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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> A�� insurance po��cies required b� Lender and ren��vais af such policies shall be subject�a L.ender's r�ght�fl <br /> d�sapprove such pol�c�es, sha�l include a s�andard mortgage c�ause, and shall name Lender as mar��agee <br /> andlor as an add���onal �oss payee. L.�;nder shall ha�e�he righ�t�hold�he poI ic�es and renewal cer�ificates. �f <br /> Lender requires, B�rraw�r shall promptly give to L�nder a�l re���pts of paid premiu�ms and renevva� not�ces. <br /> If B�rrawer flb�ains an� forn�of insurance Go�erage, not otherwise required�y Lender, for damage to, �r <br /> des�ruct�on flf, th�Property, such poli�y shal� inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause a�d shall na�m.e Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as a�r�addi�ional �nss payee. <br /> �n�he even�af loss, B�rrower shall give prornpt no�ice ta the insurance�arr�er and Lender. Lender ma� <br /> make proof of�oss �f not made promp�l�by Borrovver. �Cl�n�ess Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree in <br /> writing, an� insurance pro�eeds, whether or no��he ur�derlying insurance v�as required�� Lender, s�aai� be <br /> applied to restoration�r repa�r of fhe Pr�per�y, if the restoration or repa�r�s economicall}� feasi�le and <br /> Lender's security i�not�essened. Durin� such repair and r�storation period, Lender shal�have the right to <br /> ha�d such �nsurance pr��eeds until I.�ender has had an opp�r�unity�o inspe��such Property to ensure�he <br /> work has�een campleted to Lender's satisfac�ion, provided�hat such inspe��i�n shall be under�aken <br /> promp�ly. I.�nder may disburse proceeds for the repairs and res�orati�n in a singie payment or in a seri�s of <br /> progress pa�ments as the vvork�s camplet�d. Uniess an a�reement is made in vvr�ting or Applicable Law <br /> requires in�eres�to be paid on such �nsurance proc��ds, Lender shall nat be required�a pay Barrower an� <br /> in�erest�r earnin�s on such proceeds, Fees f�r pubiic adjusters, or ather third parties, re�ained by �orrower <br /> shall no�be paid out of the insurance praceeds and shal� be th� sole obli�a�ion of B�rrower, If�he restoration <br /> or repair is no�e�onomi�ally feas�b�e�r Lender's security would be��ssened, the insurance pro�eeds shall be <br /> app�i�d to the sums se�ured b�this Secur�ty �nstrum�nt, whether or no��hen due, with the excess, if an�, <br /> paid to BorrovUer. Such insurance pr�ceeds sha��be app�ie�i in the order pro�ided for in Section 2. <br /> �f Borr�vver abandans the Property, Lender ma� f�l�, negotiat�and sett�e any avaiiab�e insurance cla�m and <br /> rela�ed matters. If B�rrawer does not respond��vithin 3a days to a no�ice from L�nder tha�the insuran�e <br /> carr�er has offered ta sett�e a claim, then Lender ma� ne�o��ate and se��le t�ae cla�m. The 3�-da�period�.�i�l <br /> beg�n wh�n the n�tice�s �i��n. In either even�, or if Lender acquires t��e Property under Secti�n 22 or <br /> o�herwise, Borrov��er h�r�by ass�gns t� Lender. �a} Borrower's r�ghts to any il�surance proceeds in an amoun� <br /> not to exce�d the amounts unpa�d under the I�o�e or�his Secur��� Instrument, and �b� an�nth�r of <br /> Borrovver's righ�s �other���an the ri�h� to an� refund�f unearn�d premiums paid b� Barrower} und�r a�i <br /> insurance po��cies c�vering�h�Proper�y, insofar as such rights are appl�cable�o the c�verage of�he <br /> Property. Lend�r ma�use the�nsurance proceeds eith�r to repair�r res�ore the Property or�o pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the Not�or�his Secur��� Ins�rument, w�ether or not then due. <br /> �. Occupancy. Barrower sha�i occup�, esta�blish, and use th�Praper�� as Borrower's principal residen�e <br /> w�thin 6D days after the execu��on of this S�curit}� �nstrument and shal� cfln�inue�o occupy�he Praper�y as <br /> gnrrovv�r's principai res�dence for a��east one y�ar after�h�date of occupar�cy, un�ess Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in v�rz�ing, �h�ch consent sha�i not be unreas�nab�y w��hhe�d, or unl�ss extenuat�ng circumstances <br /> �xis�which are beyond Borro�er's control. <br /> 7. Preser�ativn, Maintenance and Protect�on �f the Property: �nspections. Borrower shall no�destroy, <br /> damage or�mpair the Proper�y, aliaw the Proper���o det�riora�e ar commit waste an�h� Praperty. �hether <br /> or not Borr��er is r�siding �n the Proper�y, Barr�v�er shail�na�n�ain the Proper�y �n order to pr��en�th� <br /> Pr�pert� from deteriara��ng or d��reas�ng in vaiue due t� its candition. Un�ess �t is determined pursuant�o <br /> S�c�ion 5 tha�repair�r res��rat�on is no�economical�y f�as�ble, Barrower sha��promptly repair the Proper�y <br /> if damaged to a�vo�d fur�h�r de�erioration or damage. �f insuranc��r�ondemnat�on proceeds are pa��i in <br /> connec�ion wi�h damage�o, or�he taking of, the Proper�y, B�rr�wer shall be r�sponsib�e far repa�ring or <br /> restoring �he Pr�per��on�y if Lender has relea�ed proceeds for such purposes. Lrender may disburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Farr�ily-Far�r�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM iNSTRtJM�NT Fvrm 3D28 110i <br /> VMP� VMPfifN�3�13�2) <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />