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<br /> Lvan NQ: �❑��93978 ��ont�nued} Page 3
<br /> P�operty or �❑ Gamply wfth any obligation ta main�ain Exi��ing �ndeb�edne�s in �ovd stand�ng as required below, �hen
<br /> Lender may dv sv. l� any action ar proceeding is �vmmenced that wvuld mater-ially af��c� Lender's interes�Cs rn �he
<br /> Property, �hen Lender nn Tru��r�r's behal� may, but is no� requir�d �o, take any a��it�n that Lende� [�eiie�es �a be
<br /> apprvpriate t❑ protect Lender's int�rests. All expenses incurred ar paid by Lender for such purposes will then �ear
<br /> ir��erest at �he ra�� charged under �h� ��edi� Agreemen� -fram the da�Ce in�urred or paid by Lender t❑ �he date of
<br /> repayment by Trus�or. All such �acpenses will becot•r�e a part❑f th� Indebtedness and, �� Lender's ❑p�ion� will tA� be
<br /> payalole an demand; {B� be added �o �he balanGe ❑f the Credit A�reem�nt and be a�por#ioned amang and be payable
<br /> with any installment paym�nts to be�pme due during either �'1� th��erm t��any applicaale �nsurance poficy; ar �2� the
<br /> remaining term ��the Credit Agreement; or �Cy be�reated as a ballvon payment whi�h will be due and payahle at�he
<br /> Credit Agreemen�'s maturity.
<br /> VIlARRANTY; DE��NSE�F TiTLE. The�ollowing pra�i�ions �rela�ing tv vwn�rship o��h� Prop�rty are a par�t o��his Deed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Title. Trustv� warran�s tha�: �a� Trustor holds gvvd and mark�tabl� title of record to �he Praperty in �e� sim�le,
<br /> �ree and clear af all lien� and encumbran�es o�her than th�s� �e� forth in �he Reaf Praperty descrip�ion ❑r in �he
<br /> ExistEng fndebtedness sectian belvw ❑r in any ti�le insurance po�icy, �i�le report, ar final ti�le ❑pinian issued in �a�or
<br /> of, and acc�pted by, Lender in cvnnection wi�h this Deed o�Trust, and �by Trustor has the full right, power, and
<br /> au�hority�o execute and d�li��r�rhis Deed o�Tru�'��❑ Lender.
<br /> Defense vf Ti�le. Sub;ect �o the except�on ;n the paragraph abv�e, T�us�ar warrants and wil[ �vre�er de�end �the
<br /> �itle tv�he Praperty against the I�wful c�aims vf all persons.
<br /> E�C[ST�NG CNDFBTEDNESS. The�vilowing prv�is�ons concerning Exis�Cing Indebtedness are a pa�❑f thiS Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Eacisting Lien. The lien ot this Deed ❑�r Trus� securing �he Ind�btedness �ay be secandary and inferiar ta an
<br /> �xis�ing lien. Trus�or expressly cv�enan�s and �grees to pay, vr see tv the paymen�a�, the Existing Indebtedn�ss
<br /> and to pre�en�any default on such indebtedness, any�e�ault under�he ins�ruments ��idencing such indebtedness,
<br /> ar any default under any securi�y do�uments�or such indebtednes�.
<br /> EVENTS QF�7�FAULT. Trustor will be in d�fau��under�his Deed af Trust E�any of�he�Fof�vwing happen: {A� Trus�vr
<br /> cammits �raud ❑r ma�es a material misrepresen#ation a� any time in cvnn�ction with the Cred�'� Agreement. This Gan
<br /> include, far e�ample, a faise s�a�ement about Trustar's income, asse��, liabi[ities, ❑r any ❑ther aspects v� Trustar'�
<br /> �inan�ia! cvndi�ivn. �B} Trus�ar dQes not meet the repayment�erms v��he Credi� A�re�m�n�. �C} Trus�vr's ac�ian ❑r
<br /> inactian ad�ersely affects the collateral ar L�nder's rights in the �ollateral. This can include. for exampl�, faiiure �a
<br /> maint�in required insurance, was�� or destrucrti�e use vf the dwelling, failure�a pay taxes, dea�h vf a�l persvns iiable an
<br /> the accvunt, �r�r�sfer a# title a�r sa�e af the dwel�irrg, creativn vf � senior lien on ��� dwelling withvu� Lender's
<br /> permission, fareclosure by the holder of anflther lien, ar the use v�-�unds or the dwelling far prohibited purposes.
<br /> R�GHTS AN[� RE�EDfES aN D�FAULT. Llpan the Qccurrence ❑f any E�en� of Default under any in�eb�edness, ❑r
<br /> should Trus�vr�ail�o comply wi�h any of Trustvr's oblEgations und�r�his De�d ❑f Trust, Y�us�ee vr Lender may exercise
<br /> any ane or more ❑f�he�ollav►�ing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acc�:Cer�tic�n Upvn Qe�aulx:Additiona�Remedies. I�any Even�v�Defiault�c�urs as per the terms v��he Credit
<br /> Agreement secured h�reby, Lender may declare all lndeb�edne�s secured by�Chis Deed o�Trus��r� be due and
<br /> payable and the same shall thereupon h�come due and payable without any pr�sen�ment, demand, prv�est or
<br /> notice o��ny I€ind. Thereaf�er. Lender may.
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agent, vvith ar wi�hout bringing any activn or p�aceeding, ar by a receiver
<br /> appoin�ed �y a caurt and wit�vu�rega�d tv �he ad�quacy vfi its security, enter upvn and take pvssessian
<br /> vf the Praperty, ar �ny part ther�o�, in i�s ❑wn name or in�he name of Tru��ee, and dv any ac�� which it
<br /> deems ne�ess�ry ar desErable�v p�eser�e the �alue, marketabili�y❑r ren�Cability of�he Praperty, or part v�
<br /> �he Praperty ❑r �n�erest in the PraRerty; increase th� inc�me �ram �he Proper�y or pro�e��the security of
<br /> �he P�operty; and� wi�h ❑r withaut �a�ing Qvssession o� �h� Praper�y, sue �ar or ❑therwise calle�t �he
<br /> rents, issues and pro�its o�the Property, inc�uding �ht�se past due and unpaid, and apply ��� same� �ess
<br /> �osts and expenses of aperation and �o[lection attarneys' tees,tv any indebtedness se�u�ed by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such vrd�r as Lender may determine. The entering upQn and �aking possessivn o� �he
<br /> Pr�perty, the callection �f su�h r�nts, issues and pro�its, and �he applicatian thereof shall no� cure Qr
<br /> wai�e any def�ult��- natice of de-�ault under this G�eed a�Trust or inWa�ida�e any act dane in response tv
<br /> such de�ault or pur�uan�ta such notiG�v�de�aul�; and, nvtwi�hs�anding the �vn�inuance in ��ssessivn af
<br /> �he Property vr �he co�fection, receip� and appf ication v� r�n�s, issues vr pr�fits., Truste� nr Lender sha[l
<br /> be entit�ed �a Exercise e�ery righ� pravided fivr in the Credi� Agreement ar�he Reiated Dacumen�s or by
<br /> law upan the occurr�nce af any s�en�v�F de�aul�, including�h� r�ght t❑exercise the power o�sal�;
<br /> tby Commence �n action ta tvreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, �ppoint a rec�i�er or spe�ifi�alty
<br /> en#vrce any❑�the cv�enan�s hereo�; and
<br /> {c� DeEi�er tv Tr�S��e a wri��en declar��ion o�de�aul�and demand�vr sale and a writ�en no�ic�v�defau�t
<br /> and electson t❑ cause Trus�or's interest in the Pr�per�y ta be sold, whi�h noti�e Trustee�hal1 cause ta b�
<br /> dufy fifed fvr r�cord in the ap�ropria�e❑ffices vf�he Caun�y in which the Prvperty is lvcated; and
<br /> td� With respec��o all vr any par�a�F�he Personal Pr�aperty, Lend�r shaii ha�e a!1 �he righ�� �nd r�medies
<br /> o#a secured par�y under�h� Nebrasl�a Uni��rm �ommercial Cade.
<br />