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2� 1 ��5179 <br /> , <br /> , <br /> to do, anything affectin� the Property ta� that is in �iolatiola of ai�y En�ironmG��ta� Law, �b) w��ich creates an <br /> Enviranr-��ental ��ndition, ar (c� which, due �o �he presencc, use, ar release nf a �-�al�rdous 5ubstance, creates � <br /> condition tha�adversely affects the�alu�ofthe Property. Z���preceding two sentene�s shc�ll no�apply ta�he presGnce, <br /> use, or s�orag� on the Prnperty af sma�I quanti�ies of�-�a2ardou� S��bstanccs th�t a��e ��z��rally recogi�i��d to bGx <br />' appropriate ta normal res�dential ��ses and �a mai�-�t�n�nc� of���e Property �i�-�cluciiz�g, UL�t no� limxted ta, 11`clLc��C�UUS <br /> substances in consumer produci�). <br /> Barrower shall pro�nptly gi�e Lender wri��en n�tiCe of��} a��y ii��e�ti�atio�7, cla�la�, c�c����and, Iati�vsuit or ati�e�- <br /> actian by any go�erni��ental or regulato�-y agency o�private party in�ol�it�g th��'rop�;�-ty a�7d�ny�-�a�ardous Substa��ce <br /> or Env�ror���lental Law af wl��cl�S�rr•ower has actual lc��owledge, ��}any Envi1'�l`ti7��'I�til� C4t7C�1�.Id11y ���cluding bul not <br />, �imited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, r�lease or t��reat �f release of any ��aLarda��� Substa��ce, a��d �c} �iny <br /> conditian caused by the presence, use or r�lease of�a HaLardous Substal�ce vvhi�h adversely affects t��e value af the <br /> Proper�y. �f Bo�rower learns, ar is no�if ed by any go�ernmental or re���latary aut��arit�, ar any pri�ate pa��ty, t17G�t <br /> any remo�al or o�her remediation of any Hazardous Substance affec�ing th� I'roperty is ��ecessary, �3orrower shall <br /> pr�n�ptly tal�e all necessar}�reinedial�ction�in accard�nce wit11 En�iran��z�ntal Lativ, Nati�ir7g herein shall create a��y <br /> abligati�n on Lender far a�1 Ei��i�onil�ei�tat �leanup. <br /> NC]N-U N�Ft]R[V'I GC3VENANT5. Bo�rower and Lender further e�vc���ai�����d agree as f=oll�ws; <br />- 22. Acceleration; Rernedies. Lendcr shal� givc notice to �3orrc�w�r prior tc� dccc�erati�n fvilowir�� <br /> Borrower's brea�h of any eavenant or agriement in this Scc�xrity Znstr+um�nt�but nc�t pric�r tc�ac�:cieratiu�7 un���- <br /> Sec�ion �S unless Applitable Law pro�ides vtherwisc}. T��e n�ticc shali spccify: �a) thc de�`ault; (b� the acti�n <br /> reauired ta cure th�default; �c} a da#:�, not less�:han 3U �ays frorn the datc thc nuti�e i� g�r��n to 13orrower, by <br /> whi�h the default must bc �ured; and �d}fha�:failur�to cure the defautt on [�r b�for��:he dafe spc�ci#ied in tt�c <br />. no�ice may result in a�celerafi�n of the sums securcd by this Security Instrurncnt�nd sal�of�he Pr�perty. rl,��� <br /> nati�e sha�� fur�her inform �orrower of the right to rcinstate af#:cr accel�rativn �nc� the r�ghf. to bring a court <br /> action to a�sert�:he non-ex�s�:ence�f a default or any o�hcr defcns�vf l�orraw�r to accc�cratit�n and sale. ��'t�rc� <br /> default is no� �ured on or before fhe dat� specif�cc� in t��e noticc, Lender at its �p#:�an may rt�uuir� �mmec�iat� <br /> paymen� in ful� of alZ sums s�cured by this 5�cu�rit� Ynstrument�vi#:hout f�ri�]cr den�and and ma}�� irnvok� th� <br /> power of sale and any other remcdics perm�ttcd by App�rcablc �aw. Lcndcr ���a�� bc c�nti�l�d tu callc�� �1� <br /> expenscs incurr�d�n Pursuing the remedies provided in#:l��s Sc�ti�rn 2Z, intrudirig, but nU�limit�d to, r�as�nabp� <br /> attarn�ys' fees and cost5 of title e�idcn�e. <br /> If�he powcr of sa�e is in�vokcd, Trustec shalZ rccord a no�ice of defau�fi in cach c��unty in which any part <br /> of�he Praper#:y is lo�ated ant� shall mail c�pics of such nut;itc in thc mann�r p�-�s�ribcci b�Applica�li Law�� <br /> Borrower and ta thc othcr persons prescribcd by Applicable Law. After the�imc rcquircd by�1►pplicabic L�w, <br /> Trus�ee shal�gi�e�ub�ic notite of sal��o the persons and in thc mdnncr prc��:ribed by E1,pplicab�c Lavv. Trust��7 <br /> wif;hout demand on L�rrow�r, shali sel� thc �'roperty a#: pubirc auction t� t��c l�igh�yt bidd[:r �t the tirr�� a��c� <br /> place and undcr the t��rms dcsigna�ed xn the nofi�e of'S�ic in onc �r m��~� pa�-�c1s and in any ord�r r�'ru�tcc <br /> detiermines, 7'r�uste�may postpone salc af all or any par�e�of the�'rupe�-ty b�pub�i�:�nn�unccmerit at the�:ir�� <br /> and pla�e af any pre►viou��y schedulcd sale. Lcn��r or its�esignee may p�xrcha�e t�i� �rup�rty at ar�� sa�e. <br /> U�Un r�ccipt of payment of th�pricc b�d, ��rustcc sh�l� dcii�er t�thc��urct�a��r rl�ru�t��'s dccd c�nv�yi��g <br /> the Property, The rccitals in thc Tru�steers decd shall bc prirna fa�ic t�vidt���e of thc trutn�f���t�stattrrrcn�s�x�a�.�� <br /> thcrein. Trustee shall apply �:hc proc�eds af thc sale �n thc followir�g �rdcr: ta} t[� al� costs and cxpens�� of <br /> exercising the power of sal�, and �hc sa�e, �ncluding the paymcnt of thc rl,ru5tcc's f�is ac��a�ty incu�-rcd �r�d <br /> reasonab�e atitorneys' fces as permittcd h�Applicable Law; (b�to a�l sums sc�tured by�his S��urity I�nsf ru�7xen�; <br /> and��� any ex�ess to the person or persons icga��y enti�l�d to it. <br /> 23. Rec�nveyanee. Upo��paymerlt of all su�ns secured by thi�S�curity I��str�izz�e;��t, L�nc�er shal�requ�st Z�r��stc� <br /> to reconvey �he Proper�y and shall surrende� thi� Securi�y Instrumeilt and aIl no�es evidencin� d�bt secu�•�d by �his <br /> Security Instrument�a Z�x�ustee. Trustee shall reconvcy t�le I-'rop�r-ty without wG�rra��ty to���e persai�flr persons legally <br /> �nti�led to it. 5uch person or persans s��all pay any r-eco�datiol� costs. Le��d�z- m��y c;haz-gc such pe��sol1 or p�:r•sons a <br />. N EBRASKA FHA❑EED �F Tf�U�T- MERS <br /> NEDaT�Z.FHA 091�41�5 Pa e 1� of 13 �a����r���'����`�`a' <br /> � www.docmagic.carr� <br />