2� 1 ��5179
<br /> r
<br /> r
<br /> or�his Security�nstrument is retu�-ned to Lc��der ut7�aid, Le��der���ay requ�re that at�y or all subs�c�uent paymer�ts�.i�.�e
<br /> und�r the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument be made in�ne or mor�of the followi��� farms, �s �elected by Lender:
<br /> �a}cash; �b}money arder; (c} certified checl{, banl� chec�c, t��easur�r's cl�ecl� or cashicr's chcck, pravided any s��ch
<br /> Gheck is drawn upan an institution wh�se deposit� arc insured by a feder�l a�;ency, instr�����entality, or entity; or�c�}
<br /> Electro��ic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Payx��en�s ar�dee�-ned recei��d by Lender whe����e�eived at the location �iesignated in �he Nate�r at su�h other
<br /> lacatiot�as may be designa�ed by L�ndex-in accord��t�ce with t11e no�i�e p�•ovi�ions ir� Sec�ion i4. Lend�r may rc:tur•��
<br /> any payme���or partia�payment if tl�e payment or pG�r�fal payments ar�insuft ic;ient to brit�� �h�Loan curt��nt. L���der
<br /> may accept any paya�l�nt or partia� payment i��sufficient �o bring t��e Loan �urr�;i�t, without waiver oi�iny ri�;ht�
<br /> hereunder or pre�udice to its r�gl�ts to �-efuse such payment ar parti�� p�yn�ents ir� th� future, but Lender is l�ot
<br />` ob�igated to appiy sucl�payments at the timc: such payl�.�ents are a��epted. If e�ch �'crrc�ciic Paymei�t is�.pplied as of
<br /> its s�heduied due d�te, tl�en Lender r-�eed not pay interest o��u��appli�d funds. Lendc;t n�ay hold 5u��1 unapp��ed funds
<br /> until Barrower r��akes�ayt��e��t ta br�ng th�Loat� current. rf L�orrovver does not do sa within a r�asonable period of'
<br />� time, Lender sl�all ei�her apply s��ch fu��ds or retur�� the�n to �3orrower. If���t applied carlier, such funds wi11 be
<br /> applied to the autstanding prin�ipal balance under the N�te i�nmediately prior ta foreclosure. No o#`fset or claim which
<br /> Barrower might ha�e now aY- in tl7e futu�e against Lcnder sl7all r�lie�� Barrawer f'x•flm ��7��cing payinei�ts due under
<br /> the Note and this Se�uri�y 7nstrum�nt or perfarnl��3g the co�enants and agreemen�s secur�;d by�his 5ecu�•ity Instrument.
<br /> �. Applica�ian af Paymen#:s o�- Yrote��s. Except as otherwis� dcs�ribed ii� this Sec�ion 2, a11 payments
<br /> ac�ep�ed and appl�ed by Lender shall be app�ied in the follawil�g�rde�- of priority:
<br /> First, �o tlae Mortgage Insura��ce premiums�a be paid by Lender t❑ the Sc�cretary�r th�t��anthly charge by th�
<br /> Secrctary inst�ad of the manthly xnortgage ii�suz•aa�ce premiums;
<br /> Second, �o any taxes, speGial assessments, leasehold pay��nents or groun�.i re���s, and f`ir�, f��ad anc�other h�il�rd
<br /> insurance premiums, as required;
<br />, T��ird, to ii-�terest due undcr th�Nate;
<br /> Fourth, to amoz�izatian of the princi��l af the Note; and, F if�h, to �a�e c�1a�•��:s due under the Notc.
<br /> Any application of pa�araents, insurance proc��ds, or- Mi�cellan�ous �'roc�ed� �o principal duL under the Notc
<br /> shal� not ex�end or postpon� the due da�e, or chang� �l�e al��ount of�he �'crioc.iic �'ayn�ea-�ts.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escror�v Y#:etr�s, Borrawer shall pay to Lc:nd�r on t��e d�y �'�rio�ic �'�ymez�t� a�'L L��IL L111C�L1 ���e
<br />-: No�e, un�il �he N'ote is pa�d in full, a su����the "�unds"} �o pro��de for paymcnt af amo����ts �;iue for: (a} t��x�s {in�
<br /> a�sessments and other items tivhich can attain priority c��cr this 5ecurity rnstrument as a liei-�or encumbrance on the
<br /> Property; �b} leaseho�d payments or groui�d rer��s on the P�•operty, if any; �c} pi-G�77iums for any and all insurance
<br /> re�uired by Lender under 5ection 5; and�d� Mortga�;e Insu�-ance premiun�s to be p�id by Lender tn the 5ecretary or
<br /> the n�nnthly cll�rge by the Sec��etary instead of�he monthly Mortgage rnsurance premiut��s. rI�l�ese items are calleci
<br /> "Escrow��ems." At originatian ar at any time during the teri�� of�he Loan, Lender �nay rec�uire �hat �otr�mu��ity
<br /> Assaci��ion Dues,Fees,and Assessmex�ts, if any,be escrowed by Lorrower,a��d such dues, fees and as�essmei��s sl���ll
<br /> be an Escrow�tem. Borrower sh�ll pt-o�nptly furnish to Leildcr aI� notices af�amaun�s ta be paid ��nder th�s Section.
<br /> Borrower si�all pay Lender the Funds for Escraw Itcros unlcss Le��der waiv�s�3orz-ovve��'s obligatioi�to pay the Fu��c�s
<br /> fflr any or a�I Escrow Itei�s. Lender��zay wai�e Bo�rower'�abiigc���an to p�y to Lendez��i��nds for any�t•all Escro�v
<br /> Items at any�ime. Any such waiver�-��ay only be ir-��vriting. In the evc��t af such�v�ivc;z-, �3c��-ro�v�r sl�all pay directly,
<br /> wh�n and where payable, the a1�7aunts due foz� any Escraw Iten�s far which pay���en� o� �'���-�ds has bee�� waived by
<br /> Lender and, if Lender re�uii•es, shall furnish�o Lender rece�pts e�ide��cing such paym�nt wi�hi�� sucl�tir7-��peri�d a�
<br /> Lender may rec�uire. B�rrower's abligatian �o malce such payl�t-�ents and to pro�ide r�ce�pts shall for a�l purposes be
<br /> deemed to b�a covena��t and agreement contaii�ed in this S�:curi�y���strument, as the pl�t�ase"cove�aant az�d agreement"
<br /> is used in Sectian 9. If Bo�rower is abligated tn p�y Escrow�tems directly, pursuan�to a wai��r, and Borrower f�i ls
<br /> ta pay the amount due for an Es�row I�em, Le��der may exercise its ri�;�-�ts u��c�er S���io����alld pay such ai�noui�t a��d
<br /> Borr�wer sl-�all then be obligated under Sec�ion 9�a rcpay ta Lender any su���anzoun�. Lenc�et-may re�alce�he wai��r
<br /> as to any ar al1 Escro�v Item�at any tin�e by a notic��i�en in acco��dan��:with S�ctic�x-� 14 and, upor�s��ch rGvoca�ic�t�,
<br /> Borrower shall pay to L�nder aII Funds, ai�d in sucl� ��mn�ix7ts, ���a��z"L' t�1L'17 I'C�.�LI�I"L'L� Ut7t�CI' t�1IS SC'.C:�1C�17 3.
<br /> Docll�agic��t.����i��
<br /> N E�DTZ2.FHA �91�41�5 Page 4 of 13 www,r�vcmagrc.c�m
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