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. <br /> 2� 1 ��4815 <br /> . <br />_ If Lender exercise�this optian, Lender shall gi�e Borrower notice of acc�leration. The notice shall provide a <br /> periad of not less�han 3�days from�he date the notice is given in accordance with Sec�ion 15 within vvhich Borrovver <br /> must pay a�l sums secured by�h�s Security Instrument. If Barrawer fails to pay these sums prior�a the expiration of <br /> this period, Lender may invoke any remed�es permitted by this Security Instrument wi�hout further notice or demand <br /> an Borrawer. <br /> 19. Borrawer's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrawer meets certain conditions, Borrower shall <br /> ha�e the righ�to ha�e enforcement of�his Security�ns�rument discontinued at any tzme prior�a the eariiest of: �a} <br /> fi�� days�efore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale can�ained in this Securi�ty�ns�rument; �b} such <br /> other period as Applicable Lavv might spe�ify far the terminat�on of Borrower's right t�reinstate; or�c)entry of a <br /> �udgrnent enforcing�his Security Ins�rument. Those cQnd��ion�are tha�Borrower: �a}pays L�nder all sums which <br /> then would be due under this Secur�ty Instrumen�and the Note as if nv accelerat�on had occurred;�b}cures any default <br /> of any other co�enants ar agreements;�c}pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instruments inc�uding, <br /> but not Iimited ta, reasonah�e attorneys' fees, praperty inspect��n and valuation fees, and o�her fees incurred for the <br /> purpase of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and r�ghts under�his Securi�y Instrument; and�d}takes such <br /> actian as Lender may reasonably r�qu�re to assure tha�r Lender's interest in the Proper�y and righ�s under this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument,and Borrower's obligat�on�o pay the sums secured by this Security�nstrument, sha�I continue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require tha�Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses�n one or more of�he f�llowing forms, <br /> as selec�ed by Lender: (a}cash;�b}maney arder;�c}cer�ifi�d check,bank check,treasurer's check or cash�er's chec�, <br /> prov�ded any such check is drawn upon an inst}tution whose depvsits are insured by a federa�agency, instrumenta�ity <br /> or entity; ar�d}E�ectranic Funds Transfer. Upon reinsta�ement�y Borrower,�his Security Instrument and obliga�ions <br /> secured hereby sha11 remain fully effective as if n�acceleration had occurred. Howe�rer, this righ�ta reinstate shal� <br /> not apply�n the case of acceierati�n under Sec��on 1 S. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change af Loan Serv�icer; Nat��e af Grievance. The Note or a part�al inter�st in the Nate <br /> ��ogether with this Se�urity Instrument}can be so�d one or mare times�rithaut prior notxce tv Borrower. A sale might <br /> resul�in a change in�he entity(knawn as�he"L�an Servicer"�that callects Periodic Paym�nts due under the Nate <br /> and this Security In�trument and performs other mortgage laan ser�icing ab�igations under�he Note, this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument, and Applicable Law. There aiso m�gh�be one or more changes of the Laan S�r�icer unre�ated to a sale <br /> of the No�e. �f�here is a change of the Lnan Ser�icer,Barrower wi11 be given u�ritten natice af the change which will <br /> state the name and address of�he new Lpan Servicer, the address to which paym�nts should be made and any other <br /> infarmatian RESPA requires in connectian�vith a notice of�ransfer of servicing. If the Note is sflld and thereafter <br />_ the Loan is s�rviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser vf�he Note, �he mor�gage laan servzcing obl�ga�ions <br /> #o Borrower will remain with the Lvan Servicer or be transf�rred ta a successor Laan Servzcer and are nat assumed <br /> by the Note purchaser unless o�herwise pro��ded by�he Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrawer nor Lender may cammenc�,join, or be�oined�o any judicial ac��on�as either an indiv�duai <br /> �itigant�r the mem�er af a class}�hat arises firom the ather party's actions pursuant to�his Security Instrum.en�or that <br /> a��eges�hat�he o�her party has breached any prflv�sion of, or any duty owed by reason af, this Security�nstrument, <br /> until such Borrower or Lender has notif ed the other party(with such not�ce g�Wen in compliance with the requirements <br /> of Sectian 15}of such alleged breach and afforded the other party hereto a reasanabl�per�od after�he giving of such <br /> notice to take correct�ve activn. �f Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain act�an <br /> can be taken, that time per��d wx�l be deemed to be reasonabie for purpvses af�his paragraph. The natic� of <br /> acceleratian and opportunity to cure gi�en to Borrower pursuant to Section 2�and the notice af acce�eration g�ven <br /> to Borrower pursuant to Se�tion I 8 shall be deemed to satisfy the nati ce and oppor�tun�ty to take carreeti�e action <br /> pro�isions of this Section��. <br /> �1. Hazardous Substances. As used in �his Section 21: �a} "Hazardaus Subs�ances" are�hose substan�es <br /> defined as to��c ar hazardous substanc�s, pollutants, or wastes by Environmentai Law and the fal�ovWing substances: <br /> gaso��ne, kerosene, other fla.mmable or tox�c petroieum praducts, toxic pesticides and herbic�des, �o�atile solvents, <br /> rna�erials containing asbestos or forma�dehyde, and radioactive ma�er�als; �b} "En�ironrnental Lavt�" means federa� <br /> lav�rs and laws of the jurisdictian where the Prnperiy is lacated�hat rela�e to hea�th, safety or enviranmental protection; <br /> �c} "Environmental Cleanup" inc�udes any respflnse actian, remedia� action, or removai act�on, as defined in <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famify--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac �NlFaRM INSTRUMENT- MERS pocMa�fc o <br /> Form 3�28 11�1 Page �1 of 15 www.dacma� <br /> , <br /> �� �.....��- � � �� � <br /> i �� , <br /> � � � <br /> � �� � t � ■ <br />