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2� 1 ��5179 <br /> . <br /> , <br />" under tl�is Security Ins�rument unl�ss Lei�der agr��s to such release it�writin�. rI'he cov�nant�and ag�ec����nt�❑f'thi� <br /> Se�uri�y�ns�rumen�shall bind�ex�ept as pro�ided in Se�tio�� I9} ai-�d be17e#it�1�� s��ccesso�-s and assi�;lls of L�ndei�. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Barrower f��s far services perforz��ed in con��c;ciion witil L�orrowe�'� <br /> default, for �he purpose of protec�ing Lender"s intcrest in the Property and rights unde;r this Security Znst�ume��t, <br /> �ncluding, bu�not limited to, attorncys' fees, property inspectioz� �nd valua�ion f�Gs. Lender may collect fees at�d <br /> cl�arges authorized by �he Se�re�ary. Lender may i�at cl�arge fees that are expr�ess�y p��oh�b�ted by �his 5ecut�ity <br /> �nsfrumen�, ar�y Applicab�e Law, <br /> If�he Loan is subje�t�a a law wl�ich sets maximum loan cl�a�-ge�, �nd that lau� is �i��ally interpre�ed so that the <br /> interest oz• o�laer Ioan �harges collected or to be collected in cont�ection wi�h tl-�e �at�n Gxce�d the p��mi��ed limits, <br /> then: �a}any such loan charge shaii be�-educed by tl�e amoun���eeessar-y to reci��ce the charge to th�permitted Iimit; <br /> and�b} any sums alr�ady collected fi•a���Bor�•ow�z�w��ich ex�eeded permittec� 1i��7its w��� be refu��d�d to }3orrovvez•. <br /> Lender may chn�s�to�r�a��e this refund by reducii�g the pril�cipal ow�d unde�-the Not��z•by���alcii��a diz�ect payment <br /> t❑Barrawer. If a refund reduces principal, ��7� I e[�LlGttflll W11� b� �I����C��5 a�ii�'�.icil �]I'Lpc1�I11L'I7�Wlt�7 11C3 C�7a����'S 117 <br /> the due date or in the monthly payment a����un�unless�i�e N�t�holdcr a�recs iz�wri�iz��to�h�se chai��es. �3orrc�w�r's <br /> acceptance of any such refund made by direct paymen� to Borro�vei will constilute a �vaiver �f a��y righ� of aciion <br /> Borrower might ha�e arising out of such o�ercharge. <br /> �4. ��otiite�.Al� notices give��by Borrower or Lender in connect�ol� with this 5ec�.���i�y Instt•��r��ent i����st be i�� <br /> writing. Any��otic�to Borrower in canl�e�tion v►ritl�tl�is 5ecu�ity Instrume���sl�all �e deen7ed to have been gi��n ta <br /> Bflrrower when mailed by fi�st c�ass mail or when actually delivered to L�rrc�wcr's notice address if s�nt by �thc��• <br /> means. Notice ta any one Borrower shall��nstitute notice to�iil�3orrowers unl�ss 11.pplicabl� L�tw expressly rec�ui�•cs <br /> ��herwise. The nntice address s11a11 b��he Pr•opert�Address��nless Borrawer has���si�natcd a subs�itute I�otice ac�dress <br /> by no�ice to Lender. Borrow�r shall pt•omptly r�otify I�ende�r of�3orrow�r's cl�ai��;e o����idz-e�s. �f'Lendei specific;s a <br /> procedur�for reporting I3orrow�r's change of address, �hc����3orrawer shall only z�epo��t a changG�f ad��tess�l�rou�h <br /> tha�spccified procedure. There m�y be on�y one d�sigt���ed notice address ui7d�r this S�curity�ns�rumet-��at any onc <br /> �ime. Any notice to Lender shall be gi�en�y d�li�eri�-�g it or by�nailing it by firsl class l��ai�to Lender's addre�s st�ted <br /> herein uniess Lender has designated ano�her address by notice to Borrowez-. .�Zy no�ice in �onnectian v�ith this <br />' SeGurity Instrument shall not be decmed ta 1-�a�e be�n gi�en to Lende�until actually i-�c�;i�ed by Lender, �f a��y��o�ice <br /> re�uir�d by this Securily ���strumcnt is aisa ret�uired under Applic�b�e Law, the 1�pplicable Law requirc����ent u�ill <br /> satisfy�he coz respondil�g rec�uirement und�r this �ecurity �nstr��m�r1t. <br /> 15. Go�erning Law; Sev�ra�ility; �2ule� of C�nstru�tiUn. �"his 5�:��.�rity Z��str��mei1� shall be �ov�:i-�7ed h� <br /> federal law and the 1aw of the j uri�dict�on in which tl�e �'r❑perty is laca�ed. <br /> All righ�s and obligatioi�s contained in this 5ec��rity Instru��lei�t a�•e subjec� to any ree�ui�-e���ents�i�d�i�7�it��tioa�� <br />. of Applicable Law. Applicable La�miglit explicitl�or in-�p�icitly allow the �ar�ies ta a�ree by �;ai��ra�:�a�- it ��.�i�l�t <br /> be silent, but suc1�silence sI-�all nat be construed as a prohibi�i�t� against agrecment by�on�i ac�. �n the�:����t tht�t any <br /> provisio�l or clause of this Security Instrumen�or tl�e Note co�-�flicts witl�Appli����c L�w, s��ch co�lflic�sh��ll not af��ct <br /> �ther pr��isions of thi� Security�nstrum�n�or�he Nate wlliCh can lle gi�en ef f�c�witl�o��t the conf�ic�in�pro�is�on. <br /> AS USeC�li7��1I5 S�CL.IIIty �115�1UI`I1�11�: �a} wards af th� masculine gender shal� ilaea�� a�7d incl�kde c���responc�ing <br /> neuter�vords or words of the fen�inine ge��der; �b�WDIC�S 117��7e SII�gL1�aT' SI7aI� 1�7�c1I7 al�1C� f17G�Li�L t�7�p�U�'c�I c�11C� VICC' <br /> �ersa; and�c} �he�va��d "may" gi�es s�ie dis�retian �vi���out an�ob�i�atian to talce any action. <br /> 1�. �3orrower's Capy. Borrower shall be giv�n onc �opy af���e Nate ���-�d of�his Secu�ity It�strui��.ent. <br /> 17. Transfer of the Pr�perf:y or a �3cncficial �n#;i�~cs#:in l�orrow�r. As uscd in tl�is Sec�ian 17, "I��terest ii� <br /> the Proper�y" means any �egal ot� beneficial interes� i�� tl�e Property, ���cluc��n�, but not limi�ed to, tl7osc� benef cial <br /> in�e�e�ts transferred in a b�nd f�r deed, contract far d�ed, installil�ent s�le�co��f�-aCt ot-escrovv��rcem�:nt, t1�e i��tc�i� <br /> of vvhich is the transfer of�itle by Borrower at a fu�ure date ta a pur-chaser. <br /> �f al� ar a��y part af t1�e praperty or any Interes� in the Property i� sald o�- tz-ansf erred �or if�3oi•�•o�v�r is ��o�a <br /> natural pers�n and a heneficial �nter�st i��Borrower is sold ar tra���f'crred} wit��out Lencier's prior written ca�lsc:��t, <br /> Lender rnay re�uire iinm�diate payment in full of all sums secur-ed by�his Security Ii�struinGilt. However, tl�is aptian <br /> sha�l not be�xe�c�sed�y Lender if such ex�rcise is prohibited by App�icable �:�aw. <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED �F TRUST- MERS � C7oc���rc�{��:G��;�:� <br /> N E�nTZ2.FHA D91�4115 F'�y� 9 of 13 www.a�o�rr���ic.c�m <br />