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2� 1 ��5179 <br /> � <br /> . <br /> Lender�nay, a�a��y��me, col�ect ai�d ha�d F��nd�in an arnaunt(a}s�.�fficie��t to permit Lcnd�;r to�pp�y the�;unds <br /> at the time specif ed under RES�'A, �nd(b�n�t to exceed the maxii��um amount a lcnder can re���ire under RES�'�1.. <br /> Lender s�aall estimate�he amount of Funds due on�he basis of currcnt i�c�ta and re�son�tblc cs�i���at�s of expendi�ures <br /> of future Escrow�tems flr otherwise i��accarddnc� witl-�Appli�ab�e Law, <br /> The Funds shail b�held in an institutian vvl�ase depasrts are insured by a federal agei�cy, instrumentalily, ar <br /> entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institutioi� whose deposits are so i��sur�d} a�� i�� a��y Ted�:ra� �-�ame Loaz� <br /> Ba��k. Lender shall app�y the Funds to pay the Escrow Ite���s��o later tha���he time speci#ied under RES�'A. Le�-�der <br /> shall not charge Borrow�r far holding and�pplying the Funds, annually ailalyLing t��e escraw a��o�int, or�erifyil�� <br /> t1�e Escrow I�ems, unless Lender pays Bax rovver int�i-es�on t��e Func�s and Applicable Law permits Lender t�n��a�ce <br /> such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writir�g ar Applicable Lavv requires interest to be paid on�he��unds, <br /> Le�-�der s�iall no�be required�o pay Borrower any i�7terest ar e�ri�ings o�-�the�{�znds. �3arrow�:r and Le��der ca��a�,z�ee <br /> in writing, h�w��er,that in�erest shall be paid on�he Fu��ds. Le��de�-shall gi�e to�3orrovver,vvi�hout char�;c;,an annu�l <br /> accauniing❑f t1�e Fund� as rec�uired by RESPA. <br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds 1-�eld in es�raw, as defii�ed �inder��5�'A., Lender shall accoL�ilt to Borrower fo�- <br /> the excess funds in a�coz•dance wi�h RESPA. 7f the�•e is a s��ar��ge of Fu�-�ds 17c�d in�scrow, as defi��ed��nder RESPA, <br /> Lender sha�l n�tify Borro�ver as re�uired by�ESPI�, and�3�rrower shall pay�a Lendcr tl��a���oun�nece�sary to mai�� <br /> up the sh�rtage in accordance witl� RESPA, but in i�o more than 1� n�onthly pay�ne��ts. rf there is a dcfici�z�cy of <br /> Fu��ds l�eld in es�raw, as defined under�ZESPA, Lender shall�7o�ify I�orrowe��as re�uir�d by RES�'A, and�3orrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amoun�necessar-y t�mal�e up the def cie��cy in accordance with FZ.ESPA, but in na mo�-e lhai-� <br /> 12 monthly paymen�s. <br /> LTpon paymer7t i��full of all sums secu��d by�his Sccurity Ir�strumer�t, L�ndcr shall proF��ptly re�und tn B��-rawer <br /> a��y Fu��as h��a�y L�r�de�. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. �3orrower shall pay all t�xes, ass�ssrne�3ts, Charaes, �in�s, and ii��pasitions e��t�•ibutabl� t� <br /> tl�e Property whic�� can attain priority o�er this SecL�rity Instrument, leasehold paym�nts �r grou��d rents oi� t�le <br /> P�operty, if any, and�omxnunity A�so�ia�ioi�Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if al�y. 'I"o th�:�x��n��l�at these iten�s are <br /> Escrovv Items, Borrower shal�pay them in t��e m�.n��er p�-a�ided in Sec�ion 3. <br />� Borrower sha�I promptly discharge any lien�vhich has px-iority over this SGcu�-ity 7nstrument unlc�s�Borr-�wc�r: <br /> �a}agre�s in writing to the payn��n�of tl�e obligation securc;d by the lien in a manncr acc�ptable to Lend�r, but����y <br /> sa �ong a� Borrower is perfarn�ing such agree���ent; �b} cont�sts the liei� in ��od faith by, or C�LfL11C�S aga�nst <br /> enforcement af the lien�n, tegal proceedin�;s which in Lender's�pinian operate to prc����t thc:exlfor�c�iner���f thc Ize�� <br /> whi�e those p1•oceedings are pending, bu�only until su�h proceedings are coz�cluded; or (c�s�cures.Crom the ho����� <br /> of the lien a��agre�m�nt sati�factary ta Le��der subo��dinatii�g tl�e liei�to this Security In�t�-ume��t. 7f Lender dete�n�.ii��� <br /> �hat any part❑f tl�e property is subjec�to a lien whiel� can at�ain priarity o�er this Secu�•ity Instrument, Lender mG�y <br /> gi�e Borrower a notice identifying �he lien, V�i�hin 10 days of�h�date on wl�ich that no��ce is�i�en, �.3orrawe�sl���ll <br /> satisfy the lien ar ta�ce one or�nore af the actians set fortl� abo�e i�� this Section 4. <br /> 5. Prt�p�rty Insurance. Borz awer shall keep the impro�ei�.��nts naw existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Pr�perty insured agai��st los5 by fir-e, 11a�ards i�lc�uded wi�l�in th� tcrm "'�xtended co�erag�," and a1�y ather h��zards <br /> including, bu���ot Iimited to, earthc�uakes and floods, far which Lender rec�ulres i��s��rG�nce. "rl�is insura��ce 5hall �e <br />; maintai��ed in the amaunts�includit�g deductible�e�e�s}�nd for the period�tha�L���ci��•re�uir�;5. What Lender rcc�ui�•Gs <br /> pursuant to the preceding se���e2�ces ca�� chail�c; duri��g the t�rm of tl�� Loa�7. "I'he �nsur���ce ca�-rier pz�ovidin� ��1� <br /> iz�surat��e sl�all b�cho�en by�3orrnwer�ubject to Lc��c�et-'s rigl�� to d�s��pp�•av� �3oz-z-�wer's cl�oic�;, wl7ich ri�l�� s17��11 <br /> nat b� exerc�sed unreasonably. Lender n�ay requirc �3oi•rower to pay, i�� cor����ctio�� witl� this Loai�, either: �a} �� <br /> ane-time�harge for f�aod zo�7e de�erl��inatian, certi�i�ation and tra�I�ing services; o�-��} a ar�c�Y�im�chat��e for floo�i <br /> zone de�ermination and certification ser��ces and�ubsec�uei7t�harges c�acl�time rc;���appings�r si�-nilar cllanges occur <br /> which reaso��abiy might aff��t suc��det�rmina�ion or ce3�tificati�n. Boz rower shall also b�rc�spnnsible for�he paymc��t <br /> �f any fees ilnpased by the Federat Elnergency Mailage�nent Agency�1�connection with the�-e�icw of any f�ood�an� <br />: defierminati�n r�sulting fram an obj�ctian by Borrower. <br /> �f Bo�•�awer fails to main�ain any �f the ca�cra�;cs d�;scribcci allovc, Ler�de�r i��ay obtain insurance�a�era�c, �t <br /> Le��der'� optia�� and Borrower's expense. Lender i5 undci• no oblig�tiai� ta p��rchase G�ny particula�� typ� o�- amo�i��t <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED �F TRUST - MERS <br /> N E[]4TZ2.FH A �91�41�5 Pa e 5 af 13 ��c�������V�"�•�� <br /> 9 wv�rw.docmagrc.carrr <br />