2� 1 ��5179
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br />, and restoration �n a single paymen�ar i��a se�ies af pr•og��ess paymen�s as the wark is cample�ed. If the ��Isurar��c or
<br /> candemnation proceeds are not suffici�n� t� repait- or res�ore the Prop�a�ty, �3az�ro�ve�- is z�o� z�el ie�ed of�3�rrowGr's
<br /> obligation far the �ompletion of such r�pai�� o�� restaz-ation.
<br /> If cond�mna�ion proceeds are paid in cann�ction with the tal�ing of thc� prope���y, Lcnder shall apply �uch
<br /> proc�eds t� the reduc�ion of�I�e indebtedness uzldez- the Note and this Se�uz-ity Instz-�����e��t, fi�-st to a��y delit����cnt
<br /> amaunts, and then to paymel�t of principal. A��y �pp�icatian of the pro�eeds to thc prin�ipal shall not ex�end or
<br /> postpone the due date of the mnnthly payrnents or change tl�e�7��ount of such p�yments.
<br /> Lender ar its agent may malce reasonaUle entries upan and inspectians Uf�he�'rap�rty. If'it has rcasanable ca��sc,
<br /> Let�der znay inspec�the interior of th�improvements o��the Property, Lender sl���l gi�� L3orr❑wer�lotice a�tl�e �i�-��e
<br /> of or prior to sucl� an interiar inspection specifying such reasonable ca�ise.
<br /> 8. Borrowcr's Loan Applicaf ion. Bar�ower sllal� be in defa�.ilt if, duri��g �he Loan �.pplicati��� process,
<br /> Borrower or any pe�sans ar en�it�cs a��ing at the dircc�ifln of Borrawc�or witla�3orro�v�ar's lc��owledge or co��sen��ave
<br /> materialiy false, r��isle�ding, ar inaccurate Ynfarmation or s�ateinet�ts to Lender �ar fai�cd to pra�idc Lender with
<br /> mat�rial infarma�ion� in connec�ion witl� the Laan. M�t�ria� represea�tati�ns i��clu��e, but are ilat limited ta,
<br /> representations cnnceri�i��g Lo�rower's oc�upan�y of th� Praperty �s �3arrower'S �i 111C1�]�iI I•esid�nce.
<br /> 9. Pro�:ec#:i�n of Lender's �ntcrest in the Yruper�:� and �.ights �nd�r thi� �ccurity �nst�•urn�nt. If{a�
<br /> Borr�wer fails to pe�-fari��tl�e covenai�ts and agreen-�e��ts �onta�ned i�� ll�is 5ec�ir�ty r��stri���z-�ent, �b} tl�erc is a �c����
<br /> proceeding tl�at inight�ignifican�ly affe�t Lender's ir�terest in the Proper�y andlor�•ights under t�7is 5ecuri�y Ins�ru���en�
<br /> �suc�as a pra��eding in�ankruptcy, probate, for condemilatioil or forfei�ure, fo�� enForcem�nt of a lien which may
<br /> a�tain priority aver this Securi�y Instruinent ar ta enforce laws ❑r regulations�, or �c� Barrovv�r has abandoncd thc:
<br /> Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is reasanable ar apprflpria�e to pz otect Lender's interest i��the
<br /> Prnperty and righ�s under t�115 SeGL1T'1���17,St1 L1ST1Cllt, inc���din�; protecting andla�- assessing th��zlue of�h�Propez�y,
<br /> and se�uring andlor repairin�t11�Property. Leilder's�ctioi�s ca��include, bu���re not lil��itcd tn: �a}payi�7g any sums
<br /> secured by a Iien whicl�has priority a��r�his Security I��stru�nent; �b} �ppearin�in cour�; az�d�c}payin� ��easonG�blc
<br /> atto�neys' fees to p��atect its interes�in the Pr�perty a�7c�lor z•ights u�-�der this 5ec��t�ity I�����ur-��e;nt, includin�; its sec��rcd
<br /> positioz�in a banl�-uptcy proceeding. Se�uring tl�e I'i��perty it�clud�s, �L�� l� 11U� 11I171�L'C� �.�, ent�;ri����h�; �'r'�pCl�y �Q
<br /> ma�e r�pairs, change lacics, rep�ace or board u�doors ar�d wi��dows, drain �vat�z- fz•o��1 pip�s, clin�i��ate b�iildil��or
<br /> ather code violations or dangerous conditions, and havc�utilities �urned on o��ai�f. �lth�u�,h L���d�r ���ay talc�acti�i�
<br /> ul�der fhis Secti�n 9, Lender does not hav�to do so and is not und�r any duty or obl�ga�io�� ta do so. It is agreed t����t
<br /> Lender incurs no liab�lity for nat tal�ing an�oi� al� a�tiUns autl�a�-ized u��der this Sectior-� 9.
<br /> Any am�ullts disbursed by Lender under tl�is Sectian 9 shall be�o��7e a���.�itional deb�of�Barr-awer secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Tl�ese am�unts shall bear i��tcrest at thc Note rate fro�n the date af disburs�ment and shall ve
<br /> payable, ��ith such i��te�est, upan notice from L�nd�r to Borrower req�re�ting p�yn�Gn�,
<br /> If this Secur�ty Instrumen� is on a leasehnld, Barrawer sl�all comply with �11 the provisians oF the Iease, If
<br /> Borrower acc�uires fee title to�he�'rapei•ty, the lea�el�old a��d the fee�itle shall n�t m�z•�e u��tle�s Lej�d�r agrees�o th�
<br /> i merger in writing.
<br /> 1�, Assignm�nt of�is�cllane�us �rac�cds; �i orfeiturc. Al� Miscellane:ous �'roce�:ds �.r�hereby assig��ed �o
<br /> at�rd sha11 be paid t� Lender.
<br /> �f the Yroperty is damaged,such Miscella��eous�'�•oceeds shall be appliec�to�•e�toratian c��•rcpair of tl�e�'roperty,
<br /> if�he restorat�on or r�pair is e�onamicaliy feasible and Lender's security is nat lesse�7ed. During su�l� repair and
<br /> restora�ian period, Lender shall ��ra�e the right to hald such Miscellaneous Pracccds ��ntil Lender ha5 had an
<br />� flpportunity t� inspect such �'raper�y to ensure �he work has been campleted to Lender's satisf�ctiox�, pro�id�d �hat
<br /> such inspec�ian�hall be undertalcen pror��ptly. Lender n�ay pay for�he repairs and restoz-atioi7 in a sin�le dis�ursem�l��
<br /> or in a series�f progress payl��e��ts as the wai•k is completed. Unl�ss an agi������e��t is �7�ade in writi��g �r Applic�blt�
<br /> Law requ�res i��fierest t�be paid on sLich Miscel]aneou� Pr�ceeds, �ender shali not b�re�uiz ed to pa�Barrower any
<br /> int�rest or earnings on such Misceilanc����s �'roc;eed�. If�h� �estora�ian or �•epai�- is r�ot e�ana���i�ally leasibl� �r
<br /> Lend�r•'s security would be tcssened, �he Miscellaneflus Prac�eds shail be applied to th�:surn5 sec�ir�d by this Scc�iz�iiy
<br /> Instrument, �vh�ther ❑r no��hez� due, with the excess, if any, paid ta Bo�•�•ovvcr. Such Misccllan�o��s �'roc�eds �l�all
<br /> be applied in�he orde�pro�ided for in Section 2.
<br /> NED�TZ2.FHA a9114115 Na e 7 of �3 Doclv��gic��.x�' ��,
<br /> 9 www.docmagr'c.cam
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