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= io <br /> ��_Y�� ._"_ _.. _. .... .... . <br /> il�s�.�': .'__� __ <br /> 1t <br /> .�i�.,�,�,/''�Y <br /> a'+^S..' <br /> i� � � <br /> I �1\ ��`NIIIC11l ��IICt1U1C hlll l�c• -- '. - - . . . . . . ... . <br /> L\umM•r ot P.��mcnh \mounl ol Pa�m�nh �\1h�n I'.��roru1�.uc I)ur �Cl'UI'��)C � :1111�;1\111}'. .1`.t•iUfll\ IOII'fl'ti! 10 <br /> _ � __�— — _ . . ._ _ � 1 d�c�;�kwi..�r��i.r.,mu hra�xrly!h mG puRh,ued.and <br /> � i litilnnatrd t�� he .�Q_ �la}� .dter ihc�l;;t.• <br /> � I�1 Y.r.mrnt s ��. �� iH ihe['umplehun('rmtiratc I ' in� nal etitatr and impra��rmrnt.. includmg m} <br /> � hnu,r. all .�t my ..;1ddr4a:'dc�ignatcJ ahu�r. <br /> -- ---- -— — -/-- ' 111 ,uh�ryurnt imtallment. an the .:imr Jay „f <br /> � /�(� <br /> � �� I S ��• 1��Y 'rarh:umrcuU�r nwnih unul pai� in iul. Filing�Recordtn�fces 5 Q_Q: �Q <br /> ltlsur8nce �._ . �' i,11 V�� , I.ate 4h3r�e: If a �ay�roeat i. marc than t@D (10) da). <br /> an -�j <br /> � CreQit litc m�urance and credil di.xbilily� insu�ance are not rryull� hi ohlnin credil. and �tiill late. I «ill hr chargeJ $5.�� ��r 5% of the late pay- <br /> ni�t be pmvided unless 1 sign and agree to pay Ihe additinnal cint. ment�,��h�rhe�•rr u Iess. <br /> T�rn, � � Pre a ment: If 1 .�• uff carl •, I will not ha��e ta <br /> Ty;k Prcmmm , S��namrc P y �'S } p�)' <br /> � Credit l.ife ^ t�vunt rrtJit life a �naU�. and 1 may be entided to n refund M'pan of <br /> � in�u�an• �F ����rc the financc charge. <br /> �(�•�� O ,,,,,,,,,< <,`��« ' --�I w�ll review other portions uf this contract <br /> � ' _ for additional mfortnatiun aM�ut non-paymcnt, drfatdt, <br /> Credit Accident 1���unt rred' ac.idem an}• required rcpa�•ment in full before the ,cheduled date, <br /> .fl Heulth d hea m� ance and prcpa�ment refunds and penalties. <br /> L �QO�� � .ilna rc u�r� <br /> — � B i11Ci111C d�Cti11tI1�IC. <br /> Property insu�ance is required. and 1 may obtaii� such Insurance P�om an a�ne 1 waM who�s ucceptable to�ou or 1 may provide it thraugh <br /> ao cxtsting pollc�. 1P I obt�►in thi+inauruncc IhrouRh�uu. 1 wIU pa� S 0� .r _ fur .S� months of co�eraRe. <br /> COMMENCE�IIEN'i' OF THE FINANCE CHARGF.: Thc finanre rharge limere+il iti c.timated a. �tan �m ��_L(L_—_ <br /> linsert the 3atel e�trept in the event that�•ou comple[e thc �mtallation of the g�wd�artd.�n�ice�an anuther datc,thrn the tinanrr chargr Iinterect)will t+egin to ntn on the <br /> date ihae I shall�ign a Cumpletion Certifirate. Thc amoun�i�f tinamc chargc Iintcrrct►ma}�hr m��rr��r ihc amount di,� dc�nding on thc amounl<I pap}•ou <br /> and my timeliness m making pa}•ments. � <br /> PRF.PASMENT: 1 ma,y��oluntarilv prepay thc amount 1 aar����u, m fuU or m pan,at am�umr li 1 makc a panial prcpa��ment.I mu,t rontinuc tu makr m}•rcgular paymcntti Z <br /> until l ha�•c paid all amoums o��cd. <br /> REQUES7'FOR FI)1.L PAl'11tF.N7': If 1 do not pay�chcn duc.��ou ran dcrlare aU that I����c undcr thia ci,ntr:trt pa}•abk at unrc. I agrec t�+pay}'uu intcrc.t un that amoum Q <br /> at the ma�imum rnntractual rate allu�ved by law umil thr amount I i�wr you i.paid 1 al�o��that y��u can forcclu�e the Rtongage 1 ha�r gi�rn to�uu. ] <br /> COLLECTIUN COSTS:IE I am in default of thi�a�ntrart and yuu dcmanJ full payme�t. 1 undentand that�•ou ma�•+cnJ it tu�n anurncy for�ullation and enfonrment. F <br /> ff�ou do so.1 agrce to pay}�aur masonahle attorney;fee�pluc any rnun rn+t.anJ etprn,r.incurrcd by y�ou,that i.,if cuu arc alluaed to�ullect wch amuunl�by law. � <br /> MORTGAG�:1 hcreby grant,barFain,sell, cumey and mortgacc co you.a.Mottgage�, niy rcal cstatc and hou+e I�xated m my"AdAm,." de.ignated on the tap portion Z <br /> of this contract ai�ccu�ry for all amoums duc to you undcr thi�In�tallment Salc�.Contracl. — <br /> �. REYERSE SIDE:1 UNDERSTAND THAT TdE ADOITION�I TERMS ANO PROYISIONS PRINTED ON THE REYERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMEMT SALES SONTRACT ARE A Q <br /> � PAP.T OF THIS IASTALLMEMT SALES CONTRACT AND TiiAT i A�i SOUMD BY THEY IN THE S11ME IMANNEA AS IF i'HEY WERE PRINT�O ON THE FRONT OF TH1S YERY u <br /> O INSTALLMENT SALES COMTRACT.NOTICE:PROYISIOtiS PRINTEO ON REYERSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITIN6 SELLER'S WARRAtITY OBLI6ATION. Z <br /> NOTICE TO BUYER Q <br /> Q 1. I do no! ha�e to sign this cont�nct I�efore 1 read it or if any of the spaces intended Por the agreed terms to the extent o1'then available informatton LL <br /> w� are IeR blAnk. 2. I am entitled to a copy oP this contract at the Nme 1 sign lt. 3. i may pay oti the full balance dae under this rnntract at any <br /> time. and in so doing 1 may Ae enHded ta a rebate of the unearned ftnance and insurance chargec qf any). 4. 1 understand that this in.itcument '� <br /> = p Is based upon a home solicitation sale and that this instrument is not neqotia6le. 5. it shall noi he leeal for .�ou to enter mv nrpmics� ,�r�,,.�r�.tt., d <br /> • . -- ----- _.__.._._._, � - <br /> z:,�cvin�,;,t a��y brear�oi fne peace to repassess RooAS purchased under lhis cuntracl. � " � <br /> � BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL • <br /> � 1 MAr CANCEL THIS A6REEMENT AT ANy TIME PRIOR TO MIDNI6HT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS OA1f AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTIOM. (I HAyE 0 <br /> READ THE ACGOMPAMYING NOTICE OF R16HT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AM ERPLAMATION Of THIS RIBNT.) <br /> COPY RECF.IVF.D: 1 acknowledge recei t of �c�,mplrtely filled in cupy of thi� contract alung with '1 copie+ ��f the�'�J otirc i�f Ri ht to Cancel F <br /> IN WITNES' WHERE F, iF 1 stalln nt S�les Ci�mract and Vlnrtgage h:is bren signed on thi. ,�� day of ,lG� � .19�, _ <br /> at Icityl %Ca S OlI7 , State of Vebra.ha. <br /> THE PACESETTER CORPORATION uhl LFN \tORTG..r,F.F.� _ � Lq,` : <br /> sY: � �.,�.u... /. " __ �.,.�tiP-•--�_ : <br /> IAl1iHORl7.�/Oi-FICE 1 Hl 'F �t)Ft-r 1 i <br /> v , <br /> By: — . � �lio a . <br /> �Fw �,ei aFVKFtitnramF� • t ����Kr��.u���8 m ��. <br /> State of Nebraska � • <br /> Y J�/� '�����MV� oregumg in,wment u�a,:�cknowledgcd Ixfore me un thia Z_d'ay of ? <br /> ��. <br /> Count of �5�� �y r,pm�I,Fjl�,(tb1,19,1 ��- . 19 �y ,b}ihe above designated ? � <br /> rl+l-vlortgagon.l � . <br /> � <br /> My commitsion etpire.: .--- ------- \��tar} ('uhli�• -- --. --- - _ <br /> � <br /> ��� �_ <br /> : �- � �-- _.J �� <br /> -�`; �Y <br /> �__�:�: �.�� <br /> �� t�. <br /> ����,� <br /> ��,�.� <br /> R��f��i3 <br /> i lir; � <br /> ���i� a,: � <br /> -�1f�. � ..._J <br /> ' , ; <br /> , <br />