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, <br /> 2� 1 ��4815 <br /> , <br /> under this Security Instrument unless Lender agre�s to such release in wri�ing. The caWenants and agr�ements of th�s <br /> Security Ins�rument shall bind�e�cept as prov�ded in Sect�on 2�}and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. Loan�harges. Lender rnay charge Barrower fees far ser�ices performed in connec��on with Barrower's <br /> defaul�, for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in �he Property and rights under this Security Instrument, <br /> including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees,praperty ins�ect�on and va�uation fees. �n regard to any a�her fees, the <br /> abs�nce of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specif c fee to Borrower shall na�be cons�rued <br /> as a prohibitian an the charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees tha�are expressly proh�bited�y�his Security <br /> Instrument or by Applicabl�Law. <br /> �f the Loan is subj ect to a taw whzch sets maximum Ioan charges, and that law is finally interpreted�a tha�the <br /> in�erest or other �oan chaxg�s collected or ta be c�llected in cannecti�n with th� Loan exceed the�ermitted limi�s, <br /> then: �a�any such loan�harge sha��be reduced by the am�unt necessary to reduce the charge ta the permitted limit; <br />: and�b}any sums already collec�ed from Borravver which e�ceeded permitted lim�ts W�II be refunded to Borrower. <br /> Lender may choose to make�h�s refund by reducing�he principal o�ved under�he No�e or by mak�ng a direct paymen� <br /> tv Borrower. Tf a refund reduces principal, the reduction will he �reated as a partiai prepayment without any <br /> prepayment charge�vvhether ar not a prepayment charge is pravided for under the Note�. Borrvtiver's acceptance of <br /> any such refund made by direct payment�o Barro�ver wi�l constitute a waiver af any right of ac��on�3arrawer might <br />' have ar�s�ng ou�af such overcharge. <br /> 1S. NotiCe�. All notices g�ven by Barrawer or Lender in cvnnect�an with this Security In�trument must be�n <br /> writing. Any nfltice to Borrower in cann�ctian with this Security Instrument shall be deemed t�ha�e been given to <br /> Borrow�r when mailed by f rst class mai�or when actua�ly delivered ta Borra�ver's na�ice address if sent by other <br /> means. Notice ta any one Borrower shall consti�ute natice td all Borrovvers unless Applica��e Lav�express�y requ�r�s <br /> otherwi�e. The notice address sha�l be the Property Address unless Barrawer has designa�ed a substitute nat�c� <br /> address�y notice�o Lender. B�rrower shal�promptly no�ify Lender af Borrower's change of address. If Lender <br /> specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of address,then Borrawer shall anly report a change af addr�ss <br /> through�hat spec�fi�d pracedure. There may be only on�designa�ed notice address under this Security�nstrument <br /> at any ane��me. Any notice�o Lender shall be given by deli�ering it or by mailing i�by f rst cta�s mai�to Lender's <br /> address stated herein unless Lender has des�gnated anather address by notice to Borrower. Any nvtice�n connection <br /> with this Secur��y�nstrument shall nat be deemed t�ha�e been gi�en�o Lender until actuai�y received by L�nder. <br /> If any notice required by this Security �nstrument is also required under Applicable Law, the Appl�cable Law <br /> requirement will satisfy the carresponding requiremen�under this Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Go�erning Law; Severa�ility; Ru�es of�onstru�tian. This Security Instrumen� shal� be governed by <br /> federal�aw and the Iaw of the�urisdict�on in which the Proper�y is �ocated. All rights and obligativns contained in <br /> this Security Instrurnent are subj ect to any requirements and limitations of Applicab�e Lav�. Applicable Law might <br /> explicitly or implicitly a��ow the parties tv agree by cantract or it might be silent, �ut such s�lence shall nat be <br /> eonstrued as a pr�hib�tion agaxnst agreement by contract. �n the�vent that any provision or c�ause of th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrument or�he Note confl�cts with Applica�le Law, such confl�ct shal�no�affec�other pro�isians of this S�curity <br />; Ins�rument ar�he Note wh�ch can be given effect without the conflic�ing pra�ision. <br /> As used in this 5ecurity Instrument: �a}w�rds of the mascuiine gender shal�meari and include correspond�ng <br /> neuter�vords ar words of the feminine gend�r; �b}words in�he singular shali mean and in�Iude the plural and��ce <br /> versa; and(c}the word"may" gi�es so�e d�scretion withaut any obliga�ion to�ake any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall he given one copy af the Nate and af�his Securi�y Ynstrum�nt. <br /> 18. Transfer af the Property or a Beneficia� Interes�in Borrawer. A�us�d in this 5ectian �8, "�nterest xn <br /> the Praperty" means any �egal or beneficial interest in the Property, including, but nat tim�ted to, thos�beneficia� <br /> interests transferred in a bond for deed, �ontrac�for deed, instal�ment sa�es cantract ar escrow agreement, the intent <br /> of which is the transfer af tit�e by Barra�ver at a futur�date to a purchaser. <br /> If a��or any part of the Property or any Interest in the Prop�rfiy is sold or transferred�or if Borro�ver is not a <br /> natura�person and a beneficial interest in Borrawer is sold ar transferred}without Lender's priar�rri�ten consent, <br /> Lender may require immediate payment in full of al�sums secured by this Securi�y�nstrument. Hovvever,this optian <br /> shal�nat�e exerclsed by Lender 1f such exercise is proh�b�ted by Applieabl�Law. <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family-�Fannie MaelFreddie Ma� UNIF�RM fNSTRUMENT- MERS DoclHaylc o <br /> Form 3Q28 1101 Page 1� of 15 www_docmagic.corrr <br /> � <br /> �L- .. � ' � <br /> �..m.�.... <br /> � � i r� i i <br />