2� 1 ��5179
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> of coverag�. Therefore, such coverage shall co�er I.��nder, but �Z�ight or mi�l�t not prot�ct �3o�-rower, �Oi'I"�WL'I"�s
<br /> equity in�he Praper�y, or the contents af the Prope���y, agai��st a�3y ris�c, hazaz•L�o�-liability a��d might p�-o�idc�r��t�i-
<br /> ar lesse� co�erage�han was pre�iously in effect. Bor��awer acl��owledges that�he ca�t of the i��s��ra��c�: cov�rage sa
<br /> flbtained migh�significantly exceed thc�:ast of insurance tl�at Barrawe��nuld hav�ob�ain�d. ��y amnun�s disb��r��:d
<br /> �y Lender under this Se�tion 5 sl�a�I be�o�n�additiondl debt of Barrower secured by tllis Sc�iirity Instru��ne��t. Tl�ese
<br /> am�unts shall bear interest at the Note rate fro��n the date of disbursement ai�d shall be payabte, Wlt�l 5UCI7 1I7�.G'I"�St,
<br /> upon not�ce frox�� Lender to B�rrawer re�uesting payi�lent,
<br />� All insu�ance po��cies required by Lei�der and renewals of such policies sh��ll bc subject �� Lez�der's ri�ht �a
<br /> disapp�-o�e su�h pol�cies, sha�l incl��de a standard ��Zor�gage claus�, �tnd shali na���� Lende�� G�s mortg�gee ar�dlor ��5
<br /> additional l��s payee. Lender shall ha�e th� right to hold the policies az�d rei�ewal certif i�ates. If Le��der re��uire:s,
<br /> Borrower sha�I pr�mptly give to Le��der all receipts af paid prer��iunis a��d rei��wal no�ices. �f�3orrower obtains al�y
<br />: form of insura��ce coverage, not a�her�vzse rec�uired by L���dez�, fo�-d�ma�c to, oi' L�LSLI'llC�,1Q17 Q�, the Yrop��ty, such
<br /> p���cy shall inc�ude a standard mortgage clause a1��i shall i�a��1e Lei�der a� m�rt�a�;ce: ��7d1or as an ac�ci�tional I�s�
<br /> paye�.
<br /> �n the event of loss, Bor��wer shall give pronlpt no�ice to the insura��ce caa��-ier a�1d Let-�d�r, Lender may mG�i�c
<br /> pro�f af loss if not n�ade pron-�ptly by Borrower. Unless Lender a��d Borrower �tl��rwise a�;z-ee i�7 wr�tix�g, a��y
<br /> i��surance proceeds, w��ether or nat�he ul�derlyii7g insurance was rec�uired l�y Lender, s11�i1 �e applied t❑ z-estara�iaa�
<br /> or repair of t11e Proper�y, if the resforation or repair is economi�ally feasible and Lender's security is nat I��sened.
<br />: Duriz�g such r�pair and rest�ration pez iod, Lender shall ha�e the right to ho�d suCh �nsu��al�cc proceeds until Lendcr
<br /> has had an opportunity �o iilspect such Property to e�lsure tl�e woz l�. has been co�npl�;ted to Lender's satisfactioli,
<br /> providGd that su�h inspection shall �e under�alcen proi7�ptly. Lcndcr n�ay disburs� proceeds fa� th� r�pairs ai�d
<br /> restora�ion in a single pay�7�ent a� in a sc��es of pz og��ess paymer7ts as thc vvorl� is co�7�.pl�ted. L�nlcss a��a�;�een7ent is
<br /> made in writing or Applicable Law requires int���est ta be p�id on such insurar�ce p��oc��:�s, LcndGr- �hall n�� be
<br /> reauired ta pay Borrower any interest flr eari�ings on such proc�eds. �i ec:s for pub��c ��ci�ust�rs, or ath�r third paz•tic�,
<br />, retained by Borrower sha��no�be paid out of�he insurance proceeds and shall be the sole obli�a�io�� �f B�rrowcr. IF
<br /> the restora�ion ar repair is 1�at ecoz�omically feasible ar Leildcr's security�vauld b� �ess�zycd, the insurance procecc�s
<br /> shall be applied to the sums sec�u�d by this SeGuri�y Instrumen�, �rhether nr not�hen due, wi���the excess, if any, paid
<br /> to Borr�wer. Such insurance proceeds shall�e applied in the order pro�id�d for iz� S�:ctiol� 2.
<br /> If Barrawer abandons �he Proper�y, Lender may fil€�, ne�atiate and setlle any av�ilable i��suranct� claim and
<br /> re�ated matters. �f Borrowcr does not respflnd within 3� �iays to a��atice fro�n L�ndet- �hat the insurance Garricr l�as
<br /> affered to se�tle a clai�n, then L�nder may negotia�e and settle the claim, Z�he 3�--day p�r�od will be�in vvhen the notice
<br /> is given. In ei�her event, or if Lend�r ac�uire�tl�e�-'ropei�ty�inde��Sectiot��2 c��•ot��et�wise, Borrawer hereby aSs�Kz�s
<br /> �o Lender�a}Borrower's rights to any insura��ce pz�acceds ii� ai1 a1��oui�� t�o� ta exceec�the �i�l�unts un����id ur�dc:�-th�
<br /> Note or this Security �1�strulnent, and �b} ai7y otl�er UF�3ot-r��ver's r-i�hts �othei� tl�ail t��c ��i�;ht to a��y I"L'�LiI7C� ot�
<br /> unearned premiums paid by Boz�rower}und�r a11 ins��z-a���e poliGies cfl�ering th� �'ropc;rty, i��safG�r as such z•i�l��s ��i�e
<br /> applieaUle ta t1�e co�erage of tl�e Property. Lendcr may use the insuz ance proceed� eithet� io repair or re�tare tl�e
<br /> Prop�r�y or to pay amaunts unpaid u��der the Note or �his Security Instrument, wl�etl�er or not then due.
<br /> 6. ��cupancy.Borr�wer sha11 occupy,establisi�, and use�he�'raperty as Borrow�r'�principal�esidez��e witl�in
<br /> G� days after the exe�ution of this Security Instrumer�i and �hali c�ntinue ta accupy the I'z-operty as Barrower's
<br /> principal residence foi- at least one year after the date af occupaz�cy, �inless Lender• de�cz����ii�Gs that this re���ir�ment
<br /> sl�at�cause undue��ardship for the Borrower ar unles�extcnuating cia-ci�mstai�ces exist w��i�h are beyond Barrow��-'�
<br /> contr�l.
<br /> 7. Fr�sc�rvation, Maintcnance and Prutection of`#:hc �'rop�rty; rns,�cc#:i�ns. �3or�•ow�r sha11 not des�ray,
<br /> damage or impair the Property, al��w�he Property �o deteriorate or camn�it waste o�� the I'ropt;�•ty. Borrow��� sh��l�
<br /> main�ain the Property in order to prevent tl�e Pz-operty frar��deteriora�in�or dGcz�c�sin�ii� �alue�i��e ta its�;onditio��.
<br /> Unless it is determincd purs�rant tn Section 5 ti�at repair az� r-estoi-atio�� is not ccanoinicaliy fcasible, Borro�ver sh��ll
<br /> prompt�y repair tl�� Property if damaged to a�oid further deteriaratiai-� or damage, �f ins��rance ❑r candcnu�atioi-�
<br /> pro�eeds ax•e paid in�onne�tion with damage to tl�e Property, Barrower sha�l be responsiblc:for rep��i�ing ar restoz•ing
<br /> tl�e Proper�y anly if Ler�der has released proceeds f�r such purposes. LendGr znay disburse pro���ds far the �-epairs
<br /> NEBRASKA FHA�EED �F TF�IJST- MERS ������,�,r����;k.���,-��
<br /> N E��TZ2.FHA D91141�5 �'�g� f ofi 13 �w.r���rr���ric.��m
<br />