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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> B�RR4W�R C�VENANTS that Barrower �s�awfull� seised�f�he es�a�e her�by can�ey�d a.�ad has the right�o <br /> grant and convey the Pr�p�r�y and that�h�Pr�perty is unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrotiver warrants and wi�I defend genera��y the tit�e to the Prapert�aga�nst all claims and demands, subjeGt ta <br /> an�r encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S 5E�UR�TY �NSTRUN�ENT combines unzfarm�o�enant� for nat�onal use and non-un�f�rm co�enan�s with <br /> limited varia�i�ns by jurisdicti�n�o c�ns�itute a un�f�rm security ins�rument co�ering real property. <br /> Uniform Co�enants. Borrow�r and L�nder co�enant and agree as fal�avvs: <br /> �. Payment vf Principal� I1']t�'1'e'St, Escro►rv Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late �harges, Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the princ�pa� af, and in�erest on, �he deb�evidenc�d by the No�e and any prepayment <br /> charges and �ate Charges due under the Note. Borrower�ha�l also pay funds f�r Es�raw �tems pursuant ta <br /> Secti�n 3. Payments due und�r the Na�e and th�s Security �nstrument s�aa��be made in U.S. currenc�r. <br /> However, if any �heck�r other instrume�at rece��ed b�r Lender as payrnent under the No�e�r this Security <br /> �ns�rument is returned�o Lender unpa�d, Lender may require�hat any or alI subsequen�payments due under <br /> th�No�e and�h�s��curity Instrument b�made in one or more of�he fall�wing farms, as se��cted by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} mon�y order; �c} c�rtzfied check, bank�h�ck, treasurer's check ar cashi�r's che�k, provided any <br /> �uch�h�ck is drawn upon an�nsti�u�ian whose depns�ts are insur�d b� a federal agen�y, instrurnenta���y, or <br /> �nt�ty; �r�d} �l�ctron�� Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are��emed received by L�nder�vh�n recei�ed a��he locat��n des�gnat�d�n the Note�r at such <br /> other lo�at�on as may be designated by L�nd�r in a�cordanc�w�th�he notice prov�s�ons in Sec��an �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment ar partia� payment if�he paymen�ar par�ial pa�ments are insuff����nt�n <br /> bring th� Loan curr�n�. Lender may accept any paym�n�or partia� payment insufficient to bring the Loan <br /> �urrent, w�thau� waiver flf any rights hereunder or pre�ud�c�tQ its rights to refuse such payment or partia� <br /> payments �n�he future, but Lender is not obligated �a app�y such payments a�the time such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Per�odic Payment �s applied as af its �eh�du�ed due date, th�n Lender need no�pay interest <br /> on unappi�ed funds. L�nder may ho�d such unappli�d funds un�il Barro�ver mak�s paymen�s��br�n��he <br /> Laan curr�nt. �f Borrower�o�s nat do so tiv�thin a reasonable p�riod of��me, Lend�r sha�� e��her apply such <br /> funds ar r�turn them t� Borrower. If nat app��ed ear��er, such funds wi�l be appli�d ta�he autstand�ng <br /> pr�ncipal balance under�h� �Cate immed�a�e�y pr�or to forec�osure. Na affset ar c�aim which Borr�wer m�ght <br /> have now or in the future against L�n�er�hall relie�e Borra�ver from making payments du�under the Nate <br /> and�h�s Securi�y �nstrument or perf�rm�ng the covenan�s an� a�reemen�s secured�y�h�s Se�ur�t� <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. Applicat�on of Payments vr Prviceeds. Except as o�h�r�vise des�rib�d �n this Sec�ion�, a�l paym.�nts <br /> a���pted and appl�ed by Lend�r s�all be appiied in�he fol�ou��ng ord�r of pr�or�ty: �a} in��rest due und�r the <br /> N�te; �b} pr�ncipal du�und�r�h��a�e; �c} am�un�s due under Section 3. Such pa�rm�n�s shall be appiied to <br /> �ach Per�od�c Payment in the order�n wh�ch it became due. Any r�ma�ning amounts sha�� �e appl�ed first to <br /> lat�charg�s, second�o any o�her amounts due und�r this Se�uri�y �nstrumen�, and then to redu��the <br /> pr�ncipai balance of�he Not�. <br /> �f Lender r�ceives a payment from B�rrower for a de��nquent Periadic Payment�hich includes a sufficient <br /> amoun���pay any late charge due, the payment may be app�ied to the delinquen�payment and�he�a�e <br /> charge, If more than one Periodi� Payment �s outstand�ng, Lender m.ay apply any payment received fram <br /> Borrower to the r�pa�ment of th�Periadic Payxn�nts �f, and�fl �he exten��hat, each payment can be pa�d in <br /> fu��. Tn the ext�nt tha�any excess exis�s after the paymen� �� applied to the fu��payment of ane�r mare <br /> P�r��dz� �'�.y�rn�nts, �u�h excess may be applied t�any Iate charges due. Voluntary prepa�ments shal�be <br /> applied first to any prepaym�nt charges and then as described�n�he Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie�amily-Fannie Ma�l�reddie Mae UNEFQRM 1NSTRUM�NT Forrn 3a28�1�� <br /> VMP� VMP54NE��130Z} <br /> WoIters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ic�s Page 4 0�17 <br />