2� 1 ��5�84
<br /> �]EED �F T�i�,�,�ST
<br /> L�an No: �����397� ��t��ti�lueC�} Page 4
<br /> Farec�osure h�Pvwer�f Sale. !f Lender e��c�s ta�vrecl�se by exercis� Q�th� Power v�5ale herein contained,
<br /> Lender shal! nvtify Truste� and sh�I� deposi� wi�h T�ustee this Deed v� Trust and �he �redit Agreement and
<br /> such�eceip�s and e�idence of expendi�ures made and secu�-ed by�his Deed o�Trust as T�us�ee may require.
<br /> {ay Upvn receipt of such nvtice �ram Lender, Trus�ee shal[ caus�to be recvrded, published and deli��red
<br /> to Trustor such No�ice of De�ault and Nc�tice o#Sa�e as then requir�d by Iaw and by �his D�ed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, withvut demand on Trustar, after such time as may �hen be required hy Iaw and after
<br /> recordati�n of such NvtiGe of ❑efaul# and af�er N�ti�e of 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> �he Prvperty a� the tim� and pf�c� ❑t sale �ixed by i'� in such Nvti�e of Sale, ei�her as a whole, �r in
<br /> separa�e lots vr par�els c�r items as Trustee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as i�ma�d�termin�,
<br /> a� pubfiG auc�ir�n �o the high�s� bidder far Gash in l�w�u� maney v��he United �tates p�yabfe at�he �ime
<br /> af saRe. Trus�ee shall de�i�er �a such purchaser ar purchaser� th�rev� its �vod and su��icien�C d�ed or
<br /> d��ds con�eying the propert� so sald, but without any Go�enant vr warran�y. expr�ss ar implied. Th�
<br /> reci�als in such d�ed af any ma�t#ers or �acts shall be conclusi�e proof ❑� the truthfuln�ss thereof. Any
<br /> persvn, including w�thout]imi�a#ivn Trus�ar,Trus�ee, nr Lend�r, may purchas� a�su�h sale.
<br /> {b� As may be permi�ted by law, a#ter �ieducting ail cvs�s, fees and expenses ❑f Trustee and vf this
<br /> Trus�, including �osts of e��dence o�title in conne��ion with sale,Trustee shall apply the proG�eds v�sal�
<br /> to paymen� of �ij a11 sums expended under the �erms a� this Q�ed �� Trust �r under the #�rms of �he
<br /> Credit Agreement no� �hen repaid, including but not limi�ed to accrued in�erest and �ate charges, {ii� a[E
<br /> o�her sums then s�cured hereby, and �iii� �he remairtder, if any, �o the person �r persons I�gafty entitled
<br /> �here'�t�.
<br /> {�} Trus'�ee m�y in�he manner prv�ided by law pas�pone saSe❑�all ar any pvr�ion af the Prvperty,
<br /> Remedies NQ� Exc[usive. Tru��ee and Lend�r, �nd each v� thEm, shall be entit�ed �a en�rarce payrnent and
<br /> pe��armance ot any indebtedness or vbligations secured hy�his Deed ❑f Trus�and��exercise a�l righ�s and powers
<br /> under thi� Qeed vf 7'rus�, under the Credit Agre�ment, under any ot�he Related flvcumen�s, ❑r under any oth�r
<br /> agr��ment vr any laws naw or herea�ter in farce; n�twE�hstanding, some or all of such indebtedness and
<br /> o�ligations secured by thEs Deed vf Trust may nvw �r he�ea#�er be otherwise se�ured, whe�h�r by mortgage, deed
<br /> o�trust, p[edge, �ien, assignment vr vtherv+rise. Neither the a�ceptance ���his ❑�ed o�Trus� nor �ts enforcement,
<br /> v►rhe�Cher by �c�ur� act�on or pursuant to the pvwer of sale ar o�her powers �vn�ained in �his ❑eed af Trust, shal�
<br /> prejudi�e ar in any manner affec� Trus�ee's �r Lender's right to reali�e upon ar enforce any ❑�her securi�y now �r
<br /> hereaft�r held �y�i'rustee ar Lender, it being agreed that Trus�e� and Lender, and each ❑-��hem, shalf be entit4ed to
<br /> en#�r�� this ❑eed ❑f Trus� and any �ther securi�y nvw ❑r hereaf�er held b� L�nder ❑r Trus��� in such order and
<br /> mann�r as th�y or eith�r of �h�m may in their absalute disc�etion dete�mine. Na r�m�dy canferred upon or
<br /> res�rWed �o Trustee or Lender, i� in�ender� �❑ be exGlusi�� v� any t�the�- r�medy in thi� Deed taf Trus� ar by law
<br /> prvWided or p�rmEtted, but each shall b� cumulative an� shai� be in addi�ivn �o e�ery o�her remedy gi�en in this
<br /> Deed a�Trus� ❑r naw ar her�a��Cer e�is�ing at law or in equity flr by statu�e. E�ery �o►nrer o� remedy given by the
<br /> Credit Ag�e�ment or any of t[�e Reiated Documents to Trustee vr Lender ❑r �o which �ither o� them may be
<br /> otherwise en�itled, may b� exercised, concurrently or independen�ly, �rflm tim� ta tim� and as fl�ten as may b�
<br /> deemed expedien� by Trus�ee or Lender, and either fl� them may pursue incvnsfstent remedies. Nathing in this
<br /> Deed o�Trus� shall be canstru�d as prohibi�ing Lender ���m seeking a de�icien�y judgmen� agains� th� Trustor t�
<br /> the extent such ac�ion is p�rm�t�ed by law.
<br /> EEe�tion a�� Remedies. All o� Lender's righ�s and remedies wi�� be Gumulati�e and may be ex�r�ised alone a�r
<br /> to��ther. I� Lend�r decides ta spend mon�y ar �� �er�orm as�y a� Trustar's vL�llgations unc�er this Deed Qf Trust,
<br /> after Trust�r's �aElure �v do so, �hat decisian by Lender will no� affe�� Lender's right ta deGlar� Tru�tor in d��aul�
<br /> and�t�exerci�e Lender'� remedie�.
<br /> Request�or�Vvtice. Trustor, on behal�o�Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s�hat a �apY of any Notice of Defauf�
<br /> and � capy Q�any N��iGe v�Sa�e unde�-�his ❑eed ca�Trus� be mailed t❑them at the �ddresses set�orth in th� first
<br /> par�graph of this Deed ��F Trus�.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; E�p�nses. If Lender insti�ut�s any suit ❑r activn to enfor�e any a# the terms of this �eed of
<br /> Trus�, Lender shall be enti�[ed �o reca�er such sum as the ��urt ma�+ ad�udge reasanab�e as a�tarneys' �ees at trial
<br /> and upan any appeal. 1Nhether or no� any �vurt action is in�alWed, and �a the extent not proh�bited by law, a�l
<br /> reasonable exp�nses L�nder incurs �ha� �n Lender's opinion a�e nece�sary at any time for the prvtection of its
<br /> in�eres�or the �nfvrcement a�its rights shall becc�me a part a�F the Ind�b�edness payable on demand and shal� aear
<br /> interest at the �redi� Agreement rate fr�m the date �� �he expenditure unti[ repaid. Expens�s cov�red by th�s
<br /> paragraph inGlude, wi�h�ut limit��ian, hovvcver sub��c�t tv any fimits under app��cable law, Lend�r's at�orn�ys' �ees
<br /> and Lender's legaS expenses, whether ❑r no� th�re is a lawsuit� inc[uding attorneys' �ees and ex�enses �or
<br /> h�nkrupt�y pr�ceed�n�s {including effvr�s '�❑ modi�y or vaca�e any �u�omatic stay �r in�unGtiany� appeals, and any
<br /> anticipated post-judgment cvllection ser�ices, the cost a� search�ng recvrds, obtaining �i�le rep�rts ��ncluding
<br /> �are�losure repvr'�s}, sur�eyors' repor�s, and appr�isal �ee�, ti�le ins�rance, �nd �ees ��ar�he Tr�s�ee, ta �he �xt�nt
<br /> permitted by appli�abl� law. Trust�r alsv will�ay any cour�cos�s, in additivn�a a[�o�her sums pro�ided �y �aw.
<br /> MISCELtANE�US PR�VIS[�NS. The f�4lawing misceflaneaus pro�isions are a par�❑f this Deed a'�Trus�:
<br /> Gv�ernrng Law. Th�s Deed vf Trus� wi[[ be ga�erned by federaj faw app[icab�e to Lender and, ta �he extent nvt
<br /> preempted by federal[aw,the Iaws of the S�at� o�Nebras�a without regard t�its con#licts a�law prvvi�ions. This
<br />