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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> B�rrower)under a11 insuran�e po�icies covering the property, �nsafar�s such rights are appl�cab�e to�he <br /> coverage of the Property. Lender may us�the insu.rance praceeds ei�her to repair or r�stare the Propexty <br /> ar to pay�mounts unpaid under the Note�r�h�s Security Instrurnent,whether ar not then du�. <br /> C. �ccupancy.Borrower sha11 occupy, esta,blish, a�xd use the Proper�y as F3orrower's principal residence <br /> within 64 days after the execu��o�.of this Security I�.strument and sh�11 continue to accupy the Property <br /> as Borra�ver's principai residence for at Ieast ane year after the da�e o�occupancy,un�ess Lender <br /> determines that this requirernen�shal�cause undue hardshi�f�r the Borrawer ar unless ext�nuating <br /> circumstances exist which are beyond�orrower's control. <br /> 7. Preservat�on,�llaintenancean�Protectio�vf the Property;Inspectior�s.Borrower sha1�not <br /> destroy,darriage or impa�r th�Fraperty,a11aw the Property to de�er�orate or commit waste on the <br /> �roperty. B�rro�er sha11 maintain�.be Proper�y�n order to prevent the Prop�rty fram deter�orating ar <br /> decreasing in valu�due to its condition.Unless it is deternxined pursua�t ta Section S tha�repa'vr or <br /> restora�ian is not ecanomica�ly feasible,I�orrower shall pr�mptly repair the Proper�if damaged ta <br /> avoid further deterioratian or damage. If insurance or candemnation proceeds are paid in conn�ction <br /> �v��th dama�e to�h�Praperty,Borro�er sha11 be responsible far repairing or restor�n�th�Property only <br /> if Lender has released prviceeds for such purposes.Lend�r may disburse proce�ds for the repairs and <br /> restoration in a single payment or in a s�ries of pr�gress�paymen.�s as the wark is completed, If the <br /> �nsurance or candemnativn proceeds are not suff�cient to repair or restore th�Property,BorrOwer is ri4t <br /> r�l�e��d af Borrowe�''s ol�li�a�tion for the compl�tion of such repair or restoration. <br /> If condemnat�o�proceeds are paid in connection with the taking of the proper�,Lender shall apply such <br /> pro�eeds to the reduction af the indebtedness under the No�e and this Security Instrument, fust to a�y <br /> de�inquent amounts,and then to pa�ment of prineipal,Any appl�cation of the proceed�to the principal <br /> sha11 not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments or change the amount of such <br /> payments. <br /> Lender or its agent ma�make reasona��e entries upon a�d inspections of the Property. If it has <br /> reasonable cause,Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. Lender shal�gi�e <br /> Borrower notice at the tirne af or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> $. Sorrow+er's Loan ApplieatiQn.Borrower shall be in default if, during�he Loan application process, <br /> Borrower or any pers�ns or entities ac��ng at�he drrectian af Borrawer ar with�orr�v�er`�know��dge vr <br /> consent gave materially false,misleading,or inaccurate infarmation or statem�nts to Lender�or failed to <br /> provide Lend�r with material i�forrnation} in co�nection with the Loan, Mat�rial representa.tions�nclude, <br /> but are not limited ta,re�res�nta.tions c�ncernin�Borrower's occupancy af the Proper�y as�orrovver's <br /> principal r�sidence. <br /> 9. Prote�tion af�ender's Int�rest in the Prapertyan�R�g�ts Under this S���r�����trument.If <br /> �a}�orrower faits�o�erform the covenants and agreem�nts contained in thi�Security Instrument,�b} <br /> there is a 1ega1 proceeding that might s�gnificantl}�aff�ct Lender's interest in the Property andlor rights <br /> under this Security Instrument�such as a proceeding in ban.kruptcy,proba��, for co�ademna�ion or <br /> farfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may attain priority over this Secur�ty Instrument or�o enforce <br /> lavvs or regulations},or�c)Borrower has abandon�d the Property,then Lender ma�do and pay far <br /> �ha�ev�r is rea�nable or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Propert�and rights under this <br /> Security Instrum�nt, inc�uding pr�tecting andf or assessing the value af the Property,and s�curing ar�dlor <br /> repauing the Property. Lender's�ctions��.n include,but are not limited to: �a)payir��any�ums secured <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 913D12414 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N[NE}[154B}A� <br /> 1Nolt��s�(i�wer Fi�ar+�ial Ser�ices Page 8 of 17 <br /> q43359779684 �233 363 �$l7 <br />