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2� 1 ��5179 <br /> 4 <br /> �f Lel�der exercises this op�ian, Lender shall gi�e Borrower natice of acc�leratioil. �I'he notice sl7all pro�ide a <br /> period nf not Iess than 3�days fi"�1�1�I7�C���:�t�7�17Q�1�'�IS g1VL'li 117 aCC�i C�c�l`1C�W1��7 SLCtl�t7 14 W1tI1tl`�W�71C17�3fl�'�'OW�1- <br />; mus�pay all sums secur�d by th�s Se�urity�nstrument. Zf�3orro�ver fails ta p�iy �h�s�:sums pa•ior la the expir�tiai-� of <br /> this periad, Le17C�er I7I�.�lI`lV�ke 111�I"�111�CI1CS�]Ci'17�1���C�13��.�715 S� 1��1�I15tt'UZ`I1�;11� W1��7t]L�t tLII"��7LT'17C7t1CL C]T'��;I�I7a11C� <br /> an Borrower. <br /> 18. Bvrrt�wcr's Right to RcYnsta#:c Aftcr Acccicrafion. �f Bor��owe�•meets ccrtt�in ca��ditions, Box�ror�ver shall <br />: ha�e the right �a reins�atem�nt of a moz tgage. T'hosc conditions are�hat �3az-rowe�-: �a} pays Lendei• all sums which <br /> then would be due under this S�Curity�ns��ument an�i�l�e Nnte as if no�.ccelera�ion had occ��rt-ed;�b�cures any def�ult <br /> of any other covenants or agreen�ents;[c}pays all expenses ii-��urred in enfarcii�g this 5ec���-ity Instri�ment, in�iudi��g, <br /> l�ut not l�mited to, reasonable attarneys' fees, praperty inspection and valuatioi� fees, a��d ot���r f�es incurrcd far th�; <br /> purpase af protecting Lende��'s intei-est in the I'raperly ai�d rights under tl�is Security Zn�t�•ume��t; a��d�d}tal{es such <br /> ac�io��as Lend�r n�ay t�easonably r�quir��o assure�l�a�L�nc�er's interest in t��e�'rop�r�y��17C��'1��7tS UpC�Lt"���i 1S S�'L'uI'l�y <br /> I�a�trumen�, and Borrower's o�ligatioi�to pay tl�e sui��s scc���-�d by this S�cu�-i�y Iz�st�-��t���t�t, s17a11 conti��ue��nc��ai�����. <br /> Howe�er, Lender is not required ta reins�ate zf: �i� Lezld�r has accepted reinst��te������t t��'ter �hc comr��c�ne�ment❑f' <br /> for�closure proceec�ings with�n two yea��s i��z�n��di�tcly p��ec�dii7g �he C�r17I17L17L`C:I7��:17� c�t' a curr�x�t fat�e�losu��e <br /> praceedings; �ii}reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on diffe�en��;rouz�ds i��the fu�ure, ar�iii}reinstatei��ent will <br /> adversely affect tl�e priority af the �ien�rea�ed by this Securi�y Instz-ument. Le��der may z���uiz e tha� �3orrowet- pay <br /> such r�insta�em�nt surns and expenses in one ar more af the follawing forms, as selectec� by �ender: �a} cas11; �b} <br /> money order; �c�certified check, bat�lc ch�ek, treasuz er's cl�ecl�or cashier's checic,provided any such Chccl�.is c�rawn <br /> upon an insti�ution whose deposi�s are insured�y a fed�ral agency, instrument�lity a�•entity; or(�i}E�ectranic Fund� <br /> Transfer. Upon reinstater�ne�7t by B�rrower,�his S�curity In�t�-un7ent and obli�atio��s secu��ee�h�z-eby shall remain fuiiy <br /> effec�i�e as if no acceleration had occurred. Howe�c�-, tlii����ht t�rei��state sha�l not�pply i��the c�ase of acceler��ion <br /> under Section 17. <br /> 19. Sale r�f I����c; Change of Loari �c�r�iccr; �oticc of Gr�c�var�cc. rI�hc l�Iatc or a paz tial i��t���st i�� �he Nate <br /> ��ogethe�with this Security IZ�str��i7�ent}�;��n b�sold❑nc oi`177�1 C�11�7LS W1��7[3U1. pI"1(]I"t7(]t1CL'���3Qi•ravv�z-. A s�Je mi�ht <br /> resu�t �n a cl�ange in the �n�ity �lcnown as �hc "L�an Sc��icei•"} �hat collects f'e�-iodi�:�'aym�nt� �,�u� �i��d�r �1�� Notc <br /> and�his SeCurity�nstrument and perforn�s ntl�er- mortgage loan ser•�ici��g abli�ations ���d��� �h� Note, this Security <br /> Ins�rumen�, and Appiicable Law. '��ere also migh�b� one or more chan�;es of the Lo��n Se�-�icer unrel�itcd to a saic <br /> of ti�e Note. �f there is a change of�he Laan Ser�icer, Borrawer will be giver7 wr�ttc��notice of the ch����ge vvhich vvill <br /> stat�th�name and address of�he new Loan Servrccr, �he address �a �vl�ich paymez�ts shoulci b� made and any c�ther- <br /> infa�matifln RESPA r��uires in connectioi� with a notic�of tra�-�sf�r af se��icing. If thc No�e i� s�ld ��zld tl�er�af���r <br /> the L�an i�servic�d by a Lo�n Ser�icer otl��r than the purchaser of thc Note, the mart�;�ge�oan ser��icin�;�biigatiflns <br /> to Barrower will remain with the Laan Servicer or be transfcrred to a su�ces�or Loan Se�-vicer and are not as��im�d <br /> by�he Note p��rehaser u���ess otherwise pro�ided by �he Nate purchaser. <br /> ZD. Borrowcr 1Vvt Third-Party�3inef�ciary�c��ontract�f It�s�ran�:e.Mo�•tg���e Insu�-ance�•eii��bu�-scs Lender <br /> �ar any entity tha�purch�ses the Nate� for ce�-tain losses i�may ir�cur if�3o�-row�r does not t-���ay�he L������s ag�-eed. <br /> Borrower acknowledges and agrees that t1�e Borraw�r is not a tllird par�y b�neficiary to tl�e co��t��t�ct af ins��z-anc�: <br /> between the Secretary and Let�der, nor is Bor•�•ower- e���itled to enfot•c� a�7y a�z•eement betwG��� Le��c��r at�d the <br /> Secretary, unless explici�ly autharized to da so by Applica�le Law. <br /> 21. Hazardous Suhstanc�s.As used in this Section�1: (a}"Hazardous Si�bstaz�ces"are tl�ose s�ib�tar�ces dGfined <br /> as toxic or hazardous substances, p�llutan�s, or wastes by Ei��ironme��tal Law a��d ih�followi���substa��ces: �asoline, <br /> keroset�e, athe� flam��nable ar toxic petr4leum products, taxic pesticides ai�d l�c�,bicrdes, valatile solvents, ma�eria�s <br /> containing a�bestas or fo�-maldehyde, and r��di�aciiv�mate�ials;�b�"Er��irot�mental Law"�Z�can�federal laws and laws <br /> of the jurisdic�ian where th� Property is �acat�d that re�ate to hcalth, safcty �r �n�iranmcl7t�i protec�ioi�; �c} <br /> "En�ironmental Cl�anup" in�lud�s any respot��c ac�ion, ��medial actio�7, �r ren�oval �ction, as c�e�ned in <br /> Environmental Law; and (d� an "E���ii onmental �onditian" Y�-�eaz7s a co���iiti��� t��at ����� c��usc, �or�t�•ibLitc t�, c.��- <br /> o�hervvise trigger an Env�ron���en�at �lcanup. <br />� Barrowver shall not cause�r perinit the presei�cc, use, dispos�l, st�r��c, oz�i�ct��ase o���ny�-It��a��d�«s Su�stzi�ccs, <br /> ❑r threa�en to release any HaLardous 5ubstances, an oi•in�hc 1'z•operty. �3a����ow�r shall nUt c�o, nor ailaw ailyo��e ilsG <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED QF TRUST- MERS DocIVla�grC�''����,�zr�,�; <br /> hf EDaTZ�.FHA 091�4115 Pag e 1� of �3 vwvw,c�ocrrxagr'c.cvrr� <br />