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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> 19. 5aie of�dote; �harige of Loan Servicer;Notice of�rieva��e.The l�ote or a partial interest in the <br /> Note�tagether with this Secur�ty Instrument}can b�so�d ane or more times�ithflut prior notice to <br /> Borro�uer.A�a1e might resul�in a change in the entity�kno�un as the "Loan Ser�icer"�that collec�s <br /> Periodi�Payments due under the Nate and t�is Security Instrument and performs other mortga�e loan <br /> ser�icing�b��gat�ons under the Nate,this S�curity Instrument,and Applicable Law. There als�might be <br /> one ar more cha�ges of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sale of�he Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br /> Servicer,�arrower will be given written notiee of the change which w��l sta�e the name and adc�rress of <br /> the new Loan Ser�icer,the address to whiGh pa�ments should be made and any othe�information REST'A <br /> requireS in connection with a notic�of�ransfer of ser�icing. If th�1`�ote is sold and thereafter th� <br /> searvice�by a Loan Servicer other than the purcha�er of the 1�Tate,the mortga�e loan servicing obligations <br /> to Borrower w��1 remain with the Loan Servicer�r be transferred to a successor Loan Servi�er and are <br /> not ass��ned b�the I�o��p�chase�unless atherv�ise p�vvxded�y the 1�Tot�e pur�haser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence,j�in,or be j�ined ta�.ny judi�ial action(as either an <br /> ind�vidual����gant or the mem�er of a clas�}that arises from the v�h�r party'�actions pursuant�o this <br /> Security�nstrument or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty o�ved <br /> b�r reason of,this Securi��nstrument,until such Borrow�r ar Lend�r h�s notified the other party�tivit� <br /> such nvti�e given in�vmplian�e�ith the�equirements af Sectian 14)of such alleged breach and afforded <br /> the other party hereto a reasonable peri�d after the giving af such natice to take corrective action. If <br /> Applicab�e La�provides a time p�riod�vhich mus�e�apse befare certa�n action can be�aken,that time <br /> pe�iod�ill be deemed ta�e reasonable for purpases of this Se�tion.The natice of accel�ration and <br /> apportunity ta cure given to Borr�wer pursuant to Section 22 and th�notice of acceleration given to <br /> Borrower pursuant ta Section 17 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take correct��e <br /> action provision�of this Section �9. <br /> 2�. Borro�ver Not"f hird-�artyBenefE��aryto �antract af Insurance.Mortgage Insurance reimburses <br /> Lender�or an�entit}�that purchases the NQte}for certain losses it ma�y incu��i��orr��er does r�at repay <br /> the Loan as agreed. Borra�er acknowledges and agre�s th��the Borrotiver is not a third party bene�c�ary <br /> to the contract of insurance be�ueen the Secreta.ry and Lender, nor is Borrower entitled ta enforc�any <br /> agreement between Lender and t}ae Secretary,unless explicitly autharxz�d to do so by Applicable Law. <br /> �'I. Hazardous5ubstanees.As used in this Section�1: (a} "Hazardous Substa.nces"are those subst.�.nces <br /> defined as tox��or�.azar�vus substan�es,polluta.nts,or�as�e�by En�i�o�nrr�.ental La�a�d tl�e follov�ing <br /> substances: ga�oline,kerosene,other flammable or taxi�petroleum product�,toxic pesticides and <br /> herbicides,volatile solvents,�ria�s cantainxng a�bestos ar forma�dehyde,and radioactiv�materia�s; <br /> (b}"Environmenta.l�,aw'"means federallaw�and�a�v�of the jurisdiction t�here�he Prflper�y is loca�ted� <br /> that relate to heat�h, safet�or environmental prote�tion; �c} "Environmental Cleanup" includ�s any <br /> resp�ns�action,remedia�action,or rema�a�ac�ivn,as d�fined in Environmenta.l Law;and(d}an <br /> "Environmenta.l Cond�tion"means a condition that can cause,contr�bute to,or atherwise trig,�er an <br /> Envir�nmenta���eanup. <br /> �or�o���shall not eause�r permit the p���se�.��,�se,dispasal,stora�e,or release af any Hazardous <br /> Substa.nces,or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on or�n the Property. B�rro�ver shat�not <br /> do,nar a�lo�r an�r�ne else to da,anything affecting the Property(a}that�s in�iolation of any <br /> Envir�nmental Law, (b)v�r�.ic�h creates an Envir�nmenfia.l�ondition,or(c)which,due to the�resence, <br /> use,or r�lease of a Hazardous Substance,cr�a#es a conditivn that adversely affects the value of th� <br /> Prop�rty. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,�r storage an the Praper��f <br /> F H A deed o#Trust VVith M E RS-N E 913DI2414 <br /> 6anker�Systems� 11MP C� VMP4N�{VE}(15Qfi}.fl� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Servi�es Page 3�a€�7 <br /> q�33597�9584 t��33 363 13i7 <br />