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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> Any app��ca�ian of payments, �nsurance proceeds, or Mi�ce�Ianeaus Proceeds �o principal du�under the Nate <br /> shall nat e�.tend or pos�p�ne the due date, or change the amount, of the P�riodiG Payments, <br /> 3. Funds for�scro��v I�ems. Barrower shal�pay t� Lender on the da� P�riodi� Paym�n�s are due under the <br /> Note, until �he Note�s paid �n fu��, a sum�the "Funds"} to prov�de f�r payment af amounts due far: �a} �axes <br /> and assessmen�s and other z�ems wh�ch can a�tain priorit� over this Security �ns�rum�nt as a�i�n or <br /> encurnbrance on�he Prapert�; ��} l�asehold pa��m�nts or ground rents on the Prop�r�y, if any; (c�premiums <br /> for an� and a�i insurance required by Lender under Sec�ion 5; and �d� Mor�gage �nsurance premiums, if any, <br /> �r any suxns pa�abie b� Borr�v�rer to Lender in lieu of the pa�men�of Mor�gage Insurance pr�miums in <br /> accordanc�with the provxsions of Sect��n �.�. These i�ems are called "Escrow I�ems," A�ariginati�n or a� <br /> ar�y�ime during�he��rm of the Loan, Lender ma� requ�re that�flmmunity Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrawed by Borrov�er, and such dues, fe�s and assessments shall be an�scrow <br /> �tem. Borrower shall pr�mptly furnish to Lender a�i n�ti�es of amounts �o be paid under��.�s S�ction. <br /> Borr�wer shal�pay Lender�he Funds for Escrow Items uniess Lender waive� Borrawer's abli�a��an to pay <br /> the Funds for any a�-all Escrow ��ems. Lender may�aiv�B�rro�rer's obl�ga�ion t❑pay�o Lender Funds for <br /> any or a�l Escr�w Items a�an��ime, Any such�aiv�er ma� an��be�n wr�tin�. �n�he event of such waiver, <br /> Borrawer shall pay directl�, v�hen and v�her�payable, the arnounts due f�r an�r Es�rov�r �tems f�r vvhich <br /> paymen�of Funds has b�en wa��ed b� L�ender and, if Lender requires, �hall furnish to Lender r�ceipts <br /> e�iden�ing such paym�nt w�th�n such time p�r�od as Lender ma�r re�uire. Borr�wer's abliga��on to make <br /> such paymen�s and �a provide receip�s sha�l for a�� purp�ses be d��med�o be a ca��nant and agreement <br /> con�ained in thi� Securi�y �ns�rum�nt, as th�phras� "eo�enant and agreem�nt" i�used in Sect�on 9. �f <br /> Borrower�s�b�igated �o pay Escro�u ��ems dir�c�ly, pursuan�to a v�rai�er, and Borrower fai�s�o pa��he <br /> amount due for an Escrow �tem, Lender may exercise its righ�s under Sec�ion 9 and pa�such amount and <br /> Borrower shall then�e obiigated und��r 5ect�an 9 ta repay t� Lender any such amoun�. Lender ma� revoke <br /> the wa��er as �� any or a�i Escro� Items at an� t�me by a nat���gi�ren�n a���rdance wi�h Sec�ion 15 and, <br /> up�n such r�vo�a�ion, B�rrower shail pa� to Lender ail Funds, and in such amoun�s, that are�hen requzred <br /> un�er this Sec��on 3. <br /> Lender ma�, at any t�m�, co��ect and hoid �unds �n ar�amount �a} sufficien�t�permit �n�er�n app�}��he <br /> Funds a��h��ime�pec��ied under RESPA, and ��} not�n exceed��e ma�imum amount a Iender can requ�re <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall �s�ima�e�he am.�un��f Funds due on the basis of curren�data and reasonab�e <br /> �stimates of expenditur�s af fu�ure Escrow Item�nr�th�rvvise �n ac�ardance with Applica�le Laur. <br /> Th�Funds shail be he�d�n an�nst��ution vvhose d�pasits are insur�d b� a federai agency, ins�rumenta�it�, or <br /> ent�t� �inG�uding Lender, �f Lender is an ins�xtution whose depos�ts are so insured} or in any Federal �iome <br /> Loan Bank. Lender shall apply�he Funds�o pay the Escraw Item�na�a�er than the��xne spec�f�ed und�r <br /> R�SPA. Lender shal� not charge Borrov�rer f�r holding and applying th�Funds, annuaiiy ana�yzi�g the <br /> escraw a��oun�, or verifying the�scrow �tems, un�ess Lend�r pays Borr�wer interes�on the Funds and <br /> Applicable Law permits Lender�o make such a charge. Un�ess an agreement is made in writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires in��rest�o�e pa�d on�he Funds, Lender sha�l not be requ�red�o pay Borrower an�r <br /> inf�rest or earnings�n the Funds. Borr�v��r and L.�nder�an agre��n v�riting, hovve�er, that in�erest shall be <br /> paxd on the Funds. Lender shali give�o Borrower, wi�haut charge, an annual accoun�ing af the Funds as <br /> require�i by RESPA. <br /> If�here�s a surplus of Funds held �n escrow, as de�ned under R�SPA, Lender shall aecoun�t� Borr�wer for <br /> the e�cess funds �n acc�rdance w�th RESPA. If�here�s a shor�age of Funds held in escrow, as de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lend�r sha�� not�fy Borrower as r�quired by RESPA, and Barrower sha�l pa�to Lender�he amount <br /> �ecessary�o n�ake up the shortage in a�cordance v��th RESPA, bu� �n no more than 1Z mon�hly paymen�s. �f � <br /> ther� is a de�cienc��f Funds held in escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, L�nd�r sha�l no�ify Borrower as <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRCIMENT Form 3428 i 1�� <br /> VMP[��, VMPS{NE��130�� _ <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fi�ancial Ser�i�es Pag�5❑f 17 . <br />