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„_ <br /> _ � .� _ _ <br /> ;�s� <br /> _» � <br /> �� <br /> __ � � <br /> � . <br /> w�1���,�� ADJITIONAL TERMS ' . <br /> �[I <br /> PREPAI'�fE\7'A�l1 AC(:ltG I.-(1b�171F:Fl�:1tiCF C'Ii��RGE:t�rn th�,uLh 1 da m,t h.,�e t���•a} m�.rr ih.�n�i+r rt�ul,u..hrd�il��d�Ti„nthly p:�y�iirn�.!ha��c the nght <br /> � t„�+rcpa}thr u hole am„Am�,��im�t,����u�n iull.d.,u�timc��r,Ir�an hmr t��umr 11 thr Irn�hn�m,[�iuu��n�,r hanA th.�t hu�.m���,ntr.i.•t.�m�pute.the lin:uxi i•haryr <br /> d.sil�.I��m�hn.m.r:har�;c��dl hr Ic..�t I ri,iAc.m�.irl�p.�y m�nt..mJ n�rill h�h�ghrr it 1 peyl.a�:I ahn}urrr,.ar�aJ�utihn�nt ta m}toYal tinance <br /> i harge��ill Ne rtfl�.trd in iu�hn.�l h�ll.i ah��I.n����that thr�ronunt..h:n�n an th�rc�rr,���ide fov thr!in.��:r l'h.�rgr,l oinl ut F a�mrnt..,�nd lBr T�+i;d Sak Pn�a arc e�tP <br /> � watr.i,a.cJ an Ii�r a„uiuFqiu�i that)uu�ciif rccricr rach„f ihr p:n ment�eracti}•on m due date:and i�no��•that therr wiii he no retund rt i prcpay hrrau,r therc n nuthing <br /> to refund if 1 am rhar�;�d�+n a d,�il�h:iai. lt tF.r Itndin�in,t�tuU�in ar hanl�dur.nnt cam�utc the Yin;mr<<har�r daih•,and if I prepn�thc��holc amiwnt,yc�u�vill refund <br /> to me ihr unettmrJ p��mroi��f Ihr t`maner char�r f mtrrrtit�hy Ihr a�countinL pnxedurc�,noun a.the actuanal mrlh��d:and�unt ot m�•rchate will he figured on the <br /> >rhedulyd datrs and amount.uf my monthiJ pa�rncnl and not im the:�ctual date�and amnunA��t ih�prepa�mcm�Ihat I pay Ia}i�u.i kno��I�at a rcfunJ�f Iess than 51.00 <br /> :� <br /> w•ill not he made. <br /> IMPORTANT NOTICE ABO�JT WARRANTIES: <br /> a We as SELLER HEREBY OISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br /> BILI AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br /> NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMiTED WARRANTY OA SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- � <br /> ER ON iTS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRAC�. <br /> tbl l ha��e read,in JeW�I.Ihe�r�+arate"10-1'f:AR 1.1�11Ti:I)�1'ARRAVTl”'ahirh,if made,arcompu�ir�thi.contr.tct.h e�plains the conditionsand circumstances <br /> � in w�hirh the manufactured produci,H�II h.rep�i�ed��r rrplaced.1 tai�c notirr c�fthe limitatinm on Ihe waRaet�,and 1 panicularh•�eeogni�e that am�implied warranty whieh <br /> applie.t��thr gon . a�t.��nly n.l��ne a.the«aRaot�or.rmre romrari. <br /> (cl I hati•e read,m detail,the.e�arate°LI\11Tt?1)I�tiTA1.L.�TIOV R"ARRANTI"'��hich,if made.arr��mpanfe�thi�rontract. !t e�pl:,in�the conditiun�and cir- <br /> cumstances in whirh the imtaU.uion ot the�idinc�cill hr redo�e.I tal.e nntice of the Iimi�:Uium an the warrant�,and I panirularla rccogniie Ihat any implfed w•arranty���hich <br /> applies to the in�tallalion .�s s i�n}a�long a,thr tti art�nn��r.en�cr ronlr,ut- <br /> SPF.C1Al.•ORDF.R GOODC:1�c tha11•ou ha�r mrawred nn�hnu�e and its�,pening�.o Ihat�iro can m�ke the pr�xiurt.a�f�t my panicular hou�e.I take notice that tha <br /> guixi.lhat arr manutactured ti�r m��tiperific hou.e prubabl��cill not fit any oth:r hnu.e�,and under�urh ri�nditiun�.I krow that I ranni�t canccl thi�contrart at any time <br /> after the prnoilof time gi�•en to me,by laa�,in��•hich torancel.Aftr�that Ie�al�eriixi c�f timr,I l,n��u Ihat 1 ha�e thr ohligauon a�pay}�ou in full the:m�ount o��•ed. <br /> OBI.IGATIOtiS PERTAINItiG TO PROPERTI'1\til'RA\CF.,�VD�1Y RF.AI.FtiTATF.: I. I promi,r t�I,eep m�•hou.e m g�xxi repair and ro keep it insured f�r <br /> at lea.t ROC'r of it.replacemrnt ealue h}•buying a fire anJ ertended cocerage inwrancr polic��.The insurance cumpam mu�t he appro�•ed h}yi�u,and the{+c�licy must have <br /> a heneficiap�clau.e which aay,that you are to hr paid�f therr i.a I��s..The inwranre compan�mu�t a�rc�that it�v�ll not canrel my polir}w•ithoat first telling��ou.1 au- <br /> ihnrize the insuranre rompany to pa}•�nu Jirccth fnr:im�li�...}' nc�a.r m u.e>urance pay ment to e�ther repa�•am amount�1 owe you or to repair my house. <br /> I ha�•r the option of providmg propeny imurancr throup:6,�n r�uting polic}�or throurh a pohce independenth�ohtamed uncl paid for bc me.:.!alu�promise that I will not <br /> allow anyone else tu�lace any liem on m}real r.tate a�th��ut�nur�cntten p�mii>.ion.3.I promi�e to pay all taxe.,a�+es�ments�nd other charges on my rcal estate w•hen <br /> dur.4.1 pmmitie to umely make all payment.on m�pno tuam>ecured by me real r.tate. 1 ahu pmmise that 1 wdl nM extend,renea ur change prior loan�without your <br /> w�ritten pertnission.5.If I do not m+ure m}•hi�u�e or fultil�ny other��hli�ations to my real c.latc.Ihen y.�u�an do it for me if���u want 1 but ynu do nrn have tol.if you do <br /> pay�any of thcse ohliFatirn�,for me,!a�ree to pa>�}i�u hark Z+n drm�nd p uti intertyt at thc hiLhe.t la�ti ful rontr,�ct r.itr of intere��.Cmil l pa}�}��u hack,the�e amnuntc will <br /> he uddcd tu my debt ln}ou w hirh iti.ecured hJ m}rc;d c�r,�te.lqd hou.e I knuwth;u if�ou dcride�u huy mtiuranre for m;that 7�ou da not hacc t,�obtain any homeowner <br /> or liabilitv in.urance. <br /> SALE OF�1Y HOLSF.:I pmmi�e not ti»rll,lea.e��r g��e my h�ni.r to:m}�me until 1 h,ne tull}rrp.ud m}debt to�ou. <br /> DI;E ON SAI.F.:If 1 seU,le��e or gn�e my h��u>e to:m}�+nr hriurr 1 hace fulh paid all I mve under thit a,ntract,}��w ran declarr rU that 1 owe under thi,rnnlract payable <br /> at once and I a�rtc to immediatel}�pa}�}ou that amuum <br />. DF.FAI7.T�1 will M inA.fanit��n.lpi�h�,:'.�^Zr,�,�t:s• - - .,-- <br /> I. (doii't makr a pa}mcnl whcn duc;��r , <br /> '. 1 brrak.�ny pmmi.c 1 madc tn}ou inthn r��m�Art:i�r <br /> ;. Something el�e happens��hich c�u�e,}uu t��h�:lie�c in giwd faith that 1 du not mtrnd to pa}cuu a�pmmi>ed;or <br /> � I deTault on an�•obligatiun>fur u•hich 1 am usmg m�hume a.rollater.d:ur <br /> 5. Something happens to my huu+e which�hrraten.��our n�:hn,it�n�,in�t. i <br /> IF I A�1 IN DF.FAC[.T:1 u�der�tand that yuu hace the right to fi�rerlu�r thc�tongage 1 h:��e given to you and ha�e my houtie sold to repay any amoums 1 owe you if 1 ' <br /> � am i�default under this contruct.Before my hou�e iti soW,you w�ll dn e�ery thing that the I:�w require..If cou hire an attorne}to assist pou to.eU my house,or,to sue me. <br /> o�,to pmtect your ri€hts,1 agree ro pay}•ou for your rra,onahle�nurney� fces and for other relateJ • enses,uch a�coun costs,title searches and money you expended • - <br /> ta pmtect my house,if you ar IIo e to collec: ch amount�hy law. ' , J� � <br /> ���� � � � � r . <br /> OTHER RIGHTS:We can c, � no o e fo e an of the n htc nde trac utten a.a m ut I si the i.Or,w e cen delay enfoTCing any of the rights <br /> without losing them.We can al u t xn rig t� c,«u in the future i�•en o b lau•. <br /> DELAYS:!know that you wiU se r be.t e to in.tall the pr�xiucts I am purchr�mg�m my house.but 1 also understand that in.ome+ituations you may encounter <br /> delays that are caused by strike�,w•eather conditions,delay�you ha�•e in ohtaining materials,or fnr other reasons that are bcyond your control.1 understand that you will <br /> not be liable fc.r such delays. ;� <br /> ARBITRATION:If 1 have n di�pute or claim wuh you conceming the yuamft�•.yuality or pedormance ot the prvdurts,I undentand that my dispute may be submitted co ' <br /> and settled aecording to the mediation-arbitration prugram that may�ha�e de��rtoped in my community.1 al.o know that any deciyion made by an arbitratorlx)would be en- � <br /> tered in the cuurt having juri.dicuon o�cr me and�ou. \ - <br /> SALVAGF,dALUE:1 know that the a mdow,,uond�cork,.iding,hn��and ot�r matcn:�l.that have tt�be remu�ed by you for thi>imtallation hati•e NO salvage value. <br /> Whenyouremo�ethem.youranha�ethemforwhate�erpurpn.ey��ua�nt.•�, , " <br /> 5PF.CIAL SITUATiONS:Uue to the uniquene�,of',ume uf the pnxluct.that yuu�ell,I under.tand that in special+ituations that�•our Regional O�ce may have to review � <br /> and accept thi.contract.1 also understand that thi>s�le��rcurrrd in m� h��me and tii:�t���u and 1 may not have had all the cnrrect information impurtant to thit transaction <br /> arour fingertip.:I give you mp con.ent�n cnne.t am��h�iou.rnnr.�hat m:,y h��r��ccurrrJ H hen the thi+contr�ct u•erc rompleted. <br /> �� � <br /> _. � � � • <br /> , �� <br /> �t� ti� <br /> _ �'L� �� <br /> _ �b �, <br /> ��t�` ' _f <br /> Yr��;�+ <br /> ��t�.,�,, <br /> � , <br /> `t't� (-- � <br /> ii, ,'; <br /> �f < �l� <br />