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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> by a Iie��hich has pr�ority o�er this Security I�strument; �b�appearing�n�ourt;and(c�p�ying <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees�a protect its int�rest in the Property andlQr rights under th�s Security <br /> Instrum�nt,inc�uding its secured pos�tion in a bankruptcy praceeding. Securing the Property includes, <br /> but is not limited to, entering the Property to make repairs,change locks,replace or baard up daflrs and <br /> windows,drain�va�er from pipes, elim�nate building or ather cade�iolations ar dangerous condition�, <br /> and have utilities turn�d on or of�'.Although Lender may take action under this Secti�n 9,Lender does <br /> not have to do so and�s not under any duty or abligation t�do sa. �t is agr�ed tha�Lender incurs no <br /> liabi�ity for not tal�ing any pr a11 actions author�zed under this Sect�an 9. <br /> An.y amounts d�sbursed by Lender under�his Sect�on 9 sha11�ecom�additi�nal de�t of Borrvwer secured <br /> by this�ecurity Instrum�nt.These amounts shall�ear int�re�t at the Note rate from the date of <br /> disbursement and shall be payable,with suGh interest,upo�.notice from Lender�o��rrawer requ�sting <br /> payment. <br /> If this Secur�ty In��rument is on a leasehold,Borrower sha11 camp�y with all the provisions of the lease. <br /> If Borrower acquires fee txtl�to the I'roperty,the Ieasehald and the fee titie sha11 not merge unless <br /> Lender agrees�o the merger in writing. <br /> 'I�. �4ssi�nmentof IVliscei�an�c�us�roce�ds;For���#WrB.A����sce�laneous Praceeds are hereby <br /> assigned to an.d shal�be paid ta Lender. <br /> If the Prop�rt�is damaged, such M��cellaneous Proceeds shall be applied t�restoration ar repair of th� <br /> Property, if the res�oration ar repair is ecanomically feasible and Lender'�s�curity is not lessened. <br /> Durir�g such repair and restoration period,Lender shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous <br /> P�oceedS unt����nder has had a�op�artun�ty to�nspec�s�ch Proge�y tQ�nsure��e wvr�has been <br /> completed to Lender's satisfaction,pro�it�ed that�uch inspection sha11 be undertaken promptl�. Lender <br /> may pay for the repairs and r�storation in a si.ngl�disbursemen�or in a s�ries of progress payments as the <br /> work is completed. Unless an agreement is made in wri.ting ar Ap��icab�e L�w requires�nte�est to b� <br /> paid on such Miscellan�ous Proceeds,Lender sha11 not be required to pay�orrawer any interest or <br /> �arnings on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, If the restoration or repair�s no�econflmically feasible or <br /> Lender's security wou�d be lessened,the Miscel�aneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by <br /> �his Security�nstrurnent,whether�r not then due,with the excess, �f any,paid to Borrower, Such <br /> Miscellaneous 1'roceeds shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br /> �n�h�even�of a tota�taking,de�tru�tion,ar loss in�alue af the Pr�perty,the Miscel�aneous Proce�ds <br /> sha11 be applied to the sums secured by th�s Security Instrume�t,wheth�r ar not then due,with the <br /> excess, if any,paid to Borro�ver. <br /> In the event of a partial takir�g,destruction,or los�in value of th�Property in which the fai.r market <br /> va�ue�f the Property�mmediate��befor�the par��a��a�k�r�g,a��tructron,�r�Qss�n�a�ue�s equa�to or <br /> greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immed�ate�y befare the pa.r��a1 <br /> taking,destruction,or�o�s in value,unle�s Barro�ver and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums <br /> seeured b��his Security Instrum�nt sha1�be reduced b�the amount of the��sc�ltaneou�Pr�c�eds <br /> multiplied by the follo�ving fraction: �aj th�tota.l amount of the sums secur�d immediately b�fore th� <br /> partial taking,destructi�n,ar��ss in value divid�d b��b��he fair market value of the Property <br /> immediate�y before the partial taking,de�truction,or Ioss in value..�ny balance shal�be paid�o <br /> Borro�ver. <br /> FHA Deed of Trust Wi�h MERS-NE 913412�14 <br /> Bankers SystemsTti+ VMP� 11MP4N(NE}{1545�.04 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 9 af�7 <br /> q0335�779684 a233 3G3 Q917 <br />