Loan Ser��cer: Not�ce af Grier►ance. The No�e�r a par��a1 �n�eres�in�he
<br /> No�e�together wzth�his Security �nstrumen�}can be sold one or more�imes w�thout prior no�ic�fti
<br /> Borrower. A sale migh�resuit�n a chang�in the�nt�ty �knav�rn as th� "Loan Seruicer"} tha�coliec�s Periadic
<br /> Payments due under�he Nat�and th�s S�curity Instrument and perfarms o�h�r mor�gage loan servicing
<br /> obligations under�he Note, �his Se�ur��� �ns�rument, and Appli�able Law. Ther�also might be one or mor�
<br /> r-h���;��n���P��n�� ��rvir.Pr��nrPl��Pc� tn� �a�P r�f thP Nnt�. �f t��r�:i� � ��an��nf�h��.na.n S�rvi��r,
<br /> Barrov��r v�rill be�i�en wri�ten na�ice nf�he cha�ge v�rhich v��l� s�ate the name and address of�he ne� Loan
<br /> SerWicer, the addr�ss�o vvhi�h paynzents should be made and any o�her informat�an RESPA requires in
<br /> connection vvith a notic�of�ransfer of ser��c�ng. �f�he Note�s sold and ther�after the I.�an is s�r�iced b� a
<br /> I.oan Ser�icer other than�he purchaser�f the Note, the mortga��Ioan ser�icing o�I�gations t� Borrower will
<br /> rema�n vv�th the L�an Ser�icer�r b��ransferred�o a suc�essor Loan S�rvicer and are nat assum�d b��he
<br /> N�te purchas�r un�ess o�herv��se pr�v�ded b�the No�e purchaser.
<br /> N��ther B�rrov�er nor L,�nder may�ommen�e,jo�n, or be��ined to an�judicial act�on(as e�ther an
<br /> indi�idua� l�t��an� or the m�mber of a class� �ha� arises fr�m�he ather par�y's actions pursuan�to �h�s
<br /> S�curit� �nstrument or�ha�ali�ges�hat fhe o�her par�y has�reached any pra��sion of, or an�dut� ovved by
<br /> reason of, t�is Security �nstrument, un��l such Barrov�rer or Lender has na���ed the other par�y �wi�h such
<br /> not�ce�i�ven in compl�ance��v��h the requirements o�Sec�ion 15} af such a�leged brea�h and�fforded�he
<br /> o�her part�h�re�o a reasonab�e p�r�ad after�he gi�in�of such notice to tak�correc�ive action. �f App�icable
<br /> Lavv provides a tim�p�r��d v�rhich n�.us�elapse before c�rtain a�tinn can be�ak.�n, tha�time p�r��d v�ill be
<br /> deemed to�e reasonable for pu�-poses of this para�raph. The no�iC�of acc�ieration and opportunit�t� cure
<br /> g��en to Barrovwer pursuant�a 5ec�ion��and the notice of acceiera��on gi�ren tn Borrower pursuan�ta
<br /> Section 1 S shall be d����ed �a sa�isfy the not�ce and opportunity ta take cflrrect��e action pro�is�ons of�his
<br /> Sec���n 2�.
<br /> Z 1. F�a�ardous Substances. As us�d in th�s Section��: �a} "Hazardous Su�s�ar��es"are th�se substances
<br /> defin�d as tox�c or ha�ardous substanc�s, pollutants, �r wastes by Environmental Law and the fo��ov�ring
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerasene, other f�axn�r�ab�e or�ox�c pe�roleum products, toxic pesticides and h�rbicides,
<br /> .
<br /> vola�i�e so�ven�s, materials con�a�n�ng asbes�os nr farmaldehyde, and radioacti�e mater�a�s; �b}
<br /> "�'�zvirorttrzet��al.t.a�v"means federai �a�vs and laws of�h�jurisdiction v�here�he Pr�per�y �s lncated�hat
<br /> r�late to health, safety or envir�nmental pro�ection; �c} "�nviro�zj��er�tQr Cteanup"�ne�udes an� response
<br /> action, remed�ai acti�n, or r�mo�vai action, as defined�n En�rironm�ntal Law; and �d}an "E'r�vrro��r�2et�tar
<br /> Cojzditiot�"rn�ans a candition tha��an cause, contribu���o, or othervv�se�ri�ger an En��ronmen�al ��eanup.
<br /> Borrower shall no�cause�r permit the presence, use, disposal, s�orag�, or release of an}� �azardous
<br /> Subs�ances, �r threaten to release any �azard�us Subs�an�es, on or�n�he Pr�perty. Borrower shai� not do,
<br /> nor allou� an�one el���a do, an��h�ng affectin�the Prop�r�y �a� tha�is in v�o�ation�f any En�ironmen�ai
<br /> Law, �b} vvhiGh�r�a�es an�n�riranmen�al �ondi�ion, or�c} v�ah�ch, due to the presence, use, ar reiease of a
<br /> Hazardous 5u�s�ance, crea�es a condition�hat adversely affec�s th��a�u�of the Proper�y. The preceding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle FamiIy-�anniE Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM#NSTRUMENT �Q���o�s�io�
<br /> VMP� VMPfitN�y{�3Q�f
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inar�ciaE 5er�ices Pag�7 3 of 17
<br />