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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> r�qu�r�d by RESPA, and Barrower shal�pay to Lender the amount n�cessary to make up the def�ciency in <br />_ a�cordance w�th RESPA, bu� �n no more than �2 monthly paymen�s. <br /> Upon paym�nt �n fu�� of al� sums secured by�h�s S��urity �nstrument, Lend�r sha�l prompt�y refund to <br /> Barrower an� Funds�.��d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges, L�ens. Borrower shall pay a��taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable to <br /> �he Prop�rty wh�ch can at�a�n pr�or��y flver�h�s Secur�t� Instrumen�, leaseh�Id payments or ground r�n�s �n <br /> �h� Prop�r�y, if any, and �om.muni�y AssQc�ation I3ues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To the extent that <br /> �he�e i�em� are Escraw Iterns, Borrower sha�i pay them in�he manner pro�ided �n S�c�ion 3. <br /> Borrawer shai�grompt�y discharge any lien which has priority a�er�his Securi�y�ns�rument uniess <br /> B�rrower: �a} agrees �n wr���ng to the pa�ment of the o�ligatian secured by the�ien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lenc��r, but onl� so Iong as Borrow�r�s p�rform�ng such agr��ment; �b} can�ests the�i�n in good fa�th by, <br /> �r defends against enforcemen�af the lien in, tegal proceed�ngs which �n Lender's opinion op�ra�e�o prevent <br /> th�enf�r��men�of the��en whiie�ho��proc�eding� are pend�ng, bu�an�y un��� such proce�d�ngs are <br /> cnnC�uded; ar�c} seCure� fr�m�he hn�der af the�ien an agre�m�nt sa��sfac�ary to Lender subordinating �he <br /> l�en to this Se�urity �n�trument. �f Lend�r det�r�m�n�s that any par�of th� Praperty is subject ta a�ien whi�h <br /> can attain priori�y over�his Security �nstrurr��n�, Lender may give Barrow�r a not�ce identifying the��en. <br /> �Vithin 1 Q days of the date an whi�h that no�ice is gi�en, Barrow�r shal� sat�sfy th����n or�ake�ne ar mor� <br /> of the actions se�farth abov� in this Sect�on 4. <br /> Lender may require Borr�wer to pay a ane-t�me Char��for a rea� estat�tax verif�cation andlor report�ng <br /> �erv�ce used by L�nder in c�nnect�fln w�th this Lflan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. B�rrower sha�l keep the impr��ements naw existing or hereafter erecte� fln the <br /> Property insured aga�nst l�ss by fir�, hazards included wi�h�n�he term "extended caverage," and any oth�r <br /> hazards in�Iuding, bu�nnt i�mited �a, earthquak�s and floods, for�vh��h Le�.�er r�qu�res �nsurance. Th�s <br /> insurance shal� be ma�n�a�n�d �n the amaunts ��nc�u�iing deduc��ble le�els} and for th�per�ods that Lender <br /> re�u�res. VVha� Lender r��uir�s pursuant ta �he prec�d�ng sen�ences can change during the��rm af th�Laan, <br /> The insurance carrier praviding the insuran�e shall be�hasen by Bnrrower subj��t �n Lender's right t� <br /> disapprove BorroVver's choice, ��rhich r��ht sha�l nat be exerc�sed unreasanab�y. Lender may re�u�re <br /> Borrow�r ta pay, in�onnecti�n v�i�h �his Loan, either: (a} a an�-��me charge far��ood zane d�t�rm�na�ion, <br /> cert�f icat�on and tracking services; or�b} a one-tim�charge for flaod zane determinatian and cer�i�icatian <br /> serv��es ar�d subsequen�charg�s each time remapp�ngs or similar changes �ccur v�hich reasanably migh� <br /> affec�such d�t�rminat�an or cert����ation. Borrower shal� �iso be r�sponsi�Ie far the payment of any fees <br /> imposed by �h� F�deral Emergency Ma�agemen�Agency �n connect�nn with the re�ie�v of any �1ood zone <br /> d��ermination re�uiting frnm an abject�on by B�rrow�r. <br /> �f Borrower fails to maintain any of�h��overages described aba�e, Lender may ob�ain insurance co�erage, <br /> a� Lender's apt�on and Barr�wer's expense. Lender is under na ob�igatian to purchase any particular�yp�or <br /> amount of coverage. Therefore, such cov�rage sha�� caver Lender, but might or m�ght nnt protect Borrower, <br /> Borraw�r's equity in�he Prflperty, or th�e�nten�s af�he Prop�r�y, against any rzsk, hazard or��ab���ty and <br /> might pravzde greater�r le�ser coverage�han was previ�usly in effect. Borrawer acknawle�ges that �he cos� <br /> of the insurance caverage s� obta�ned might s�gnif�can�ly�xceed the cast of insurance that Barro�ver cauld <br /> ha�e obtained. Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sec�ian S �hall �ecame add�t�ona� deb�af <br /> Bnrrower s�cured b��his Security�ns�rument. These amount� sha��bear�n�ere�t at the N�te rate from th� <br /> dat�af disbursemen� and shall be pa�able, with such interes�, upon not�ce fromE Lender ta B�rrawer <br /> reques�in�pa�ment. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sing1��amily-Fannie MaelFreddi�Ma�UNl��RM INSTRUMENT Form 302$1101 <br /> VMP� VMPF�N�}t�302� <br /> Wolter�Kluwer Finan�ial S�r�ic�s Page fi of 17 <br />
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