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<br /> NON•►JNIiOfiM GOVENAN79. Bor�o�vcr and Lentler iutther covenant nnd agroo aa f�ltow,^. �`4� " �O O"���
<br /> 1�. Accol�ratlon; R�madloe. Lo�der ahall giva �atics to Borrower pelo� to acceleratlon following Flor-
<br /> rowe�'s broach of •ny cove�in4 0� ag►eement 1� thls Sacu�tty Inat�ument (but not p►ior to accete�ation
<br /> uiielor parayrapha /3 and 1 T unloss applicablo law provides othorvvi�e). The notice shall specify: (a) the
<br /> dofault; (b) 4ho actlon �oqulrad to cu�e the deTault; (c) s dete. not laas thAn 30 days from the date the
<br /> � notic� is plv�tl to Bo�rpwo�, by whlch thQ default mu�t ba cu�ad; and (d) that failura to cure the detault
<br /> on or bato�� th� d�l� apocliled in th� �otica ma�y result in accolontton ot tha suma secured by this Secur-
<br /> tty I�st�um�nt �nd �lo of th� Proparty. Tha notico shall fu�tho� Into�m Borrowe� of the right to rel�state
<br /> - - - anor aac�inrs�inh �rsd Qi�� ri�iiZ qv bcii�� � oa�: z�.�at� to :::�r:tr� �ato�axlclaroaa o! a tlafau!! o: aay
<br /> othor d�i��s� of Bo��owar to accolantlon and sala. If th� dofautt Is not au�ad on or dotore the date spec-
<br /> • ifiod In th� notico, L�ndo� at la optioa may requlro Imma¢iiat� psym�nt 1� full of all sums secured by this
<br /> Sacurity Inst�umont without further domand and may l�vok� th� pow�r of salo and any othe� remedles per-
<br /> mittod by spplica6lo law. Lende� shail b� �ntitled to coilact all �xp��sos incu�rad In pursuing the remedies
<br /> providsd 1n this ps�ragraph 19. including, 6ut not iimited to, �easonablo atiorneY's fees and costa of title
<br /> evidenc�.
<br /> tf th� power of asle la iovoked� Trustee ahall �ecord a �otice oi defauit t� each county in whiah any part
<br /> of the P►oporty is locatsd and ahall matl coples of such notice In th� manner prescribed by applicable law
<br /> � to Bo�rowar and to ths other persons p�eacribad by applicable law. Afte� the time �equlred by appllcable
<br /> law. Trustes shall givs public notiae ot aalo to the persons and In tha manner prescribed by applicable law.
<br /> T�ustes, without demand on Borrowe�, shall seU the Proporty at public auctton to the highest bidde� at the
<br /> timo and placo and undor tha tarms designated in tha notice of aale in one or mo�e qarcels and i� any order
<br /> Trustea determinas. Trustee may postpone sala of all or any parcel of the Property by pubUc announcement
<br /> at tha tim� and place of a�y previously scheduled sale. Lende� or its desig�e• may purchase the Property
<br /> at any salo.
<br /> Upon �eceipt of payment of tha prlce bid, Trustee ahall deilver to the purchaser Trustee's deed convey-
<br /> in{� tha Pre�perty. The �ecitals in the Trustee's dead shail be p�ima �acie evidence of the t�uth ot the state-
<br /> ments made the�ein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all expenses
<br /> of tho sal� i�ciuding, but not Umited to, Trustea's fee� as permitted by appUcable law and reasonabfe
<br /> attorneya' feea; (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or
<br /> persons legally entitled to it.
<br /> 20. Londer i� Possesslon. Upon ecceteration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Properry. Lender (in person, by age�t
<br /> or by JudiciaHy appointed �eceiver) shaM be entiNed to enter upon,take possesslon o1 and manage the PropeAy and to collect the renta oi
<br /> the Property i�dudiny those past due. My re�ts collected by Lender or the receiver shaN be applied flrst to payment of lhe costs of manage-
<br /> meni ot the Property and collection of rents, inGuding, but not limited to,receiver's tees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys'
<br /> r�,. .,,�,n�z.:..r�,ou�s.�:..:��y:h�:��r;�.���:.:.�,:. _
<br /> 21. RYCOnv�yanCY. Upon payment of all sums aecured by this Security Instrument, Lende►shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and ahaN aurrender thia Security Instrument s�d aN notee evidencing debt secured by this Security instrument to Trustee.Trustee shail
<br /> �econvey the Property w(thout warranty and wRhout charge to the person or persona legaly entitted to it. Such person or persons shatl pay any
<br /> recordttion costs.
<br /> 22. SubStituts T�ustee. Lender,et fta option, mey from time to time�emove Tnistee and appoint a successor trustee to any �'
<br /> Trustee appoMtad hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in whtch this Security Instrume�t is recorded. Vlydhout conveyance o1 the . �
<br /> PropeRy, the auccessor trustee shall succeed to all tha tiUe, power end dutles conterred upon Trustee herdn and by applicable law. s �
<br /> 23. Request for Notlees. Bortower requests that copies o1 the noUcea of defauft and aele be sent to BoROwef's address which ,
<br /> is the Property Addresa. Bomower further requests that coples of the notice o1 defeuft and noUce of sale be sent to each person who is a �
<br /> i
<br /> party hereto at the address of such person set toRh hereln. E
<br /> 24. Riders to this Security Instrumsnt. If one or more riders are executed by Bortower and recorded togefher wrih this ,
<br /> Security tnstrument,the covenants and agreements o! each such �ider sha�l be tncorporated into and shall emend and supptement the covenants : .
<br /> and agreements ot this Security Instrument as if the ride�(s) were a paR of this Securiry instrument. [Check applicable box(es)]. '�� ,
<br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider _ '
<br /> :�
<br /> ❑Graduated Paymenl Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> ❑Othe�(S) ISP�Y]
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants conteined in this Security tnstrument and in any,�ter(s)
<br /> executed by Borrower end recorded witb il. ,-> n I � �
<br /> ti � ���.yf'(�. 1���-�'``�G��
<br /> {Sea1�
<br /> - � Robert .. s o -eorowcr
<br /> ' r
<br /> _, (Seal)
<br /> �Afl 8 . 9TW00 •Borrowcr
<br /> STATE OF NEBfiASKA HALL Counry ss:
<br /> On this 9th day oi January . �g90 , before me, the undersigned, a ``--T"—
<br /> Notary Pubifc duty commissioned and quaGfied tor said county, personaly came Robert V. Sh@rwOOd
<br /> �nd Brendi� K ShenivoOd husband and wife , to me known to
<br /> be the identical person(s) whose name{s) ere subscribed to the loregoing instrument and acknowtedged the execution thereol to be
<br /> thAir votuntary act and deed. N�
<br /> � Witness my hand and notariat seai at Grand I sl and, �;ebraska in said county, the date aforesaid. �
<br /> � � My commisslon explrr_s: � �d
<br /> �`°!
<br /> � ��AL bTAAY�1p11 M IrWth ' '' "� - "� • ` --
<br /> a Nota�v �n��•
<br /> lf�
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<br /> OONMlE 6.MLES {
<br /> °`'���. � loymeni Opporlunity/Alfirmatwe ACtion Fmploy�r M/F
<br /> ���ri -- _--- ISpace HefUw Thi; l�ne For Acknowledgment]-.--._... — - -.
<br /> �t�"c��, �;'17G"f f RPJ1 (01/$f3) f.M.�i
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