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, 2� 1 ��5249 <br /> An� app�ica�ion af payments, xnsuran�e proceeds, ar M�sce�lane4us Fr�ceeds�o principal due under�he Na�e <br /> shall no�extend or postpane�he due date, or chan�e th�a�mount, of�he P�r�adic Payments. <br /> �. Funds for E�crow Items. Borrawer sha��pay t�Lender on�he day Per�odic Payments are due under�he <br /> Note, untii the Note�s paxd in ful�, a sum��he "Funds"} �o pro��de for paymen��f amounts due f�r: �a} taxes <br /> a�ad assessmen�s and o�her�tems wh�ch can a�tain pri�rity���r th�s 5ecuri�y Ins�rument as a 1�en or <br /> encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b� ieasehold pa�ments�r graund rents on the Proper��r, if any; �c) premiums <br /> for any and all �nsurance required Y�� I.�nder under Sec�ion 5 y and td} Mor�gage�nsuran�e premiums, �f any, <br /> or any sums payal��e��Barrov�rer�o Lender in lieu af the pa�ment�f Mar�gag�Insurance pr�m�ums �n <br /> accordar�ce v�ith�h�pro�isians of Sec��on �.�. These i�ems are ca�led "Escrov�r I��ms." At or�gina��on or at <br /> any�ime during �he��rm of the Loan, Lender ma�r r�qu�re�ha��ommun��y Assoc�ati�n Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, �f any, be escrowed by Bflrrawer, and such dues, fees and assess�m.en�s shall be an Escra� <br /> ��em. Borrower shall prom�tly furni�h to Lender all notices af amounts�a be pa�d und�r this Sect�o�. <br /> B�rrower shal�pay Lender�he Funds for E�crow �tems un�ess Lender waives Borr�wer's ab�iga�ian tfl pay <br /> the Funds for any ar a�l Escrow �tems. Lender ma�wai�e B�rrower's abiigation to pay�o Lender Funds far <br /> an�or aI� Escraw �tems at any time. Any such wa��er ma�an��be�n wr�ting. �n the e�ent of such waiver, <br /> Borrov�er shal�pay directly, when and where paya��e, �h�amounts due for any Es�row Items for which <br /> paymen�of Funds has b�en waxved by Lender and, if Lender requ�re�, sha11 furnxsh to Lender receipts <br /> �vxdencing such paymen�wi�hin such�ime peri�d as Lender may require. Borrov�rer's ob��ga��on to make <br /> �uch pa�ments and ta pro��de receipts shal� for a��purpos�s be deemed to be a coW�nant and agreement <br /> contained in th�s Secur�fy �nstrumen�, as the phrase "co�enant and agreemen�" is used in Section 9. �f <br /> Borrav5rer is�b�igated t�pa�r Escraw I��ms dir�ctly, pursuan� to a waiver, and Borrvw�r fails ta pay �he <br /> amount due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exer��se i�s righ�s under Sec�ion 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Barr�wer sha��then be o��igated under Sect��n 9�o repa��a Lender any such amaunt. Lend�r ma�revoke <br /> the wai�er as to any or all Escraw Items at any t�me by a notice g��en in accordance with Section �5 and, <br /> upon such re�r�catian, Barrower shal�pay ta I�nder al�Funds, and�n such amounts, �hat ar��hen r�quired <br /> under this Sec�ion 3, <br /> Lender may, a�an��im�, co�lec�and hold Funds in an amount (a} suff�cient��permit L.ender�� apply�a� <br /> Funds at�he��me specified under RESPA, and ��}n��to exceed the maximum amount a I�nder can r�quire <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l est�ma�e�he amount of Funds due on�he basis of current data ar�d reasonab�� <br /> estimates�f expenditures af fu�ure Escrow �t�ms or otherwise in accordance wi�h Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds sha��he he�d in an insti�ut�an whose depas�ts are�nsur�d�y a federal agency, ins�rumen�ali�y, or <br /> enti�y�inc�ud�ng Lender, if Lender�s an�nst��u�ion v�rhose depasi�s are s��nsured} or in any Federai Home <br /> Loan Bank. Lende�shal� apply the Funds�o�ay the E�craw Items no Iater than�he���ne sp�c�f�ed under <br /> RESPA. Ler�der sha1�no�c�arg�Borrower for hold�ng and appiying the Funds, annually analyz�ng the <br /> escrow account, or�rer�fying�h�Escrow ��ems, ur�less Ilender pays Borrower intere�t an�he Funds and <br /> Applica�b�e Lav�pernli�s Lender t�mak�such a�har�e. Un�ess an agr�ement �s made�n wr�ting or <br /> Applxcabxe Law requires interest to be paxd o�a�he Funds, L�nder shall nat be required �o pay Borrov�er any <br /> interes�ar earnings an the Funds. Borr�wer and Lender can agree in writ�ng, hov�rever, �hat interes�sha��be <br /> paxd on�he Funds. Lender shali give�o B�rrawer, wi�hvut charge, an annual accoun�xng of�he Funds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> �f ther� �s a surplus af Funds he�d in escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall accoun�to Barrower for <br /> the excess funds in accordance wi�h RESPA. If�here�s a shor�age of Fun�s held in es�r��, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall notify Borro�ver as requ�r�d b� RESPA, an� Borrower�ha�� pay to Lender�he amaun� <br /> ne�essary to make up �he shor�age�n accordance w�th RESPA, bu�in n�more�han ��manthly payments. if <br /> th�re is a de�ciency af Funds held xn escr�w, as defxned und�r RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFORM 1NSTRUMENT Form 3�28 11d1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE){13��y <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia#5er�ices Page 5 a#�7 <br />