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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> reasonably might affect such d�termination or certification, Borrower shall also be resp�nsible for the <br /> payment�f any f�es imposed by the Federal Er�ergency Management Agenc�in connection v�ri�h the <br /> revieW of any flood zone determination resulting from an abj ectian by Borrower. <br /> �f Borra�er fails to any af the coverages d�scrib�d above,L�nder may insurance <br /> cover�ge,at Lender's aption and Borrower's expens�, Lender is under no o�bligatidn to purchase any <br /> particular type�r amount of coverage. Therefore,such c�verag�shall cover Lender,but might ar might <br /> nat protect B�rrotiver,Barrower's equity in the Property,or the cont�nts of the Pr�perty,against any <br /> risk,ha�ard or liability and mi�ht provide gr�ater or lesser coverage t�ian was pr�viously in effect. <br /> Borrawer acknowledges that the cost of the insurance c���rag�so obtained might significantly exceed the <br /> �o�t of insuran�e that Borrovver could have ob�ained.Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thi� <br /> Section 5 shall become additiona�debt af Borrower secured b�this S�curity Instrurnent.These amounts <br /> sha��bear�nterest at the hTote rate fram the dat�a�d�sbursem�nt and sha11 be payable,�ith such in.terestg <br /> upon notice from Lender ta Borrower requesting payment. <br /> All insurance policies required by Lender and rene�a�s of suc�p�licies sha11 be sub,��ct to Lender's right <br /> to disapprove such pa�icies, shall inc�ud�a standard mortga�e c�ause,and sha11 nam�Lender as <br /> mar�gagee andlor�s an addi�iona��oss payee. Lender shall have the right to hald the policies and renewal <br /> ��rt�f c�t�s. If Lender re�uires�Bvrrv�er sha11 promptl�g�ve t�L��.der a��re�eipts of paid premiums and <br /> re�ewa��atices. If Borraw�r ob�a�ns any form of insurance coverage,not otherwise required by Lender� <br /> for damage to,or des�u�t�on of,the�'r�a�er-ty, such po��cy sha��inc�ud�a s�ar�dard mortgage c�ause an� <br /> sha11 name Lend�r as rriortg�.gee andlor as an additionalla�s payee. <br /> In the e�ent af 1oss,Borrower sha11 giv�prompt notice ta the insurance carrier and L�nder. Lend�r ma.y <br /> make pr�of of loss if n�t made promptly by Bor�rov�rer, Un��ss L�nder and�arrawer otherwise agree in <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,whether ar n�t the underlying insurance�ras required by Lender,shall <br /> be ap���ed to restQrat�on or repa�of the prvp�rty, if th�restvration or repair is economi�ally feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessened. During�uch repau-and r�storation peri�d,Lender shall have the right <br /> to�.o�d such insurance procee�s t�n���Len�er has had an opportun�ty�o�nspect such Property ta ensure <br /> the wor1�has been completed to Lender's satisfactian,provided that such inspection shall be unde�� <br /> prompt��. Lender may disburse prviceeds for the r�paus and restaration in a srngle payment ar in a series <br /> of progress payments as the�vork is camp�eted,Unless an agreemen�is made in�vr�ting or Applicable <br /> Law requi�res in�er�st to be paid on such insurance proceeds,Lender shaii not be requixed�o pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters,or other third parti�s, <br /> r��a.ined b�Borrow�r sh�.I1 not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and�ha1l be the sole obiigation of <br /> Borrawer. If the restaration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security�vould be <br /> lessened,the insurance proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, <br /> whether or not then due,with the excess, if any,�aaid to Borrower. Such in�urance proceeds shall�e <br /> applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons�he Prap�rty,Lender rnay file,neg�tiate and s�ttle any available insurance c�aim <br /> and relat�d matter�, �f�orrower does nat respand�vi�hin 34 da�s to�notice from Lender that the <br /> insurance carrier has offered to settle a clairn,th�n Lender may nego�iate and settle the c1a�m. The 3�-day <br /> period w��l begin when the n�tice is given. In�it�,�r event,ar�f Lender acquires the Froperty under <br /> Section.22 or oth�nvise,Borrower hereb�assigns to L�nder(a}Borro�er's rights to any insuranc� <br /> pxocee�s in an amount not to�xceed the amounts unpaid under the Nate or this Security Instrument,and <br /> (b)any other of Borro�v�r's ri�hts(ath�r than the rig�.t to any refund�f unearned premiums paid by <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 9/34/2414 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4M(NE}t150fi}.a4 <br /> V1�a�ters Kiuwer Financral Servrces Page?at�� <br /> q�33597?9fi84 4233 3G3 �717 <br />