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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> �n�he Property and rights under�h�� Secur�t�r �nstrument; and �d� �a�es su�h act�on as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure�ha�L�nder's �n�er�st in�he Prop�r�y and rig�a�s under this Security Instrumen�, <br /> and Borrower's obliga�ion to pay the sums secur�d�y this Securi�y Instrument, shal�cont�nue un�hang�d. <br /> Lender may require that Borrower pay�uch reins�aternent sums and exp�nses �n nne or more of th�f�ilowing <br /> forms, as sel�cted b� Lender: �a}cash; �b} mkoney or�er; �c�certif�ed check, bank ch�ck, �reasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, pra�ided ar��such check is drawn upon an ins�itu�ion v�hose depo�i�s are insured by a <br /> federal agenc�, �nstrumen�ali�y nr enti�y; or�d} E�ectronic Funds Transf�r. Upon reins�at�ment by Borr�wer, <br /> this Secur�ty �nstrumen�and obliga�ions secur�d hereby shall ren�a�n fu�l�effect�ve as �f no aGcel�ration had <br /> occurr��. H�w��er, this r�gh�to reins�a�e shal�nnt apply in�he�ase of acceleratian under Seet�an �8. <br /> �4. Sa[e �f Note: Change vf Laan Service�; Notic� of Gr�e�ance. The Not�or a par�ial in�erest in the <br /> N�te �together with�h�s Securit� Instrument} can be sold one or nZflre�imes w��hou�pri�r n�tice ta <br /> Borr�v�►ler. A sale m�ght result�n a chan�e in the en�i�y �known as the "Loan �`ervicer"� that collects P�ri�d�� <br /> Pa�ments due under the Nate and this Secur�ty �nstrument and performs other mor�gage loan servicing <br /> ohl�gat�ons under�he Note, this Security Ins�rum�nt, and App�ica�le Lavv. There als� might b�one ar more <br /> changes of�he Loan Serv�cer unrelate�to a sale of the Note. �f�here is a change�f�he L,aan Servicer, <br /> Borrower v��l�be gi�en v�rrit�en notice�f�he change vvhich v��l� s�ate the nam�and address of the new Loan <br /> S�rv�cer, the address�o which paymen�s should�e made and any o�her informa�ion RESPA re�uir�s �n <br /> �onnec�ion w��h a notice of transfer of s�r�ricing. �f�he Nate is so�d and thereafter�he Loan is s�r�iced by a <br /> Loan Ser��cer other�han�h�purchaser�f the Note, �he mor�gag��oan servic�ng ob�igatians�o Barra�er v�i�I <br /> rema�n with the I,oan Servicer flr be�ransferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and ar�not as�umed b�the <br /> Note purchaser unless fl�h�r��se provid�d by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Bflrrawer nor Lender ma��commenc�,�o�n, or b����n�d to an��udic�a� act��n�as either an <br /> indi�idua� �itigant or the member of a class} �hat arises from�he other party's ac�ions pursuant�o th�s <br /> Security Instrumen��r�hat alleges tha�the oth�r party has breached any provision of, or any duty awed b�r <br /> r�ason of, th�s Security Ins�rumen�, until such Borro�ver ar Lender has notified the o�h�r part� �with such <br /> notice gi�en in comp��an�e vWith�he requir�ments of Sect�on �5� af su�h alleged�reach and aff�rded�he <br /> o�her party hereto a r�asonable period af��r the�i�ring�f such notice tfl take c�rrect�ve actian. �f'Applicable <br /> La��u pravide� a�ime p�r�od u�hich must elaps�b�fore cer�ain a��ion can be�a�en, that��rne period ��ill b� <br /> deemed to��reasonable for purposes of this para�raph. The n�tice of acc��eratian and opportuni�y to cure <br /> g��en�a Borrower pursuant to Sec��on 22 and the not�ce o�acceleration�i�en to Barr�wer pursuan�ta <br /> Section 1 S sha�l be deem.�d ta sa��sfy�he natice and oppor�unity ta�ake correc�i�e act�on pr�v�sions of this <br /> Sectian 2a. <br /> �'1. I�-�aiardous Substances. As used in this Se�tion 21: �a} "�a�ard�us Substa��ces"are those subs�ances <br /> de�ned as�axic or ha2ardous substances, poi�utants, or wastes b� �nvironmenta� Law and the foll�wing <br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, o�he�r flammab�e�r toxic petroleum products, �ax�c pesticides and herh�czdes, <br /> ��lat��e so�v�nts, mater�al�containing asbes�fls or forma�d�hyde, and radioa�t��e materials; �b} <br /> "E��v�r on��ze�x�a�I.�vv"means federal lav�s and la�s af�he jur��d�ction where�he Proper�y �s �aca��d tha� <br /> relate to hea�th, safety or envirfln�men�a�protect�an; �c� "�nvirnnjnet���r �'Zec�j���p" �nc�udes any response <br /> actian, remed�al action, or removal action, as de�ned in En�vironmentai Law; and �d} an "Envir�ny�xer�t�� <br /> Cor�dition"means a Gondi�ion�hat can cause, con�r�bu���o, or��herv�rise trigger an Environmental �leanup. <br /> Borrov�er sha11 not cause or pernut the presence, use, disposal, storage, ar r��ease�f any �azardous <br /> Substances, or thr�a�en to release an� Hazardous Substances, on or in the Prop��ty. Borrower shal� no�do, <br /> nor a��aw an�rone e�se ta do, anything affec�ing�he Pr�pert� �a} that is in violation of an�r En��ronmen�ai � <br /> Law, ��} which creates an En�ironmenta� Conditi�n, or��} which, �u�to�he presen�e, use, or r�iease of a <br /> Hazardaus Substance, creates a cond���on tha� adWerse�y affec�s the�alue flf the Property. The preceding �v�ro <br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngle��mi1y-�annie MaelFr�ddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 i 1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�N��t1302� <br /> Wo�iers K�uwer�ir�anc+al 5er�ices Page 13 af 17 <br />