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<br /> II Lender required mortgage insurance as e condition of mak(nc� t�e loan secured by the Secu�ity Instrun�ent, Borrower shaii pay the
<br /> premiuma requ(red to mal�tain the insurence in eftect until such tlms es the requirement tor tha Insu�ance terminatea in accardance with
<br /> 6orrower's and Lender's w►ktan egreemant or applicabte Iaw.
<br /> 8. Inspvetlon. Lencler or Ra Agent may make �eusonabte ent�ies upon and inspectlona of the P�ope�iy. Lender shall give 8orrower
<br /> � not�ce et ihe ttme ot n�p�ior to en inspection speciying �ensonable cxuse for the inspecttoo.
<br /> 9. Cond�mnrtlon. The proceeds ol any award o�c�aim tor damages, direct o�co�soquential, in connectlon with any condem-
<br /> � nsUars ar o2h�la�.tng ot any psr! a!!he PropeAy, ar tar convey3ncr in I;cu o!candrmnaUan. are hereby assignecl nnd ahall he paid to
<br /> Lender.
<br /> In tha event oi a total tak(ng of the Piroperty, tha proceads shall be spptied to the suma secured by ihis Securiry Instrument,whethe�
<br /> or not then due, with any excesa paid to Borrower. in the event ot a partial taktng of the Propetty,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise
<br /> �, egree i�writi�g,the aums aeeured by thls Sec�irity Instniment ah�N be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muftiplied by ihe tollowing
<br /> fraction: (a) the total emou�t o1 sums secured immediatery betore the taldng, divided by (b)tAe fak ma�rtcet vatue of the Properiy tmmedi-
<br /> � atety betoro the tak(ng. My belance shaM be paid to Borrower.
<br /> If the Property is ebemdoned by BoROwer, or if, elter noUce by Lender to 6oROwer thai the condemnor ofters to make an award or
<br /> �erile a daim tor damapea, Borrower fails to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days after the date the notice is given, Leoder is authorized to
<br /> collect end apply the proceeda, et tts option, either to �estorntion o� repair o1 the Property or to the sums secured by ihis Securiry Instru-
<br /> ment,whethe►or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortowe► otherwise agree in writing, any application o1 proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend o� postpone the due
<br /> date of the monthy peyme�ta retecred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa tho amount of such payments.
<br /> 10. Bo�rower Not Raleased; Forebearan�e By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension o11he tlme tor payment or modi�•
<br /> cation o1 amortizatlon ot the sums secu�ed by this Security Instnrment granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot Borrower shall
<br /> not operate to release the Uabiliry ot the original BoROwer o� Bortowet's successots in interest. Lender shatl not be�equired to commence
<br /> proceedings against eny successor in interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or otheiwise modity amortlzation oi the sums secured
<br /> by this Security Insttument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. My torbea►ance
<br /> by Lender tn exercising any�ight or remedy ahall not be a waiver o1 or preclude the exercisa oi any dght o�remedy.
<br /> 11. Succosson and Assi�ns Bound; Joint and Several Uabtlity; Co-si�ne�s. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> this Security Instrument shaA bind and benefi!the successors and assigns oi Lender and Bortower,subject to the provisions o!paragraph
<br /> 1T. BoROwePa covenants and egreements shaN be joint and several. My Borrower who casigns this Securtty Instrument but does�ot
<br /> execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security InstNmenl ony to mortgage, grnnt and cam�ey that Bonower's interest in the Property
<br /> under the terms of this Security InsUument; (b) is not personaly obpgated to pay the s4ms secured by this Security i�strument; and (c)
<br /> agreea that Lende►and any other BoROwer may agree to extend, modHy. torbear or make any eccommodations with regard to the terms o1
<br /> this Security Instrument or the Note wiihout ihat BoROwer'a consent.
<br /> � 12. Loar Charges. If the loan secured by this SecuritY InsUument fs subiect to a !aw which sets maximum Iean charaes,end
<br /> that law is flneliy interpreted so that the intereat or other toan cherges cottected or to be coiiected in connection with the loan exceed �
<br /> �_ the permitted Omfts,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted
<br /> limit; and (b) �ny sums akeady collected trom Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiN 6e refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose '
<br /> !o make this refund by redadn�the pdnGpal owed under the Note ot by maidn�a direct payment to Borrower. B s retund reduces prin- -�
<br /> cipal,tha reductbn wiN be Uated aa a peRial prepayment wfthout any prepayment cherge under tha Noto. ti
<br /> 13. Loglstation Affeeting Lender's Rlghts. N enactment o�expiration o1 applicable laws has the eNect of rende�ing any pro- f,��
<br /> vision ot the Note or thia Security instrument unenforceable according to its terms, Lender, at ita opUon, may require immediate payment
<br /> in tuH of all sums secured b this Secu Instrument and ma invoke an remedies ermitted b �
<br /> Y �1�}► y y p y paragreph 19. If Lender exercises this
<br /> option, Lender ahaM take the ateps specified in the second paragraph of paragraph 17. ��
<br /> 14. NOtiCA8. Any noUce to Borrower provlded tor in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first
<br /> ciass mail unless appNcable law requfres use of another method. The notice shatl be dlrected to the Property Address or any other address �� �
<br /> BoROwer designates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's address stated hereln or any '• �
<br /> other addresa Lender designates by notice to BoROwer. My noUce provided tor in this Security Instrument shail be deemed to have been ';4
<br /> given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Govar�ing Law; Severability.This Security Instrument shaH be govemed by tederal law and the law of the Jurisdiction in
<br /> which the PropeRy is located. In the event that any provision or clause o1 this Security lnstrument or the Note conflicts with appUcable '
<br /> law, such conlNct ahaq not aftect other provislons o!this Security Instrument or the Note which can be gfiven eNect without the confllcUng '
<br /> provisan. To thia end the provisions oi this Security Instrument and the Note are decleued to be severable.
<br /> 16. 8orrowar's COpy. Bortower shaU be glven one contortned copy oi the Note and of this Sec:urlty instrument.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the P�operty or a Beneflclal Interest ln Borrower. N all or any paA of the Properly or any interest
<br /> In it is soid or transferred (or M e beneflclal in2erest in Bortower ls soid or transterred and Borrower 1s not a natural person) without Lend-
<br /> er's pflar rvrftten consent, Lender may,at its opUon, require immediate payment in full oi ail sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> - However, this option shaN not be exerdsed by Lender if exerGse is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> It Lender exerclses this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice oi accelereUon. The notice shall provide a pedod o1 not less than 30
<br /> days irom the date the notice ia delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry instrument. 11
<br /> Borrower tails to pay these sums prlor to the expiration ot this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security I�stru-
<br /> ment without turther notice or dert►and on Bonower.
<br /> �
<br /> 18. Bor�owe►'s Right to Reinstate. If 8orrower meets ceRain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have eniorcement
<br /> oi this Security Instrument disconUnued at any time pdor to the eadier of: (a) 5 days (or such other pe�iod es applicable law may specify
<br /> for�einstetement) before sete ot the PropeAy pursuant to any power ot sale contained in this Security Instrument; or (b) entry ot a judgment � T
<br /> enforcing ihis Securily(natrument. Those condftions are that BoROwer: (a) pays Lender all sums which then wouid be due under this
<br /> Sec��ty Instrument and the Note had no acceteretion occurred: (b) cures any defauit ot eny other covenanis or agreement; (c) pays all
<br /> expenses incurred in entorcing this Security t�strument, inGuding, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fees; and (d) takes such action
<br /> as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien o1 this Security Instrument, Lender's rlghts in the Property and 8orrowei s obliga-
<br /> tion to pay ihe sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower. Ihis Security NY
<br /> � insirument and the obligatlons secured hereby shall remain fuly effective as H no ecceleration had occurred. Howe�,rer, this right to re�nc�ate
<br /> L shall not apply in the case ot acceleretion under paragraphs 13 or 17. ���
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