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� 2� 1 ��5215 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borro�ver shall pay to L�nd�r�he amaunt ne��ssary to make up the de��c�ency �n <br /> accordance�vith RESPA, but �n n�mflre�han ��monthly paym�nts. <br /> Upon paymen� zn fu�l of a�l sums secured by t�is Security Instrum�nt, Lender shall promptly r�fund tn <br /> . Borra�r�r any Funds heid by L�nder. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. Borrow�r sha�i pay a�� tax�s, assessments, charges, �n�s, and�mpasitions attr�bu�able to <br /> the Frop�rty �vhich can attain pr�ari�y�v�r th�s S�cur�ty Ins�rument, leas�hal�i payments�r ground rents an <br /> the Prop��ty, if any, and Community As�oc�at�on Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssm�nts, �f an.y. To the e�tent tha� <br />� these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay the�n�n the manner pra��de�i �n Sect�on 3. <br /> Barrower sha�� prampt�y discharge any lien which has pr�or���r over�h�s Securit� Ins�rument unless <br /> Barrower: �a� agre�� �n wr�ting�o the paym�nt of the ob�iga�ion secur�d by the��en �n a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender, but only so Iong as Borrow�r�s performing such agr�ement; �b}cantests�he l�en in good faith by, <br /> ar def�nds agains�enfarcenlen�of the�i�n�n, ��gal proceeding��hich in L�n�er's opinion operate�o pre�ent <br /> the enforc�ment�f the�ien�vhile�hose praceedings are pend�ng, but only untii suGh pr�ce�dings are <br />. conc�uded; or��} secures fr�m the halder af the l�en an agr�emen�sa�xsfactory to Lender subard�nating the <br /> �ien�o th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�. �f L�nder d�termines tha�any part of the Property�s sub�ect�o a�ien which <br /> can atta�n pr�or��y over�his S�curi�y �nstrumen�, Lender may give Borr�wer a notice identifying th���en. <br />. W�thin �D days of the da�e on�hich�hat not��e is gi�en, B�r�'QW�'r Sha�� 5c1�15f� ���I1�'I1 Or�a���n��r�77.�r� <br /> of the a�ti�ns set for�h above�n th�s Sect�on 4. <br />� Lender may require Borrawer to pay a one-time charge for a r�al esta��tax v�rif�cati�n andlor rep�r�ing <br /> service used by Lender in connection with th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Prflp�rty lnsuran�e. Borrow�r shall keep the impro�ements naw �x�s��ng or hereafter erected an the <br /> Property insured agains��oss by f�re, hazards in�luded vv��hin the term "extended co�erage," and any other <br /> hazards inciuding, but not�imzted t�, ear�hquak�s and ��o�ds, for which Lend�r r�quires insurance. Thzs <br /> insurance shall b�maintained �n the amaunts �includ�ng deductible lev���} and for the periads tha� Lender <br /> requires. �'�U'hat Lend�r requires pursuant ta the pr�ceding sentences can change during �he term af the Loan. <br /> Th�insurance carrier providing the insurance sha�� b�chosen by Borro�ver sub�ect�o Lender'S�'I�ht �o <br /> disapprove Borrou�er's choice, �vhich right shali n�t be e�.erc�sed unreasonab�y. Lender may require <br /> Borr��v�r to pay, in connection with this L�an, either: �a} a one-t�me charge f�r f�ood�one determ�natinn, <br /> �er��f�cat�on and tracking ser��ces; or ��} a one-time charb� far�7ood zane determination and��rt���cati�n <br /> s�rvices and subsequent char�es�ach time remappings or simi�ar chang��occur whi�h reasonably m�ght <br /> affect su�h determinatian ar cer���cat�on. Barrawer shall also be respnnsible for the payment af any fees <br /> �mposed by th� Federal �mergency Management Agency in c�nn�ct�an with the review of ar�y flood zane <br /> � ��term�nat�on resuiting from an�bjection by Borrower. <br /> �f Borrower fa�ls to maintain any of�he cov�rages described abo��, Lender may ob�ain �nsurance co�era�e, <br /> at Lend�r's�p�ian and Borrower's expense. Lend�r is under no obliga�ion ta purchase any part�cular type�r <br /> amaunt af c���rage. Therefor�, such covera�e shall co�rer Lender, but migh�ar xnight nat protect Borrawer, <br /> Borrower's�qui�y in the Proper�y, ar the c�ntents of the Prap�rty, against any risk, hazard ar liabi�it� and <br /> might provi�e grea��r�r le�s�r coverage than was previausly in effect. Borrow�r acknotivledges that�he�ast <br /> of the�nsuranG�co�rerage so abtain�d might sign���can��y exceed the cost of�nsurance that Borrflwer could <br /> have flbtained. Any amoun��d�sburs�d by Lend�r under�h�s S�ctzon 5 shal� became add�t�onai debt of <br />� Borr�wer secured by th�s Security �ns�rument. Th�s�amounts shall bear in�er�st a��he Note rat�fra�n.the <br /> date�f disbursement and shal�be payable, w�th such interest, upor�na�ice fr�m L�nder t�Borrower <br /> requesting pa�ment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing1��amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNfF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3��8 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE}t7302� <br /> WDIC��S ECIUW�f FI[laf]EEaI S�fVICES Page fi of 17 <br />
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