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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> sentences sha�l not apply t�th��resence, use, or st�rage on the Froper�y of smali quan�it�es of Hazardous <br /> Substan��s that are g�neraily recogniaed �o be apprapria�e to norma� resid�ntia� uses and to ma�ntenan�e of <br /> ��e Property ��nc�ud�ng, bu�not iim�ted t�, hazardous su�stanc�� in consum�r produ�ts}. <br /> Barrawer shall prom.ptl� giv� Lender v�ritten notic�of�a} any in�estigati�n, claim, demand, �awsu�t or oth�r <br /> ac�ion by any go�ernmental or regulatory agen�y or priva�e par�y inval��ng the Pr�perty and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or En�ironmental Law of which Borro�ver has actua� kno�v�edge, �b} any Environm�ntai <br /> Candi�i�n, in�:lud�ng but nat limited t�, an�spi�lin�, leaking, d�schar�e, re�eas�or�hreat af r�lease�f any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and �c} any cond�t�on caused by the presenc�, use or re�ease of a�azardaus�ubs�ance <br /> wh�ch adversely affec�s �h�value af th� Property. �f Borrawer��arns, or zs na�ified by an� g�v�rnmenta� ar <br /> regu�a�o�-�r au�hor�ty, or any pr��a�e party, tha�any r�mo�al ar other remediat�on of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affect�ng the Property �s neces�ary, Borrower sha�I prompt�y�ake al� ne��ssary remed�al ac��ons in <br /> a��ardance with En�iranmen�al Law. Nath�ng herexn sha��cr�ate an� �b�zgatiQn�n Lender far an <br /> Env�ronmen�a� ���anup. <br /> Non-Uniform ���enants. Borrow�r and L�nder co�enan� an� agree as f�l��w�: <br /> ��. Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender shall give no�ice to Borroti�v�r pr�or�a acce�era��on fo��owing <br /> Borro�ver's hreach nf any co�enant or agreement�n this Secur��y Instrum.en� �but n��prior to <br /> accelera�ian under Sec�ion 18 un�ess Appl�cable�aw pra��des o�herw�se�. The notice shall spe�ify: �a} <br /> �he default; �b} �he ac��on required to cure�he defau�t; 4c� a date, nnt�ess than 3�days from�he da�e <br /> �he nv�ice�s g�ven �o Barrawer, by wh��ch�he deFaul�rnus�be cured; and �d� that fa�lure�o cur��he <br /> defau�� on Qr�efore�he da�e spe��f�ed in�he noti�e may resul��n��ce�era��on of the suxns s�cured by <br /> �h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� and sal�of the Fraper�y. The not�ce sha�� fur�her�nform Bvrrower of the <br /> r�gh�t�reinstatie af�er a�Cel�ra��on and the r�gh� �o br�ng a court ac��on to assert the non-exis�ence of a <br /> defau���r any o�her defense of Barrflw�r to acGelera�i�n and sa�e. If�he default is no�cured an or <br /> befn�e�he date�p�cif�ed�n �he notice, Lender at ���aptivn�may require imme�iate payment �n fu�� of <br /> a��sum�s secured by �h�s 5ecur�ty Instrurnent w�thau� further demand and may invoke�he po�ver af sale <br /> and any o�her remed�es permit�ed by App�icab�e La�v. L�nder sha�i be en�itled�o colZect a�� expenses <br /> �n�urred in pursuing the remedies provid�d in th�s Section�2, inc�uc�ing, bu�no� ��mi�ed to, re�sonab�e <br /> attorneys' fees and �osts of�it�e evidence. <br /> If�he po��er of�a���s�nvoked, Trus�ee�ha�� r�card a na�iee of defau�� in each co��nty�n wh�ch any <br /> par� of the Property is�oca�ec��nd shall mail copies of such no�ice in�he manner prescribed by <br /> .r�pp�ic�b�e Law�o Borro��ver and�o�he o�her persons prescribed by App��cab�e Law. Af�er�he t�me <br /> required�y Applicable Lativ, Trus�ee shall give pub��c no���e of salQ tv �he persons and in �he manner <br /> prescribec� by Appl�cable Law. Trustee, �vithou� demand on Borrower, sha�� sei��he Proper�y at pub�ic <br /> auct�on to �he high�s� b�dder a�the��me and pZace and under the�erms des�gnated in�he no��ce of sa�e <br /> in one or more parcels and �n any arder Trus�ee de�ermines. Trus�ee may pos�pane sa�e of all or any <br /> parce� of�he Proper�y by public announcemen�a� �he��me and p�a�e af any prev�flusly 5cheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender ar i�s design�e may purChase�he Pr�perty a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip�af paymen� of the pr��e b�d, Trustee shali �e��ver to the purchaser Trustee's de�d <br /> con�ey�ng the Proper�y. The recita�s in the Trustee`s deec�shall �e prima facie evid�ncQ af�he tru��of <br /> �he s�atements nr�ade therein. Trustee sha��app�y the proce�ds vf�h�sa�e�n�h�f���owing ar�er; €a) �o <br /> a�l cos�s and expens�s of exer��sing�he power of sa��, and the sale, �nc�ud�ng the paymen�of the <br /> Trus��e's fe�s a�tua��y�ncurr�d and reas�nab�e attarneys' fees as perm�tted by Applica��e Law; �b} xo <br /> a���ums�eCured by th�s Secur��y In��rumen�; an� �c} any excess�a�he person or persons�ega��y <br /> en����ed�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingI�Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM 1N5TRUMENT �orm 3�Z8 11D1 <br /> VMP`] VMPfifNE�t73DZ� <br /> WoEters K�uwer Financial Ser�ices Page i 4 of 17 <br />