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2� 1 ��5249 <br /> B�RR��VER ��VENANTS �hat Borr�wer�s �awfully se�s�d of the estate h�reby conveyed and has the right to <br /> grant and c�n�ey the Pr�perty and that the Prop�r�y is unencumber�d, e�cep�for encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> B�rr��ver warran�s and wi11 defend genera��y the tit1�to th� Proper�y agazns�ai� claims and demands, sub�ect�o <br /> any�ncumbrances af r�cord. <br /> T��S SECUR�TI� �NSTRUMENT comb�nes uniform c�venants for nationa�use and non-un�form covenan�s v�zth <br /> �imi�ed War�a�ions by jur�sdiction to cons���u��a uniform security instrument covering r�al prap�r�y. <br /> Unifvrm �orrenants. B�rrower and Lender cavenan� and agree as fallo�vs: <br /> 7. Payment of Principal, �ntere�t, Escraw �tems, Prepayment Charges, ar�d Lat� �har�es. Barr�wer <br /> shall pay when du�the pr�n��pal of, and�n�eres�on, �he deb�ev�denced by�he Na�e and an�prepa�rmen� <br /> charg�s and�a�e charges due und�r�h� Not�. Borrawer sha�X aiso pay funds for Escrow I�ems pursuan�to <br /> �ec��on 3. Pa�rmen�s due under�he N'���and this Secur�ty Instrumen�shal�be made in U.S. curr�ncy. <br /> ��wever, if any chec�or ather instrumen�r��eiv�d by Le�der as payment under�he No�e or this Secur��y <br /> �nstrument is returned�o Lender unpaid, L�nd�r may requir�that an�or a�� subsequent payments due under <br /> the Na�e and this Security �nstrument be made in one�r mare of the following forms, a� se�ected by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}money arder; �c} certif�ed check, bank ch�ck, �reasurer's check or cashi�r's check, pra�ided any <br /> such check�s drav�n upon an in�tituti�n whase depasi�s are xn�ured b� a fed�ral agency, instrumen�ati��, �r <br /> en�i�y; or�d� E�e�tranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rec�i�ed by Lender when received at�h��ocat�fln des�gnated in the No�e or a�such <br /> �ther location as may �e d�signated by Lender�n a�cordan�e with�he no��ce pro�is�ons zn Sec��an �5. <br /> Lender ma� re�urn any payment ar partial paymen�xf the paymen�or partial payments ar� �nsuff�c�ent to <br /> bring�he Loan current. Lender may accept any paym�n�or par�xa�payment insufficient ta bring th� Loan <br /> Curren�, w�thaut vc�aiver of any righ�s hereunder ar prejudice ta its r�ghts �o refus�such payment or par�xa� <br /> paymen�s in the fu�ure, bu� Lender�s not o��igated ta apply su�h pa�men�s at th�t�me such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Per�ad�c Payment zs app�zed as of i�s schedu�ed due da�e, �hen Lender ne�d nat pay in�erest <br /> on unapp�ied funds. Lender may h�ld such unapp��ed funds until B�rrawer mak�s payments �o hr�ng the <br /> LQan current. Xf Borro�ver do�s not do s� within a reasonable per�od�f�ime, Lender shal� e�ther apply such <br /> funds or return them to Borrovver. �f not appl�ed earlier, such funds wzx��e appl�ed�o the au�stand�ng <br /> principal balance under the Note�mmediate�y prior to forec�asure. Na offs��or c�aim wh�ch Borrow�r znzgh� <br /> have nov�or�n�he future against Lend�r sha��re���we Borrower fr�m making pa�men�s due under�he N�te <br /> and this Securi�y �nstrumen�or perfoz nung the covenan�s and agreem�n�s secur�d by this Security <br /> �nstrument. <br /> �. App�icati�n of Payments nr Proceeds. �xG�pt as oth�rwise descr�bed �n�h�s Sec��on�, a��pa�men�s <br /> aGcep�ed and applied b�r Lender sha��be app�ied�n the fflllowing ord�r of pr�ori�y: �a} �nt�res�du�und�r the <br /> Note; �b}pr�nc�pa� due under�he No�e; �c} amaun��due under S�ction 3. Such payments shai�be appl�ed to <br /> each Periadic Paymen�in the order in u�hich it�ecame d.u�. Any re�aining amoun�s�hali be app�ied firs��o <br /> la�e charges, secand t� any other amoun�s du�under this Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�, an.d�h�n t�reduc�the <br /> pr�nc�pal ba�ance af th�N�te. <br /> �f Lender r���i�es a payment from Barrower f�r a de�inquen�P�riQdic Paymen�which znG�udes a suff�cient <br /> amaunt tfl pa�any. late charge due, the paym�nt ma�r b�appl�ed to the de�inquen�paymen� and the�ate <br /> charge. �f more than one Periadic Paym�nt is�utstand�ng, L�nder may apply any pa�rnent recez�ved from <br /> Borrower ta th�re�ayment of the Periadic Pa�ments if, an��o�he ext�n�that, �ach payment can be paid �n <br /> full. To the ext�nt that any excess exists after the payment�s appl�ed to the full payment�f�ne or mare <br /> Periodic Paym�n��, such excess may be applied ta any �ate�harge� due. V�Iuntary prepayments shal� b� <br /> applied firs��o any prepaymen�Charges and then as d�scr�bed in�h� Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fann�e Mael�recfdie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�S t�302f <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Services Page 4 ot�7 <br />