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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> far the repa�rs and r�storat�on ��� a s�ng�e payment or�n a series of pra�re�s payment� as �h�w�rk is <br /> �;ampleted. If the�nsurance or condemna�ian pr��eeds are not suffi��ent�o repa�r or res��r�th�Praper�y, <br /> Borraurer is no�re�ieved af Borrower's obiigatian for�he conr�pietion of such repair flr restaratian. <br /> L�nder or its agent ma� ma�e reasonable en�ries upon and inspecti�ns of th�Praper�y. �f i�has reasonable <br /> caus�, Lender may in�pect�he inter�ar of the improvements on the Property. Lender sha�� g�ve Borrower <br /> nati�e at the t�m�af or pr�or t� such an interiar inspe�t�an spe�ifying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's L�an Applicativn, B�rrower shal� b�in defau�t if, dur�ng the Loan appii�at�on process, <br /> Borrower or any persans or en��ties actin� at the dir�ct�on of Barrov�er�r w�th Borrower's knowiedge ar <br /> cansent gave mat�rially false, mislead�ng, ar znaccura�e inf�rma��on or�ta�ements to Lender�or failed to <br /> pro�id�Lender w�th mat�rial informat�on} �n connec�ion W�th the Loan. Material repres�n�ations znc�ude, but <br /> a�e not limzted t�, r�pre�entat�ons cnncerning Barrawer's accupancy of th�Property as Borro�ver's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. P�otectivn of Lender's In�e�rest in the Pr�perty and Rights Under th�s Security �nstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borro�ver fails �o p�rform�h�covenants and agreements conta�ned in this Security �nstrument, ��} there zs a <br /> iegal proceeding�hat might signif��ant�y affect Lender's int�rest in the Proper�y andlor rights under�h�s <br /> Securi�y In��rument �such a� a prac�ed�ng�n bankrupt�y, probate, far c�nd�mnati�n or forfe��ure, for <br /> �nf�rcement af a�ien wh�ch ma�atta�n priarity aver this Securit� In��rument or�o enforce laws or <br /> rebu�at�ans}, or�c} Barrower has aband�ned the Proper�y, then Lender may do and pay for whatever�s <br /> r�as�nabl��r appropr�ate to pra�ect Lender's interest in the Proper�y and r�ghts under t��s �ecuri�y <br /> �nstrument, inc�uding protecting andlor ass�ssing the Walue of the Praper��, and se�uring andlar r�pa�r�n� <br /> �he Praper�y. Lender's actions can includ�, bu�are no�Iimi�ed tfl: �a}paying any sums secured by a��en <br /> which ha� priority �ver this Se�urity �nstrumen�; ��} appear�ng zn c�urt; and �c� paying reasonab�e attflrn�ys' <br /> f�es�o protec� its �nterest in the Praper�y andlor rights und�r this Se�ur�ty Instrum�n�, �nclud�ng ��s secured <br /> posi�ion in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securin� �he Property inc�udes, but is not ��m�t�d t�, �nt�rin� the <br /> Property �o make repa�rs, c�aan�e �ocks, replace or board up d�ors and�+r�ndov�s, dra�n wat�r from pipes, <br /> e�imina�e�ui�d�ng or other cad�vioiatian��r�an�erous condit�ons, and have u�i�ities turned on ar off. <br /> Aithou�h Lender may �ake actian under this ����i�n 9, Len�.er does not have to do sa and is na�under any <br /> dut� or obl�gation to do so. It is agreed tha� L�nder�ncurs no 1�ab�Iity for nat taking any or a�l act�ons <br /> authorized under this Section 9. <br /> An� amaunts d�sburse� by L�nder under this Section 9 shall became additianal debt af Borr�wer secured by <br /> th�s S�Gur�ty �ns�rument. These amaunts shall bear interest at the Na�e ra�e from the date af disburs�ment <br /> and sha��be payable, with such interest, upon n�ti�e fr�m Lender ta Borra�ver requesting pa�ment, <br /> �f this Secur��y �nstrument is on a l�as�hold, Borrower shali comp�y w�th ail the proW�s�ons of�h��ease. �f <br /> B�rrower acqu�res fee ti�le t�th� Proper�y, the�easeho�d and th� fee t�t�e shali no�merge un�ess Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in writing, <br /> ��. I1l�ortgage insurance. �f Lender r�quir�� Mortgage�nsurance a� a�and�t��n of making the Loan, B�rrow�r <br /> sha�� pay the pr�miums r�quired�� main�ain �h�Mortgage �nsurance �n effect. If, far any reason, the <br /> M�rtgage Insuran�e c�verage required by Lender Geases t�be ava�iable fram the m�r�gage�nsurer that <br /> pr��i�usly provi�ed such �nsurance and Barrower wa� required ta make s�parately designated payments <br /> taward�he premu.u�rns for aM�rtgag��nsurance, Borrower shall pa�the premiums requzred ta abtazn c�v�rage <br /> substan�ia�l� �qui�a�ent to�he N�or�gage Insurance previously in effect, at a c�s� substant�a�ly equival�nt ta <br /> the cost to Barrawer af the Mflr�gage In�urance previaus�y �n effec�, fram an al�err�ate mor�gage insurer <br /> seieet�d�� Lender. If subs�an�ially e�uivalent Mar�gage�nsurance coverage is n�t ava�labie, Borrawer sha�l <br /> N�6RASKA-Sin�le Family-�annie Ma�l�reddie Mac IJNiFORM INSTRUMENT Forrn 3Q28"�l01 <br /> VMP QQ VMP��NE��i 3��y <br /> V11alt�rs Kl�wer Finan�ial 5er�ices Page 8 vf 7 7 <br />�. <br />