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<br /> 1��11.111PHI1��IS111\ti:lt.�nt �•r���ni•�n,�111u.,�rolr.i:t�i���.uc.Ih:I.in.�qd�.unrnt��r.•�.�hl�•.thri��.i„itt��•.,�i�li.�.twillh�.�h.! It.m� p;n��ithi.:nntr.�:trryurc�.
<br /> p.n nrcnt rt m,n�inli rr.l th.m ihc�.i����enqif..ih�•n���u���II�ml�h.n:Ih�•t iaht 1��:�dlr:�Iri+tn n�i ihr.im,wut nt�nlere.t a hirh Iha I.�t�.ill����.���u t��rollr:t
<br />-_- ('t��lPlEl�F.lf:titilt'T�lt<t':):"i'^n4C"T:�i�iin.,mlr:i.[i.uirnhh�`:h.mtrdrth�qht„u.inJl.iitcr�n«nhn�
<br /> I'h.luli��H in�:nohrr hnne.t„im.rttrm���n thr n�hl�lh;it I h.���r�rn��hrn Ihi.,.�nlr.�:t�,.�+IJ tn.i!in:tn:i.il in.utuhun ur;i hanl�..utJ I.houlJ nuu�e ih:it ihr�m�x,r-
<br /> � t,�n:r vt th��pr����.fun i.�Irrti,cd�}it�appc.iran:c in�rn���nt,th�ld I.nr�yp;�
<br /> �OTICE
<br /> Thia c�edlt contract tinanceg a �urclia�se. AII�l g� rtghts which the �uyer has against the Seli�r ariai�g
<br /> aut of ihis tra�sacNan, incliadin� a!1 claims �nd det2ns�s, a;a ais� v�lid againat any hoider of this contract.
<br /> The right to recover money f�om the holder under this proviaion is limited to the amou�t pald hy tha buyer
<br /> und�r thia contract.
<br /> A claim is a legally valid reason for auing the Selle�. A detens� is a legaliy vaiid �eason tor �ot paying
<br /> the Seller. A holder ia anyone tryi�g to coilect fo�the purchase. � ��O�c
<br /> 1\Sl'RANCF.CAXCEI.I.AT10\:If I ha�r rryue�ted imuranrx m Ihi.pun•ha�e. I may iancel wrh reyue.l f��r m.uranct�y reas��n withi�fiftt VEI��d;��s fr��ni the
<br /> d:�te i�f thi.rnntract hJ nunf�mg�ou or�he huldcr ot thi�:�,ntra�l in��riiint.I I.n�N�th�t the ran.ellation�d my coti•erace�.,11 h�arranged�vith the in,urance cartierl.i and
<br /> a tull refund uf mc prcmiuml��t�+�ether��ith:�pp!�.ahle fin.m�e chatEr a il I Ik crcdrteJ t��thi.c�ntraet.
<br /> P1.E�tiF tiOTF.:If I ha�•e rcyue.ted imuranre in Ihi.purch;�,c,1�cill rcrene��ithm Ih�m i 301 da}.a r�mficate��f in:un�nce mo�e fuU�descrihing the insurance r���er:iee.
<br /> 1 kno�c that if ihere i�any runfl�ct m the cu�rrace or the I.�ngu;+cr rf ihe rehitiratr„f iatiurancr and�he t��llo«•ine Xoti.e rf f'roEx�tied Inwrance Ihat I,im c�n•ered anlc to
<br /> the etttnt tilated in the follo�eme\��tirc�,1 Rr�,p,i�ed Imurancc.I al�n I�nrn►th:u 1 h.�cr m.uran,r ru�er:i�e onl}it 1 h.i�e b��ro ch;�rgrd tor�t. '
<br /> 1 take notice th.it rilhrr Credit I.ifc ix Credit.�c�idem anJ Hralth Imur:mrc•,or h�i�.�ti iU he applicahlc tn thi�S.�le.C�mtrart on the r<<�er,e�ide only if 1 ha�e cho�en
<br /> it hy tiieninc the reque.t fi�r aurh inwr�n�c-'i'hn inwranre�ci II�mIJ r���er thr rer.on.�cninc the rrqur.�at the co�t f��r carh t}pe�H'msur;mce�h��«n.Sub�ert to acceptance
<br /> hy the m.urante.i,mpam,Ihc mwr�ncr��•�11 he elfe.ti�r,�.„1 t,kia� and�i�11:uniinur onl�•fur the numher of munih.attcr tha effec�i�e date eyual to the number of
<br /> monthl�pa}ment..I u�derctand that thi�parucular m>uranc�ma�no�prut•�de.���eraca ti�r my la.t feu•pa}ment..and tha�durinc tha�period of time 1 will not ha�•e any
<br /> in.urance co�craer.All benetit.and p��.�eed.of the in.uran�e u ill h�p,�iJ tu�nu or to,�tinanr�al in.titution or a bao.l�t it purcha;en the Sale�Contrac�to the extent of it�
<br /> interc�ts aoJ am•�+alan,r u ill he pa}ahk tu mc.��he imual amuunt ot C'redn Lifc In.uranre i.the am��unt mquin d to rcpa}the Total uf Pay�mems:thereafter,the in,urunce
<br /> dtcrea.e�n?•thr atnount ot rarh monthh pa}ment�ro a.rhedul�J?0 da} hatin. If 1 am j��inth ohlig�teJ un the Salea Contrart ailh a C��-Ru�er,and H�e hace hoth�igned
<br /> the reque.t tor Credit I.ite In.uran�r,drath henrtit.wlt hc pa}ahlr�mh a ith re.pert to the f irit�mr�t u.tn die.tiuh�ect to erclu�inns,ehmination�or aaiting perind uated
<br /> in Ihe in.urance poli.�•iv rrrutirate,Credn AcriJrnt and Hr�lth Imuran�r i.t��r the txnrtit am��um ui I 3t)ih i�f earh month'.pay ment tur each da�th�t 1 am totaU�•disabled
<br /> due to an in�un�r.�rkne.ti whilr 1 n�te an}pa�ment t��yi�u,hu�cc�rr.I un�tentar.J Ihat 1 ha�e t,�he prr�ented fr��m tirorkmF due to,uch tutal dixahilit�•for more than fou�-
<br /> tecn i 1-1�„�mr�mi�e day+bcfore Ihe m.urance hrnrtit i�p�id hail,t��the fir+t day�,1 m}•a�1a1 di.ah�lity.1 also knaw•that 1 cannot obtaio am•insurance from you If 1
<br /> am o�•er 6,4}ears of age today,and 1 also know that the incurance co�-era�e proti•ided to me may contain a maximum amount oF co��e�age Nhlch K•ill nat pa�•io some
<br /> ease�.!he entlre amount that 1 oKe}nu.f)ue tu the m;�r�mum�mount i�f ro�eraer.�.dr�l in tht m,uranre policy,I An�nr that an}�unp:ud amoum m erce�.��f the insurance
<br /> co�•erace���ill+till hace toi+e paid.If the Sale,Cuntract i.prep�id in full pnor to ttie I;�.t pay ment dute,any uneamed imurance premiumc w•ill he refunded to me in the man-
<br /> ner pre.cnt�d b� la�t ��'ith�n thiri�•130►da�.,Iµill rere��r the cemticatr uf imurancr morr tull�de>enhing m}i�v�uranre ro�•erage.If the insur,�nce i�ni�t arcepted by
<br /> the insurance campan},1 u•ill recei�•e a refund a(the m.ur.�ncr premium.l ha�e paid.
<br /> ii(��'F�l:�ihe nert tu•o pafagraph�:nntain u arrantirs rclati�e to ih�.,alr g�.en h�u,to�hr 1 mancial m,t�tmicm or h�n�,ro ixder tor i�t��hu�thi.mntract.
<br /> FOR VALI'E RECEI�'ED,Seller herehy+ell�.a..icn.,runcey.,trancfer.�nd dehcen u�
<br /> (Ac,igneel all uf n�nFhts,titlr and interes�in and to the�n+tallment Sale�Contract and�tortgaFr.tngetherµ•ith�II hrn�etiisting to cecure rtti payment,and the propeny
<br /> enrumhered hereh��.A.�i�nee iti hercbt�.ub�titmcd a��1�n�•a�cr undrr the Vortgage pn,ri�ior..uf th��comract.5cller warrant.anJ�epreaenu:i 1�It hns the rinh�rn m:�t;�
<br /> It�is ass�gnment;t�)All�t:�tement.anci floum.�R�,y�.�,,.;;.._`._.,`���,;,a;;.�����.��•�„aiomcni rrr materiaiiv true and correct:f�l This cantract amce fmm the bona fde.r;�le
<br /> 01 the guexi,and Sen•i�e�de.rrihrd herrin;l3 t Thc ra�h d+�unpa�mtnt.IwK n in Ihic contract w a�actuall�•paid hy Buyer and no pan o(.aid do«•npayment wa.loaned di-
<br /> rccth•or indirectly h�Seller to Buy cr,�5�F;,�h yu�er i,leealh r,�mp:trnt tu cantracr.�61 Thi>contract i.nut and w ill m�t he>ub�ect to an�claim,defense,demand or nght
<br /> i�f a�fret;(7�The execution of tM�contract anJ the underh ing.ale.tramacnon gi�m�n�e Iherelo did not ciolate am tederal ar,tate lau•,dvective,rule or regulaUon now
<br /> in effect;(R)In the e�eni that thi,contract ur the underh ing ti:�le,tramacnem u.unje.t tv a nght uf resci�tiion ur cancellation hy thr Hu}er..uch rr.ci..�on or canccll:�-
<br /> uon p�ri�+d ha.etpired and nrither thr.ate nor thi�c„ntract ha..-hten«ncelled or rc.cinded.THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITNOUT RECOURSE.
<br /> I'V TE•STI�1nVY R'HERF:OF.t undrr�igned i.:�authonicd repre�enlaticr��f thr Seller and ha�.igned heluµ„n hehalf of ihe Seller nn this
<br /> d•ay of . ---=`----- .ly __. .,
<br /> . , :t '=
<br /> The foreguing in.trunirnt.ca+acknow IedecJ het rr mr�m _ ._—. _ THE PACESE�]'ER COR�ORATION (Se��er> �
<br /> i
<br /> ,.
<br /> -- - -- - . 19__ ' ,
<br /> R� --- --
<br /> bp the authoriied agrm�f Seller..h�+n _.____ .___ '�
<br /> 1�h•rommu�i�m erpire>:
<br /> —'--�— -�- -. "-. \„t.�r. puhh.• —-----�-- --�---- --
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