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<br /> UNIFORM CO`/ENANTS. Borrower�nd Lendar covc�ant�nd egrao as tollowa: C�" � ° O� ��
<br /> 1. Paym�n3 of Principsl and I�t�r�st; P��payment and I.�t� Cha�gas. daROwer shall premptry pny�vhen �uo the
<br /> prtnclpal af �nd interest on Ihe d�bt evidenced by ths Note �nd any prepayment �nd late chargas dua under tho Notv.
<br /> 2. Funds 10� T�c�s �nd In�Yei1110�. SubJect to�pplicable I�w or to a written watvar by Lende►, Bottowar ehall pay lo Lender
<br /> � on Ihe day monthfy payments �rc due under the Note, until the Note te pald in 1uN, �aum ('Funds') equ�f ta one-nvotifi of: �n) yoarty
<br /> taxes�nd aaaessment�which may�ttain priortty over th(s Sacurfty instrun�nt; (b)ysuf�►leaa�hotd payment9 ar yround renis o� the Prop-
<br /> ��, erN.H anY: (c1 venrN haurd Insur�nc�premfumr, md (d1 y�rty mortaage k�sunnca pnrt�iuma, H an}�. Theae Rema are coNed 'oscraw
<br /> � itema'. I.tnder rtwy estkn�t�ths Funda due on the baeis of cuRent data �nd re�aonable estknate9 of tuture e�crow items.
<br /> The Funda ahaM be hetd In�n Inetitutbn the depasita o��ccounta of whlch�rs inau�ed or yua�anteed by a tederal or state agency
<br /> ((ncludin�Lendx H Lender la such�n instkutlon). lender shaN eppty ths Fu�ds to pay the escrow ftema. Lender may not charge tor hold-
<br /> � infl and appyin�tAe Funda. �n�yzln�the account or veriyi�q the escrow kema, unless lender paya Borrower interost on the Funds and
<br /> appliptble law permita Lender to rtvlke such a charge. BoROwer and Le��der mey ayree M wrlNnp that interest shail be paid on the Funds.
<br /> Unlese an�greement is made or appAcable law requkas Interest to be pald, Lender ahaN�ot be requked to pay Borrower any tnterest or
<br /> � eamings ort tha Funds. Lender ahaN gNe to Borrower,without charge,ao an�ual eccounti�q of 1he Funds showing credits end debiis to
<br /> the Funda a�d the purpose to�which eacA debit to the Funds was made. The Fu�ds are pledged aa additlo�al security for the sums se-
<br /> cu�ed by thia Security Instrumea�
<br /> If the amount o1 the Funds hetd by Lende►,together with the iuture monthy payments of Funds payable pdo�to the due dates o1 ihe
<br /> escrow items,ahaM exceed the emount requlred to pay the eac�ow items when due,the excesa ahaN be,at Bortower's opUon, either
<br /> prompty repaid to Botrower or credlted to Bonower on monthly payme�ts of Funds, It the amou�t oi the Funds held by Lender is not
<br /> sumde�t to pay the escrow ftems when due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any emount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or
<br /> mwe peymenta aa requked by Lender,
<br /> Upon payment tn tuW oi a�sums secured by this Security InsUument, Lender shaA prompty retund to Borrower any Funds hetd by
<br /> Lender. 11 under parag�aph 19 ihe Properry is sold or acquired by Lender. lender shall appy, no tater ihan immediatety prio�to the sale
<br /> 01 the PropeAy o�ita ecquisiUon by Lender. any Funds held by Lender at 1he time o1 application as e credit against the sums secured by
<br /> this Secutity Instrumenl.
<br /> 3. AppUcatlon of Payments. Unless appUcable law provldes otherwise,al!payments recelved by Lender under paragraphs 1
<br /> and 2 shsN be appNed:ikst.to kta charges due under the Note; second, to prepayment charges due under the Note; third,to amounts
<br /> payaDle under paragraph 2; tourth. to Mterest due; and last, to pdncipal due.
<br /> 4. Chef$a8; L18fi3. 8onower shaA pay ap taxes, assessmer�ts, charges,fines and Impositions attriDutable to the PropeRy which
<br /> may attab�p�iotity over this Secwrity Instrume�t,and leasehold payments or ground rents, H any. Borrower shall pay these obligations in
<br /> the mmner provided in paragraph 2, or H not paid in that manner, BoROwer shall pay them on time directry to the person owed payment.
<br /> Bortower ahaN promptty iumish to the Lender aN notices of amounta to be pald under this peragraph. H BoROwer makes these payments .
<br /> �
<br /> direclly, Borrower shaN promptly tumish to Lender receipts ovidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower ahaM prompty discharge any Ren which has pdorfry over this Security Instn�ment unless Borrower. (a) ag�ees in wriiing to
<br /> � the payment of tha obOpaUon secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien by, or detends : . �
<br /> e9ainst ento►cement o1 the lien In, lepal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the entorcement of the lien or for-
<br /> teiture o1�ny part o1 the Property; a (c) secures bom the holder oi the Nen an agresment saUstactory to tender subordinating the iien to =
<br /> this Securtly Instrument. Ii Lender detertnines that any part ot the PropeRy is subject to a Nen which may attain pdority over this Secudty -
<br /> I�strument,Lender may give Borrowe►a noUce identtfying the lien. Bortower shaH aatisiy the lien or take one or more of the actions set =
<br /> torth above wfthin 10 days o1 the givfng of noUce. . ---
<br /> 5. H�zard Insurance. Borrower shaA keep the improvements now exlsting or hereatter erected on the Propeity insured egainst � �
<br /> loss by ike, hazarda induded wfthi�the tefm 'extended coverage"and any other hazards tor which Lender requires insurance. This insur-
<br /> ance ahaN be maintained in the�mounts and tor the periods that Lender requires. The tnsurance carriet providing the insurance shall be
<br /> chosm by Bortower subjec!to Lender's approval which shall not be unreasonaby withheld. ,
<br /> M insurance po0cies an�renawals shaU be ecceptable to the Lender and shaN include a standard mortgage dause. Lender shall have `
<br /> + : -
<br /> the�ht to hold the poflcies snd renewats. fl Lende►requi�es.BoROwer shal!promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and ��
<br /> renewal noUcea. In the evenl 01 losa, 8orrower shall give prompt notice to the insurztnce carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof oi ��`
<br /> loss 1}not made prompty by Borrower. �,
<br /> Uniess Lender and Botrower othervvise agree io wriNng, lnsurance proceeds shaA be applied to restoraUon or repair oi the Property
<br /> dameQed, i(the restoration or repak is economically teasibte and Lender's security is not lessened. 8 the restoraUon or repalr is not eco- '
<br /> nomicaMy tessible or Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Mstrument,whelher or not then due,with any excess pald to Borrower. Ii Borrower abendons the Piroperty.or does not answer within 30
<br /> daya a naUce trom Lender that the insuarnce carrier haa aftered to setUe a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender
<br /> may use the proceeda to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums secured by this Seeurity instrument, whether or not then due. The
<br /> 30-day pedod wiN begin when the noUce is given.
<br /> Untesa lender and Borrower atherwise agree in wriUng,any applicaUon ot proceeda to princlpal shall not extend ar postpone the due
<br /> date of the monthly payments referred to in pa►agraph 1 end 2 or change the amount of the payments. If under paragraph 19 the Property
<br /> is acquked by Lender, Borrowe►'s �lght to any insurance policies and proceeds resufting irom damage to the Praperty prior to the acquisi-
<br /> tion shall pas�to Lender to the extent oi the sums secured by this Security Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Pres�rvation and Maintenance of Property; Leaseholda. Borrower shall not destroy. Camage or substantially change
<br /> the PropeAy, aqow the Properry to deteriorate or commit waste. if this Security Instrument is on a leasehotd, Bortower shall compry with
<br /> the provlsions of tha lease, and B Borrower acquires fee tiUe to the Property,the leashol�and tee title shall noi merge uniess the Lender
<br /> agrees to the merger in writing. -_-__----
<br /> .--------
<br /> 7. Protection ot Lendor's Rights 1n ths Property; Mortgage Insurance. IT BoROwer fai(s to peAorm the covenants •
<br /> and agreementa eontalned in this SeCUrity Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may sign'rficantly atfect the Lender's rights in ihe
<br /> Property (such es a proceeding in baniwptcy, probate,tor condemnation or to enforce laws or re�qulations), then Lender may do and pay
<br /> for whattver is necessary to protect the value o1 the P�opeRy end Lender's dghts in the Property. Lender's actions may lnciude paying any
<br /> sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security instrument.appearing in court, paying reasonabte attomeys'tees and entering
<br /> � on the Property to make repaks. Althouflh Lender may take action under this paragraph 7. Lender does not have to do so. . �
<br /> ___ � MY amounls disbursed by �ender under thls paragreph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by this Security instrument. �.
<br /> Unless Bortower and Lender agree to other tertns af payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the date ot disbursement at the '.�
<br /> ° Note rate and shall be payablo,wKh interest. upon notice 6om Lender to Borrower requesting payment ►�
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