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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> Subj ect to the pro�isions�f Sectian 17,any Successor�n In��rest of Borrvwer who assumes Borrawer's <br /> obligations under this Securi�Instrument in writing,and�s approved�y L.�nder, shall obtain a11 of <br /> Borrovver's rights and benef ts under this Security Instrument. Borro��r sha11 not be released fram <br /> Borrow�r's obligations and liabi�it�r under this Security�nstrumen.t un�ess Lender agrees to such release <br /> in wr��ing. The covenants and agreem�nts af this Security Instrument sha11 bind(except as provided in <br /> Section 19}ar�d benefit the successors and assigns�f Lender. <br /> 'I 3. Lflan�hat'��s.Lender may charge B�rro�ver fee�far ser�ices performed in cannectian with Borrawer's <br /> default, for�he pur�ose af protecting L�r�der's interest in t�e 1'rop�rty and rights und�r this SeGurity <br /> �nstrument, including,but nat limited to,attomeys'fees,property inspection and valuatian fees. Lender <br /> may collect fees and�harges authorized by the Secreta.ry. Len�ler may not charge fees that are expressly <br /> prohibited by this Security Instrument�r by Applicabl�L�.w. <br /> If the Loan is subj ect ta a lativ which s�ts max�mum loan charges,and that 1aw is finally interpreted so <br /> that the interest or other�oan charges collect�d or to be callected in cannection with the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted limits,then: (a}any such loan charg�shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge to the permitted limit;and�b}any sums already callect�d from Borro�ver which exceeded <br /> permitt�d limits wi11 be r�funded to Borra�v�r. L�nder may choos�to make this refund by redu�ing the <br /> principa�owed under the No�e or by making a�irec�payment�o�orro�ver. If a refund reduces principal, <br /> the reductian wi11 be treated as a partial prepayrnent�vith no�hanges in the due date or in the mnnthly <br /> payment amount unless the Lender agrees in writxng to those changes. Borro�ver's�ccep�ance of an�such <br /> refund made by direct paym�n�to Barrawer tivi11 const�tute a waiver of any right of action Borro�er <br /> migh�have arising out of such o�ercharge. <br /> �I 4. Notiees.All notices given by Borrower or Lend�r in connection with�his Security Instrument must be in <br /> �vriti�g.Any natice to Bonower in eonnection with th�s Securi�Instrument sha11 be deemed ta have <br /> been given to Borrower wh�n ma�led by fust class mai�or vvhen actually deli�ered to Sonower's notic� <br /> address if sent b�other means.Natice to any one Borrovver sha�1 constitute notice to a11 Borrowers unless <br /> App�icable La�v expre�sly requires otherwise. The not�ce address sha11 be the Property Address unless <br /> Borrower has designated a subs�i�u.te notice address by n�t�ce�o L�nder. Borra`u�r sha��promptl� <br /> nvtify Len��r af Borrotiver's change of address. If Lender specifies a pro�edure for rep�rt�ng Borro�er'� <br /> change of addr�ss,�h�n.Borrower shall o�aly repart a change af address�hrough tha�specified procedure. . <br /> There may be only one d�signated notice address under this Security�nstrumen�at any one time.An.� <br /> notice to Lender shall be gi�en by deli��ring it or by mailing it by firs�class ma���o Lender's addres� <br /> sta.ted herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice�o Borrower. An�notice in <br /> connection�vith this Security Instrument sha11 not be deemed to have been g��e�n to Lender until actua�l�r <br /> received by Lender. �f any notice required by this Security Instrument is al�o req�.ired under App�icable <br /> Law,the App�icabl�Law requirement will satisfy the corr�sponding requi.remen�under�h�s Sec�.rity <br /> Instrument. <br /> 'I 5. Go�erningLaw; S��er�bility;Rules of Construction.This Securi�Instrumen�sha�l be ga�erned b� <br /> federal law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Praperty i��o�ated.A11 rights and ab��ga��ons <br /> contained in this Security Instrument are subject�o any requirements and�in�itations af.A.pplicable La�v. <br /> Applicable Law might explicrtly or implicitly allow the parties to a�re�by contract or i�m�ght�e silent, <br /> but such silence sha��not be construed as a prohibitian against agreement b}�contrac�. �n�he e�en�that <br /> any provisian ar clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflic�s with Applicab��Law, such <br /> canflict�ha11 not affect�ther pravisions of this Security Instrument or th�Note�h�ch can be given effec� <br /> without the conflicting pravision. <br /> FHA❑eed of Trust With MERS-NE 9f34124�4 <br /> Bankers Systems'�+ VMP C�J VMP4N(NE}�150fi).fl� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 11 of 17 <br /> q43359779G84 4233 363 1117 <br />