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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> Any application of pa�m�nts, insurance pr�c�eds, o��I��ce�IaneQus Pro�eeds to�rincipal due under the �I��e <br /> shall n�t ext�nd or postpan��he due da�e, �r change�he amoun�, of the Period�c Pa�rx�ents. <br /> 3. Funds for�scrow Items. Borro�er sha�i pay ta L,ender on�he day Periodic Pa��ents are due under�h� <br /> N�te, unt�1 th�Note is pa�d �n full, a sum��he "Funds"} to pr��rid�for paym�n�of a�noun�s due for: �a� taxes <br /> and assessmen�s and other items�rhi�h Can a�tain priority o�er this Securi�y Instrumen�as a Iien or <br /> encum�rance on the Propert�; (b} leasehoid paymen�s or ground rents on the Proper�y, if any; �c�premiums <br /> for any and all insuran��requ�red by L.ender under Section 5; and �d} Mor�gage �nsurance premiums, if an�, <br /> or any sums pa�abl�b�r Barr�wer t�o Lender in Iieu tif the paymen�of Nlor�gage �nsurance pr�muum�s �n <br /> accordanc�w�th the pro�isians of S�c�i�n �a. These items are�ai�ed "Escro� Items." At orig�na�ion or a� <br /> any��me during�he term of�he L.�an, Lender may require tha��ommun�t�Associat�on Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if an�, be es�rovv�d by Borrower, an�such dues, fees and assessments shall be an Escrow <br /> ��em. BorrQwer sha�i promp�ly furnish to L�nd�r all not�ces of amounts �a b�paid under th�s Se�tzon. <br /> Barro�rer shail pa� L�nder th�Fund� for Escrow Items unless Len�er wa�ves Barrav�rer's obligation ta pa� <br /> �he Funds for any flr a�� Escrow ��ems. Lender ma�wa�ve Borrawer's obliga��on to pay to Lender Funds f�r <br /> any or all Escro� I�ems a� any t�m�. Any suCh v�aiver may only be�n writin�. �n the e�ren�of such vva�ver, <br /> Borrower shall pa�directly, when and where payable, the amoun�s due far an�Es�row �tems for wh�ch <br /> paym�nt of Funds has been wai�ed b� Lend�r and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lend�r r�ceip�s <br /> evidencing suc��pa�ment v�►r��hin such t�me per�od as Lender may r�quire. Borrower's abliga�ion�o mai�e <br /> such paymen�s a��d�o prfl�ide re�eip�s sha�l for a�l purpo�es be deem�d�a be a ca�enant and a�reement <br /> �on�ained in�h�s Securi�y Ins�rum�n�, as th�phrase "covenant and agre�men�" is used in Section 9. �f <br /> Bnrr�wer is obliga�ed�o pay Escrov�r It�ms directly, pursuant�o a v�aiver, and Borrower fai�� t�pay�he <br /> amaunt due far an Escrow �tem, Lender may exercis�its rights under Sec�Xon 9 and pay such an�ount and <br /> Borrovver sha�l th�n be flb�i�a��d under Sec��nn 9 �o repay�o Lender any such amoun�. Lender may re�oke <br /> the wa��Ter as ta an�ar a�� �scravv Items a� any�i�rne by a no�ice��ven in accordance vvith Section �S and, <br /> upon�uch re�ocat�on, Barrower shal� pay �o Lender a�l Funds, and in such amoun�s, tha� are�hen required <br /> under�his Sect�on 3. <br /> Lender ma}�, at an����ne, cal�ect and hold Funds �n an amoun� �a} suf�icien��o p�rmit Lender to app��the <br /> Funds at�he t�me spe�ified under RESPA, and (b} not tn ex�eed�he ma�imum amoun�a lender can require <br /> under R.�SPA. Lender shall es�imate�he amount�f Funds due on�he basis of current da�a and rea��na�Ie <br /> es�ima�es of�xpenditures of futur��scrow ��ems�r otherwise in acGarda�ce v��th Appl�cab�e Lav�. <br /> Th��unds shall be heid in an ins��tu�ion whose dep�s�ts are insured�y a fed�ral agenc�, instrumental�t�, ar <br /> en��t� �in��ud�n� Lender, �f Lender is an ins�itu��an whose depos�ts are so insured} or�n any �edera� Home <br /> Loan Ban�. I..�;nder shal�apply�h�Funds to pay the Es�raw It�ms no later�han the t�me specif�ed under <br /> RESPA. Lender sha��nat charge Borrower for hold�n� and applying th�Funds, annua�I� ana�yzing the <br /> escrow account, or verifyin��he Escrow I�ems, uni�ss L�nder pays Borr�wer in�eres�on�he Funds and <br /> App�icab��Law permits Lender���nake such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in wr��ing or <br /> App�icable Law requires �nterest�o be paid on the Funds, L.�nder sha��not be required to pa}� B�rrov�er an� <br /> �nterest or earning�on the Funds. Borrawer and Lender can agree �n writ�ng, hav�e�er, �ha�interes�sha�l�e <br /> pa�d on the Funds. I.�nder shall give�� Borro�er, vvi�haut charge, an annua� accoun�ing of the Funds as <br /> required�y R�SFA. <br /> If there�s a surplus of Funds heid in escrow, as d�f�n�d under RESPA, Lender shall account t� Borrower for <br /> the e�.cess funds in aG�ordance wi�h RESPA. If�her� is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender shai� not�fy Borrower as re�uir�d by RESPA, and Borro�ver sha�1 pay to Lender the amoun� <br /> necessar� �o rnake up �he shortage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than �2 m�nthl�paymen�s. �f <br /> there �s a def�c�en�y af Funds h��d in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�l no�ify Borrow�r as <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-Fanrtie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM�NSTRUM�NT Forrn 3�28 i 10� <br /> VMP[a] VMPfi�N�)t130Z3 <br /> Wolters K[t�wer�inanciat Ser�ices Page 5 of�7 <br />