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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> As used in this Security Instrum�nt: (a}words of the masculine gender sha11 mean and includ� <br /> corresponding neuter�v�rds or tivords of the femin�ne gend�r; (�}words in the singular�hal�mean and <br /> include the plural and v�ce versa;and�c}the w�rd "ma�"gives sole discretian without any obt�gation to <br /> take any ac�ion. <br /> 'I S. Borrvvver's�opy,Borro�ver sha11 be gi�en one eopy of the Not�and of thxs Security Instrument. <br /> 1 l. Tran�fer of the Pra�erty or a Benefi�iaf�nt�ere�t in Borrower.As used in�h�s Sec�ion 17� "Interest <br /> in the Propert3r"means a�y lega�or beneficial in�erest in the Frop�rty, including,bu�not limited to, <br /> th�s�be�eficial in�terests transferred in a bond far de�d,contract fo�de�d,��stalln�ent sales contract ar <br /> escrow agreement,the intent of which is the transfer of title by Barro�rer at a future date to a purehaser. <br /> If a11 or any part af the Property or any Interest in the Propert�r is sold or transferred(or if�arro�ver�s <br /> not a natural person an�a beneficial interest in Borro�v�r�s sold Qr transferred�without Lender's prior <br /> written consent,Lender may require�mmediate paym�nt in fu�l of a11 sums by this�ecurity <br /> Instrument. However,this o�ti�n sha��no����xercised by L�nder if such e�ercise is pro��bited by <br /> Applicab�e Law. <br /> If L�nder exerc�ses this option, Lender shall gi�e Borrower notice of acceleration. Th�notice shall <br /> pra�ride a period of nat less than 34�ays fx'om the date th�notice is g�ven in accordance wi�h Section �4 <br /> within�vhich Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this�ecurit�Instru.meat. If Borrower fai�s�o pay <br /> these sums prior to the expiratian of this period,Lender may invoke any rem�dies permitted by this <br /> Security Instrument with�ut further notice�r demand on Borrower. <br /> '�8. 8orrower's Right to Re�nstateAfter Ac�e�er�ation.If Borrower meets�er�ain conditions, Borrawer <br /> sha�1 have the r�ght ta reinstat�ment of a mortg�.ge. Those conditian�are that Barrower: (a�pays Lender <br /> all s�ms which then w4u1d be due under this Security In�trument and the Note as if no acce�eration had <br /> occun�d; �b}cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays a11 expenses incurred in <br /> enforcing this Security Instrument, including,but not��mited to,r�asonable attom�ys'fees,prop�r�y <br /> inspection and valuatian fees,and oth�r fees incurred for the purpose�f protec�ing Lender's interest in <br /> the Property and rights under this Security Instrument;and�d}takes�uch acti�n as L,ender may <br /> reasonably require�o assure that Lender's inter�st in the Property and rights under�h�s�ecurity <br /> Instrum�nt,and Borr��ver's obligation to pay the sum�secured by this Securit��nstrt�.ment, sha11 <br /> continue unchanged. Ho�ireve�,�.end��r i�r�at r�q�ired to reinstate if: (i}Lender has accepted <br /> reinstatemen.t after the�ommencement of foreclosure proceedings within�vo yeaxs immediatel�r <br /> preced�ng the cammencem�nt of a current foreclosure proceeding; �ii}reinstatement will preclude <br /> forec��sure on different grounds in the future;or(iii}reinsta.tement wi11 ad�ersely affect the priority of <br /> the lien created�y this Security Instrument, Lender rna�r�quire that B�rrower pay such reinstatemen� <br /> sums and expenses in ane or more of�he follawing form�,as selected by Lender; �a}cash; �b}mon�y <br /> arder; (c�certified chec�,bank check,treasurer's ch�ck ar cashier's check,provided any such check is <br /> drawn upon an institution whase deposits are in.sured by a federal agency, �n�trum�ntality or enti�;�r <br /> �d}Electranic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,�his Se�urity Instrument and abligation� <br /> secured hereb�r sha��remain fu11y effecti�e as if no a.ccelera�ion had occurred. How�ver,�h�s right t� <br /> reinsta�e shall not apply in the case af accelerati�n under S�ct��n 17. <br /> , <br /> FHA❑eed ofi Trus#With MERS-NE 913�12414 <br /> Bank�rs SystemsT� VMP� VMP�N�NE}�154fi}AO <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnar�cial 5ervices Page 12 of 1� <br /> qD3359779f�84 �233 3�3 1217 <br />