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2� 1 ��5249 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrawer sha��pa�r to Lender the amaunt ne�essary to make up the def�ciency in <br /> accardan���vzth RESPA, but in no xnar�than �2 mon�hly payments. <br /> Upon paym�nt in fu11 of a11 sums secured�y�hxs Security �nstrument, L�nder shali prarnp�ly refu�ad to <br /> Borrower any Funds h��d by Lender. <br /> 4, Charges, Liens, Barr�wer sha1�pa�all tax�s, assessmen�s, charg�s, �nes, and impos�tinns a�tributable ta <br /> the Proper�y which can at�a�n priorit��v�r�his S�cur�ty �nstrumen�, leasehold payrnents or ground rents�n <br /> �he Pr�per�y, if any, and�om�munity Associa��on Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, if any. Tn �he e�tent tha� <br /> �hese�t�ms are Escrow �tems, Borrow�r shall pay then��n the manner provided in�ection 3. <br /> Barrower shall promptl�discharge an�lien u�hich has priori�y over this Se�ur�ty �nstrument un�ess <br /> Borrov�rer: �a} agre�s in writing�a the payment of th�obligation se�ur�d by the lien�n a manner ac�ep�able <br /> to Lend�r, but an�y so long as Borro�er xs perfarming such agreemen�; �b} can�es�s the l�en zn good faith b�, <br /> or defends agaxnst enforc�men�of�he�i�n�n, legal proceedings u�hich in L�nder's op�nion opera�e t�pr��ent <br /> �he enfor�emen�of the�ien v�hi�e th�s�pr�ceedzngs are pending, bu�oniy unti� such proGeedings ar� <br /> conclud�d; or�c} secures fr�m�he ha�der of�he�zen an agreement satisfac�ary ta Lender subordina�ing�he <br /> lien to this Security �nstrument. �f Lender d�termznes that any par�of�he Pr�perty is sub�ect�o a lien�vh�ch <br /> can at�ain priarity o�er this Secur��� Instrumer��, L�nder rnay g�v�e Borr�wer a no�ic�iden�ifying the��en. <br /> yVith�n ��days of the date on which tha�natice is giv�n, Borro�v�r sha�X sa��sfy�he��en or�ake one or more <br /> of the act�ons set for�h abnve in triis �ect�nn 4. <br /> Lender may requxre Bnrrow�r to pay a one-t�me charge f�r a real es�ate�ax verificatian andlar repor�ing <br /> service used b�r Lender xn c�nne��ian�i�h th�s Laan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower sha11 keep the improvemen�s naw existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Praperty �nsured against loss by f�r�, hazards included v�i�hin the term "extended cov�rage," and any o�h�r <br /> hazards includ�ng, but not�imi�ed ta, ear�hquakes and floods, far wh�ch L�nd�r requir�s insurance. This <br /> insurance sha��be ma�n�a�ned�n the amaunts ��nc�uding deduc�ib�e le�els} and for the periods that Lender <br /> r��u�r�s. ����L�n�der r�quzr�s p�.rsu�.� �o �h�pr���d���s��.t��.��s ��.+�ha.�g����rirag th����of�he �,��.a <br /> Th�insurance carrier providing the xnsura�c�shal� be chosen b��3flrrower su��ect�o L�nder's r�gh� to <br /> disappro��Borrav�er's choice, which r�ght sha��n��be ex�rcised unr�asonab�y. Lender may require <br /> B�rr�wer�o pay, in conn�cti�n with this L�an, ��th�r: �a} a�ne��ime charge f�r fla�d z�n�deter�ninatz�n, <br /> certi�cati�n and track�n� services; or�b} a one-�ime charge f�r f��ad zone determina�i�n and c�r��f�cat�on <br /> services a�d subsequent charges each�ime remappings or s�m�lar chang�s oc�ur wh�ch reasanab�y m�g�� <br /> affec�such deter�minatian or cer��f�cation. Borr�wer shall al�a be resp�ns��le f�r�he pa�men��f an� fee� <br /> impased by��e Federa� Emergenc�Management Agency�n cannecti�n with the revievv af any f�oad zone <br /> de�erminat�on resu���ng frarn an obj�ct�an by B�rrawer. <br /> �f B�rrower fa��s��ma�n�ain an�of�he cov�rages descr�b�d above, L�nder may ob�ain insurance c�v�rage, <br /> a�Lender's op�ion and B�rrower's expense. Lender is und�r na ob�igat��n t�pur�hase any par���u�ar�ype ar <br /> amoun�af coverage. Ther�fore, such c�verage shal� cover L�nd�r, but mugh�t ar m�.gh�nat protect Borrower, <br /> B�rrawer's equi�y in�he Pr�perty, or�he c�ntents af the Proper�y, agains�any risk, hazard�r X�abi�i�y and <br /> might provide greater or Iesser co�era�e than v�as prev��usly ir�effect. Barrovver acknawledges�hat�he c�st <br /> of th�insurance c��rerage sa obta�ned mzght s�gnifzcantly exceed the cos�of insurance that Barra�er�ould <br /> ha�e o��ained. Any amounts disbursed by L�nder under�his Sec�ian S sha��become addi�ional de�t af <br /> Barrow�r se�ured by th�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�. Thes�amounts sha���ear in�eres�a��he Note ra�e from the <br /> date of dishursement and shall be payab�e, vv�th such xnterest, up�n no�ice fram L�nder to Borro�er <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gfe�amily-Fannie MaelFrec€die Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT F�rs�r�3028 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NE�(1��2y <br /> Wafters Kluwer Finar�cial Services Page fi of 1 7' <br />