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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> B�RR4WER C�V�NANTS that Borro�ver�s �awfu�iy seised of th�estate hereby con�ey�d and has �he right to <br /> grant and�onve� th�Prop�r�y and �hat the Pr�per�� �s unencumb�red, ex�ept for encurnbrances af record. <br /> Borrotiver warrants and ti���� defend general�y the t��l�to �he Property aga�nst all cla�ms and demands, sub�ec�to <br /> any �ncumbranc�s of record. <br /> T�IS�E�UR�TY �NSTRUM�NT c�m�in�s un�f�rm covenan�s for na��ona�use and nan-unif�rn�co�enants with <br /> �imited�ariat�ans by jur�sdi��ian tn �onst��ute a uniforn�security instrument c�verin� rea�pr�per�y. <br /> Unifvrm �vrrenants. Barrow�r and Lender co�enant and agree as fol�aws: <br /> '1. Payment of P�incipa�, Interest, Escr�w Items, Prepayment �ha�ges, and Late �harges. Borrower <br /> sha�l pay when due the prin�ipal of, and interest on, the deb�evidenced by�he Note and an�prepa�rment <br /> charges and Iate charges due under the Note. Borrow�r sha�l also pay funds for Escrow ��ems pursuan� to <br /> Sec�i�n 3. Paymen�s due under�he Note and�h�s S�curkt� �nstrumen�shal�be made �n U.S. currency. <br /> Hov�rever, if any check or other ins�rumen�rece���d by Lender as paymen�und�r the Note or this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument is returned ta L�nder unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or a�i subse�uent payments�ue under <br /> the N�te an� this Se�ur�ty Instrument be made in ane�r more of the f�ilou�ing forms, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> (a} cash; �b}maney nrder; �c} certi�ied che�k, banl�check, �r�asurer's ch��k or cashier's check, pr�vided any <br /> such che�k xs drawn upon an�nst��u�ian whose depas��s are insured by a fe�eral agency, �nstrum�n�ality, or <br /> entz�y; �r�d} E�ectronzc Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�m�nts are d�emed r��ei��d by Lender when recei�ed at the tocat�o�a des�gnated in th�Nate ar at such <br /> other�ocation as may be designated by L�nd�r in ac��rdance with the notice pravisions in Sectian �5. <br /> L�nder ma� r�turn any payment or par�iai payment if�he payment or partial pa�rn�nts ar�insuffi��ent�fl <br /> bring the L�an current, Lender ma� acc�p�any paymen�or part�a� payment insuf�i�ien���brin��he Loan <br /> �urren�, w�thout waiv�r�f any r�ghts her�under or prejud��e�a �ts ri�hts �o r�fuse su�h paymen�or par�ia� <br /> payments �n th�futur�, but Lender�s n�t ab���at�d to app�y such payments at th��ime such pa�ments are <br /> acG�pteci. �f each Perifldic Pa�men�is app�ied as �f its s�h�dul�d due�at�, then Lender ne�d not pay �nterest <br /> on unappl�ed fund�. Lender may hold �uch unapp�i�d funds unt�l Borr�wer�make�paymen�s to bring the <br /> Loan current. If B�rrower does not do so v�ithin a reasonabie periad of t�me, L�nder shall either app�y such <br /> funds ar return them�o Borrawer. If na� appiied earl�er, su�h funds wili be appiied to the outstandinb <br /> principal ba�anc�under the I�o�e immediate�y prior to foreclasure. No offset ar claim which Borrawer mi�ht <br /> have now ar in�he fu�ure abains�L�nder shall re�ieve Borrower fram making pa�ments due under�h� Nate <br /> and t��s Se�urity �nstrum.en�ar performing�he c�venants and agreements secured�y th�s��curity <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. App�icatian vf Payments vr Pr�ceeds. Excep� as other-�vise described in thi� Sectian Z, all paymen�s <br /> acc�p�ed and applied by Lender sha�� be applied in the foll�v�ing order af priar�ty: �a} int�r�st�u�under�h� <br /> Note; �b} principal due under the Na�e; ��:} amounts due under SeLtion 3. Such payments sha�� be�pp��ed t� <br /> �ach Periodic Payment in the order�n�vhi�h it�ecam�due. Any remaining amoun�s sha��be app��ed f�rst to <br /> late charges, second�o any other amounts due under�his Secur��y �nstrumen�, and then�a reduce th� <br /> pr�nc�pal balance of th�Not�. <br /> If Lender receiWes a paym�nt fram Barrower for a de�inquent Periodic Payment Which inc�udes a suf�ci�nt <br /> am�unt to pay an� late charge due, the paymen� may�e applied ta the d��inquen�payment and�he�a�e <br /> char�e. �f more than one P�riod�c Pa�ment is outstand�n�, Lender may apply any payment recei��d from <br /> Barrower�❑the repayment af the Per�o��c Payments if, and to the extent that, each paym.ent can be paid in <br /> fu��. T� the exten�that any excess exzsts af�er�he pa��ment is applied to the ful�pa�ment af�n�or more <br /> Per�odic Payments, such exc���may be app�ied t� any Iat�charg�s due. Vo�untar�prepayments sha��be <br /> appiied f�rs� to any pr�payment charges and then as descr�bed in the Nate, <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famity-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM fNSTRUMENT Form 3�28 11D1 <br /> VMP[s� VMPfitNE}t1302y <br /> Walters Klt�wer Financiat 5er�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />
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