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2� 1 ��5�84 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan N�: �Q�29397� ����tt�nu�d� Page 2 <br /> inte�es� in and ta all present and tuture leases of �he Praperty and all Ren�s from �he Property. !n addition, Trustar <br /> grants tv Lender a Uni�v�-m Cammercial Code security in'terest in the Personal Proper��and Ren�s. <br /> THIS DEED C�F TRUST, 1NCLUD[NG THE AS5[GNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECUR�TY rNTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSflNAL PRDPERTY, �5 GIVEN TD SECURE tA� PAYMENT OF THE 1NDEBTE�NESS AND �B} PERFORMANCE DF <br /> EACH �F T�USTaR'S AGREEMEN75 AND �BL[GATI�NS UNDER TH15 DEED QF TRUST. THlS DEED �F TRU5T 1S <br /> �1VEN AND ACCEPTED DN THF FDLLDVITINC TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFQRMANCE. Except as otherwise pra�ided in �his ❑eed ❑� Trust, Trustvr shall pay to Lender all <br /> amounts s�cured by this �e�d a-� Trus� as they become due, and shall strictly and in a time�y mann�r perf�rm a!i af <br /> Trustor's ab�sgatsons under�he Credit Agreement,this Deed af Trust, and the F�esa�ed Documen�s. <br /> P�SSESS[4N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PROPERTY. Trust�r �gt'EG'S �hat Trus�or's possessian and uss n� �he <br /> Proper�y sha�l be go�erned by�he fof��wing pr��isivns: <br /> Possesston and Use. Un�i� the occurrence ❑� an E�en'� o� �]e'�ault, Trus�or may [�y remain in pvssess�vn and <br /> contral❑�th� Prvperty; {2f use, aperate or manage the Proper�y; and �3y coi�ect th� Ren�s from the Property. <br /> Duty t� Maintain. Trustor sha[[ main�ain the Prap�rty in g�vd �ondition and promp�ly perform al! repa�rs� <br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to preserve its value. <br /> Hazardous 5uhstances. Trustor represen�s and warrants that �he Praperty ne�er has �een, and ne�er will be so <br /> lang as �his Deed ❑# Trust remains a lien ❑n �he Properfiy, used �ar �he g�neration, manufacture, s�arage, <br /> �reatment, dispvsal, release or �hreatened �elease o� any Hazardous Substanc� in �iolation of any En�ironmental <br /> Laws. Trus�or au�hvrizes Lender and i�s agents to en�er upon the Praperty�v make such inspec�ivns and �ests as� <br /> Lende�- may deem appr�pria�� �o determine complian�e vf the Prop�r�y with �his sectian v� the Deed o� Trus�. <br /> Trustor hereby ��} releases and wai�es any�utur� claims agains�L�nder for indemnity or cantribution in the e�ent <br /> T�ust�r becomes liable �or cleanup ar other �asts under any such laws� and ��} agrees to indemni�y, de-�end, and <br /> hv�d harmless L�nder against any and all claims and losses resul�ing fram a breach of�his paragraph of the Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. This obligation ta indemnify and defend shall sur�i�e the payment a�the �ndebtedness and the satis�actian <br /> af this Deed of Trust. <br /> DUE�N SALE-CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare imm�dia�e[y due and payahle all sums <br /> secured 1ay�his Deed at Trus�upon the sa�e or transfer, without Lender's prior writ�en consent, of all ❑r any part ot the <br /> Rea� Proper�y, ar any interes� in�he Real Proper�y. A "sale ❑r trans�e�" means the conveyance o€ Real Proper�y or any <br /> �ight, tit�e �r interes� in #h� Rea! P�aperty; whether legal, beneficial o� equitable; whether �oiun�ary vr in�oluntary; <br /> whethe� by outr�gh� sale, deed, insta�finen� sale con�raG�, land con�rac�, contract for deed, E�asehvld interest with a <br /> term greater than three �3} years, lease-op�ion GontraGt, or [�y safe, assignment, ❑r trans�er of any beneficial in�erest in <br /> ❑r ta any land �rus� halding ti�le ta the Real Pr�perty, or by any o�her methad o� con�eyance ❑f an inte�es� in the Real <br /> Pr�perty. Hvwe�er, �his ❑ption shall nat he exercised hy Lender E€ such exercise Es p�ahibi�ed by federal �av+r ar by <br /> Nehraska iaw. <br /> TA�ES AND LlENS, The �v!lowing pra�isions re�a�ing t❑ the ta�ees and liens on �he Property are part ❑f this De�d o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor sha[[ pay when due tand in afl e�en�s pr�or tv delinquencyf a!I�axes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �in�luding wat�r and sewer�. �ines and impositions [e�ied agains� ar on accaunt of�he Property, and sha�l <br /> pay whan due all claims �€or wark done ❑n or �or �er�ices rendered or mate�ial furnished to the Property. Trustor <br /> shal4 maintain th� Property free vf all lfens ha�ing priorfty vWer❑r equal ta th� interest af Lender under�his Deed ot <br /> Trust, except for the iien a� taxes and assessments nv� due, except #vr the Existing [ndebtedness referred �o <br /> below, and excep�as otherwisa pro�ided in thEs Deed ❑�Trus�. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fallawing pro�isians rela�ing tn insuring the Praper�ty are a part a�this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Main��nance of insurance. T�us�or shall procure and maintain pvlicies o� �ire insurance with standard extended <br /> ca�erage endorsements ❑n a fair �alue basis for the full insurable �a[ue caWering all Impro�ements on t�e Real <br /> Prvperty in an amount su�fficient tv a�vid app�icativn of any ca�nsurance �lause, and wi�h a standard mor�gagee <br /> clause in fa�or a�Lender, �ogethe�wi�h su�h other hazard and liability insurance as Lender may reasonably require. <br /> Policies sha[I be written in farm, amaunts, co�erages and basis reasanably accep�abl� to Lender and issu�d by a <br /> company ar companies reasonably acceptable to L�nder. Trustor, upon request o� Lender, will deli�er �a Lender <br /> #rom time tv time the po[Ecies o� G�rtifica��s ❑f insurance in form satis�ac�ory to Lender, including stipulativns �hat <br /> co��rages wi!! not be cancelled ❑r diminished with�ut at least ten ���y days priar wr���en notice �a Lender. Each <br /> insurance policy alsa shall include an endorsement pra�iding �hat cv�erage in �a�vr af Lender w�ll not �e impaired <br /> in any way by any a�t, ❑missivn or de�ault of Trustor or any ❑�her person. Sh�uld the Real Property be loca�e�i in <br /> an area designated by th� Adminis#ratar of the Federal Emergen�y Management Agency as a special fload ha�ard <br /> area. Trustor agrees to obtain and maintain Federal Fiood Insurance, if a�ailable, for the maximum amaunt a� <br /> Trustar's credit iine and the �ull unpaid prinGipal balance o� any prior liens on the praperty securing the [�an, up to <br /> the maximum pv[icy limits set under the Natianal Flooct Ins�ran�e Prvg�am,a�as otherwis�;equired �y Lender, and <br /> to mafntain such insurance�or the�erm❑��he loan. <br /> LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. i� Trustar �ails �A� to keep the Property �ree af a�� taxes, liens, security tnterests, <br /> encumbrances, and ❑�her claims, {B� �o pra�ide any required insuran�e on the Pro�erty, �C} to make repairs to the <br />