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2� 1 ��5�84 <br /> fl�E� t�F TRI�S`� <br /> Laan No: �a'1293978 {�ont�nued� Page 5 <br /> Deed a�Trust has been acc�pted by Lender in the State af Nebraska. <br /> Time is o#the Essen�e. T�me is of�he essence in the performance af this Deed o�Trust. <br /> 1�1lai�er o# Homestead Exemptsan. Trustor herehy releases and wai�es a�i rights and bene'�its ❑f �he homes�ead <br /> exemption laws ❑f the State af Nebraska as tv all Indebtedness secu�ed by this fleed at Trus�. <br /> DEF�N[TEONS. The#vllowing wards shall ha�e the follawing meanings when used �n�his ❑eed a�Trust: <br /> gen�ficiary. The wa�d "Sene�F�ciary" means�i�e Poin�s Bank, and its successars and assigns. <br /> Bo�raw�r. The word "Borrawer" means Clin�on G �empe and Andrea M Rempe and includes a!I co-signers and <br /> co-makers signing�he Credit Ag�-eement and al[their successars and assigns. <br /> �redit Agreement. The wards "Cred�t Agre�ment" mean �he credit ag�eement dated Augus� 2, Z�'i�, 1N[th <br /> ��edit ��m�t of $��.�00.���ram Trustor�v Lende�, together wi�h a!I renerrvals of, extensions❑�, modifications <br /> o�, refinancings of, consalida�ivns of, and subs�i�u�ians �vr�he prom�ssory no�e or agreement. <br /> Deed v� Trust. The words "Deed o� Trust" mean this �eed o� T�ust amang Trusta�-, Lender, and Trustee� and <br /> incluc�es withvu� timita�i�n a�1 assignment and s�cur�ty interest prv��sions relating tv the Personat Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Enrrironmen�a! Laws. The words "En�ironmen-�al Lav►rs" mean any and ail Sta�Br fiederal and lacal statutes, <br /> �egulations and ord"snances relat�ng �o �he prv�ectivn o� human heafth o� the en�irvnment, �ncluding without <br /> limitation the Comprehensi�e Enr�irvnmental Respvnse, Compensativn, and Liability Act o� �98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.�. 5ection 96Q1. et seq. �"CERCLA"}� the Superfund Amendm�n�s and Reauthorization Act vf �986� Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 t"SARA"}, the Hazardous Materiais Transpvrta�ion Act, 49 U.S.C. Se��ian 18a�, et seq.,#he Resource <br /> Canservation and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.�. Section 69��, e�seq., ar ❑�h�r applicabie s�ate o�fiederaf laws, rules, <br /> or regulations advp�ed pursuant ther�tv. � <br /> E�en�of Default, The words "E�ent vf Defaul�" mean any af�he e�ents of defaul�set fvr�h in�h�s Deed v�Trust in <br /> the e�ents ofi de�aul�section o�this Deed❑f Trusfi. <br /> Existing tndebtedness. The wards "Existing Indehtedness" mean the indeb�edness described in�he Exis�ing Liens <br /> pro�ision ofi this Deed of Trust. <br /> �mproWements. The word "Impra�ements" means all �xisting and �uture imprv�ements, buildings, s�ructures, <br /> mobile homes affixed an the Real Property, facilities, addi�ions, replacerr�en�s and othec construction �n the Rea� <br /> Property. <br /> lndebtedness. The word "Ind�btedness" means ali principal. �n�erest, and ather amaun�s, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the Credi� Agreemen� or Related•-•Dvcume�nts;-�tb:ge�her with� �all� renewals af, ex�ensions ❑f, <br /> modi�fications ❑f, canso�idations ❑� and substitut�ons��vr the Cred�t Agreemen� ❑r Re�ated Dvcuments and any <br /> amvunts expended or ad�anced by Lender to discharge Trustvr's vbfiga�ions ❑� expenses incurred by Trus�ee ❑r <br /> L�nder ta entorce Trus�or's obliga�ians under �his Deed�.vf Trust, �ogethe�: wi�h in�erest on such amounts as <br /> ...� _ . <br /> pro�ided in this Deed a�Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Pain�s Ban�, its successvrs and ass3gns. The words "successors vr <br /> ass�gns" mean any persan or company that acquires any interest in�he Credi�Agreement. <br /> P�rsanal Property, The wards "Personal Property" mean all equipmen�, fixtures, and �ther ar�iG�es of persanal <br /> prflper�y naw or hereai�er ovvned by Trustor, and �o�v or hereafiter at�a�hed ar a��i�ced tv �he fteal Prvper�y, <br /> �ogether with all accessions, par�s. and additions �a, aE! replacements of. and al� subs�i�utions �or. any of such <br /> praper�y; and �agether with all pra�eeds ��ncluding wi�haut limi�a�ion all insurance proceeds and refunds ❑f <br /> premiums� �rom any safe o�-other dispositian o#the P�aperty. <br /> Property. The word "Praperty" means co��ecti�ely the Real Property and the Personal Proper-ty. <br /> Real Prvper#y. The wvrds "Rea� Praper�y" mean�he real praperty, in�erests and righ�s, as �ur�her described in�his <br /> ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Rela�ed Dvcuments. The words "Rela�ed Dvcuments" mean aii promissory nvtes, credit agreements, �oan <br /> agreemen�s, en�iranmental agreements, guaranties, securi�y� agreemen#s, martgages, deeds v� trus�r S�C�]C�t�l <br /> deeds, cvllateral mvrtgages, and all v�her instrumen�ts, agreements and dvcuments, whether now ar hereafter <br /> exis�ing, executed tn connectian with the Indebtedness. <br /> Ren�s. The word "Rents" means all present and �uture ren�s, �evenues, income, issues, rayalties, pro�its, and <br /> other benefi�s deri�ed#rvm the Praperty. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Fi�e Poin�s 6ank, whvse ad�ress is P.� Bax 15D7, Grand island, NE <br /> �88��-�5�7 and any su�s�f�ute vr successor�rustees. <br /> Trustvr. The word "Trustor" means C�intvn G Rempe and Andrea M Rempe. <br />