2� 1 ��5179
<br /> ,
<br /> 3
<br /> �n�he even�af a total talcin�, destruction, or l�ss in value of the Yroper�y, t11�Misc��lan�ous Yrocecds�hall b�
<br /> applied to the su1-n� secured by tl-�is Security Instrumenti, whether ar no� thei� t�iue, witl� t1�e excess, if a1�y, paid to
<br /> Barrower.
<br /> In th�c�ent of a partial talcing, destru��ian, or Ioss in �a1ue of thc Prop����y i�1 which th� fair ma�•l�et vaiue of
<br /> tl�e P�operty inul�ediately before the partial talciY�g, destructio��, oz loss i���aluc is ec}u�l to or gz eat�r t��an the atno�int
<br /> af the sums secured by this Security rnstr�.�i�ne��t imn�ediately before the partial iaki��g, des�r��ctiox-�, �r Ioss in ���l��c,
<br /> unless Borrovver and Lender otherwise a���ee in writi��g, the sums secuz�d by�hi�Security Instr��ment sl�all b�reduced
<br /> �y tl�e amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeds mul�ip�ied by �l�e foli�wi��g fi•act�ai-�: �a} fl�e �otal ����ouz�� af'the sums
<br /> secur�d immedia�el�before the partial takin�, destru�tion, or loss in v�lue dividec�by(b��h�fait t�1�r•lcet va�ue of th�
<br /> Property imm�di�tely before the par�ial ta���ng, destruction, or l�ss it-��a�ue. Ar�y bala��ce shG�l� be paid to�3�rrow��-.
<br /> �n the event of a par��al tal�ing, destruction, a� loss in �alue of the I'z-flpe��ty in which the fa�r marlcet �al��e c�t'
<br />- the Property imrned�ately before the partial talcing, destruc�ion, or toss in�a�ue is less tha�� �he amaunt af the ��kms
<br /> secured immediatel�before the partial takirlg, destr��etio��, or loss in value, u���Gss �3orro�ver and Let�der ��hez•vvise
<br /> agree�n writi��g, the Miscellaneous Pro�eeds shall be applied to t��e suzns se�ur�d by�his 5ec����ity Instru���ent whethe��
<br /> ar not the sums a�e tl�en due.
<br /> �f the Property is abandoned by Barrower,or if; after notice vy Lend�r tfl �3a�-�-awer ihat�he�ppasing Party�as
<br /> defii�ed in the next sen�ence� offers to ma�ce a�� a�vard to s�ttle a clai��� for d��ma��s, L�orro��ver fails to respo��d to
<br /> L�nder within 3�days after the date th�not�ce is giv�:i�, Lczader is authori��d�a collec�����d app]y the Miscell�n�o��s
<br /> Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Yrap�rty or to the sums securcd by th�� S�cux'1�� �175�I•um���t, wh�ther
<br />� or nat the�� due. "�PPosing �'arty" 1��eans �l�e tllird par�y �l�at owes �3orrow�r Misccllat�caus �'r�ce���s ar the par�y
<br /> against whom Borrower 11as a�ight of action in re�;ard tfl Miscell�neaus �'roce�ds.
<br />- Bflrrower sha11 be in default if any a�tion or proceeding, whethcr ci�il o�� criminal, is be�ui� �l-�at, ix� L�n��z�'�
<br /> judg�nent, could result in forfei�ure of the Propei•ty or�ther mate�-ia1 impairment af L�nd�:�-'s intei•est in�h�Pr�p�rty
<br />; .
<br /> or rights under�IZis Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a dcf�ult and, if ac�cicz•atio��has occurr�d, re�l�stat�;
<br /> as pr�vided in Section 18, �y causi��g �he ac�io�� or pro��:edin� to be distn�sse�i with a �-u�ing �ha�, in Len�i�i's
<br /> �udgment, precludes farfeitur� of�he Prop�rty or other n�aterial impairment of LcndG�-'s interest in �he Propei��y a�
<br />. righ�� under�hi� Security Ins�rumen�. rl�h� proceeds af any award ar cl�im for c�i��r��a��� that are a�tri�utable to t�ae
<br /> impairment of Lender's interest in#he Property are hereby assig��ed and sh�Il b� paid ta Lend�t�,
<br /> .A�l Miscellan�aus Praceeds that ai�not applie;d�o re�tnration or ��epair af the �'rop�rty shali b� app�ied in the
<br /> ord�r pr�vided for zn Section 2.
<br /> 11. Borrawer N��Releascd; Forbearan�e �y Lendcr No#:a Wai�cr. LXtC�1SID1`1 Uf f�1e �I1`I7C f�I" �ayl11�i1�Ui"
<br /> modification of amartiza�ioi� of the s��ms secured by�h�s Security Il�s�rument�rantcd by Lender to Lorrotiver ar any
<br /> Success�r ix�Interest of Barrower sl�all nat opera�e to release the liabi�i�y of�3orrower or at�y Su�cessars in 7nterest
<br /> of Borrower. Lender shall nat be rec�uired ta comrnence proceedings ��ainst a��y Successor i�3 I�ZtereSt of}3arro�ver
<br /> or �o refuse to extend time for payment or atherwise ���adify ai�norti�ation of tlle sut��s s�c�zred by �his Securi�y
<br /> Instrument by reason of any de���zand made by the origi�7a� �3orrawer ar a��y Successo��s in ����er��t❑f�3orrawer. ��y
<br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any right ar i-emedy i��clud�n�, withoL�t 1i�l�itatio��, L�ncier's acceptai�ce �f
<br /> paymet�ts from third per5at�s, en�i�ies ar Succes�oz�s in I2�t�1�st❑f�3oz ro�ver or in ama�.���ts less th�n the�mo��nt tl�cn
<br /> due, sha�l na�b�a waiver of or preclude tl�e exerci�e of any t�ight or remedy.
<br /> 12. Joint and Sc�cral Liab��ity; �'o-signcrs; Succcssc�rs and Assign� ����unc�. �3a�•r�we;r c���i�aa�ts and agr���
<br /> �hat Bor�❑w�r's obligatioi�s and Iiability shall be joii�t and sever�l. ��owe�et-, any�3o�-row��•w��a ca^si���s ti�is Sec�irity
<br /> Instrument bu�does not execute the Nate(a"co-sig��er"�: �a}is co-sig�7in�tl�is 5ecurity Instr��i��ent o��1y �o rnar�ga�e,
<br /> grant and �o��vey the co-slgner's interest in the Praperty under the terms of this Sccuri�y Xnst�ument; �b} is not
<br /> persona�ly obligated to pay th� sun�s secured by this Scc��rity �nstrument; �nd t�} a�;r�es tl�at Ll�r�de�•a��d any ot��cr
<br /> Barrower ca��a�ree to exxend, madify, forbear or ma�{e any accammodations wi�h re�;arc�to th�tcr�-��s of this Sccurity
<br /> Instrumen�az the No�e without�hc co- signer's conse�-�t.
<br />; Sub��c� ta the pro�isions of Sectian 17, any SuGc�ssor in Z��t��-est �#� I3oz�rower who ��ssum�s �.3orro�vc�'s
<br /> oblig�iions under this Security Iz��trumen�in w��itin�, a�1d is app�•oved by Ler�d�r, shall obtain a��of L3oi�ro�ver's ri�hts
<br /> and benefits under this Secu�-ity�ns�rument. Borr�wcr shall not he relcased fi-om�3or��ower's�bligatians and liavil�ty
<br />' NEgRASKA FHA DEEU �F Tf�UST - MERS D�el�l�grr'��u���,��;
<br /> N ED4TZ2.FHA 0 9l 141�5 Pag� S af 13 www.docmagic.c�m
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