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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> �3. Recvnveyance. L�pon payment of a�� sums secured by th�s S�curity �ns�rumen�, Lender sha�� reques� <br /> Trustee to recan�e�r the Prap�r�y and shall surrender th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� and a�� notes e�id�ncing debt <br /> secured b�this Security �nstrumen��o Truste�. Trustee sha�� re�onvey the Prop�r�y wi�hout�varranty to the <br /> person�r persans lega�iy en�itled�o i�. Such person�r pers�ns shai�pay any rec�rdation costs. Lender may <br /> charge such person or persons a fee for recon�e�ing the Praper�y, but on�y if�he fee �s paid to a�hird party <br /> �such as th�Trustee} for ser�rices rendered and th�char�ing of the fee zs perm����d und�r App�zca�bie Law. <br /> 24. Substitute Trustee. Lend�r, at��s op��on, may from�ime�� time remove Tru�tee and appoint a suc��ssor <br /> trust�e to any Trus�ee appointed her�u�nd�r by an instrument r��orded in the county in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recarded. V�i�h�u�c�n�e}�ance of�he Property, �he successor�rus�ee shal� succeed �o aii the <br /> t�t�e, power and du�i�s conferred up�n Trustee herein and by Ap��icab�e Lavc�. <br /> �5. Request fvr Notices. �orr�wer requests that copies of�he natice of d�fau�t and sa�e be sen��o Barro�er's <br /> address v�hich is th�Prop�rty Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�anr��e MaelFreddie Mac UN��QRM INSTRUM�NT �drm 3028 114� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�}t1342} <br /> VIIO�I@f5 KILIW�f�i�}�T10E�I S�TVICOS Page�a a�17 <br />