<br /> 2� 1 ��4815
<br /> �
<br /> Environmental Law; and �d} an "Environmental Condition" means a c�ndition tha� can cause, con�ribute ta, or
<br /> atherwise trigger an Environmental Cieanup.
<br /> Barrov�rer sha��not cause or permi�the presence,use, disposa�, storage, or�elease af any Ha2ardous Substances,
<br /> or threa�en to release any Hazardous Substances, an or in the Pro�erty. Borr�wer sha�l nat do, nor allow anyone else
<br /> to do, anything affec�ing the Property �a} that is zn vialation of any En�ironmental Law, �b� which creates an
<br /> En��ronmen�a� Cond�tion, ar �c}wh�ch, due ta the presence, use, ar release�f a Hazardous Substance, cr�ates a
<br /> cand��ion �ha� ad�ersety affects the va�ue af the Praper�r. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to th�
<br /> presence, use, or s�arage on the Praperty of sma�l quanti�zes af Hazardaus Substances that are genera�ly recagnized
<br /> �o be appropriate ta norrnal resident�al uses and to maintenance of the Property �including, but not Iimited to,
<br /> hazardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrower shall promp�Iy give Lender written not�ce of�a� any in�estigation, ciaim, demand, lawsuit or ather
<br /> action by any governmenta�or regulatory agency or private party involving the Proper�y and any Hazardous Subs�ance
<br /> or En�ironmental Law of whi�h Borr�wer has actual knvu��edge, (b}any Environmental Cond�t�on, including but nQt
<br /> limited to, any sp�lting, �eaking, discharge, release or threat of release af any Hazardous Substance, and�c} any
<br /> cond��ian caused by the presence, use or re�ease af a Hazardaus Substanee which ad�ersely affec�s the value of the
<br /> Praperty. �f F3orrower Iearns, or is nfl#ified by any ga�ernmental or r�gulatory autharzty, or any private party, that
<br /> any removal or other remediat�on of any Ha.zardous Substance affec�i�.g the Property�s necessary, Borrawer sha�1
<br /> pramptly�ake a11 necessa.ry remedial actions in accordance with Environmenta�Law. N�thing herein sha11 cr�a�e any
<br /> ohligation on Lender far an En�ironmental Cleanup.
<br /> N�N�U NtF�RM C�VENANTS, Borrower and Lender further co�enant and agree as follows:
<br /> 22. A�ce�eration; Remedies. LendQr shall gi�e notice to Borrower privr to accelerat�on follow�ng
<br /> Borrowerr s breach of any covenant ar agreement in�his Security Instrument�but not pr�or ta a��eleration under
<br /> Sect�on 18 unl�ss Applicabie Law pravides otherwise}, The nat�ce shall specify: �a}the defau�t; �b)�he ac�ion
<br /> required ta cure the defau�t; �c}a date, not�ess than 3�days from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by
<br /> which the default must be cured; and(d��hat failure to cure the defau�t on flr bef�re the date specif ed in the
<br /> no���e may resul�in ac�e�eratian af the sums se�ured by this Se�urity Instrum�nt and sa�e of the Property. The
<br /> nQtice shall further inform Borrower of the right fio r�instate after accelerat�on and�he right ta bring a court
<br />, actian to a�sert�he non-�x�5tence af a defau�t vr any other defense af Borrower to acceleration and�ale. If the
<br /> defau�t is nvt cured on or before the date 5pecified in the notice, Lender at xts aption may require immediate
<br /> payment in full of ail sums secured b�thi�Security Instrument without further demand and may znvoke the
<br /> paw�r of sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicabie Law. Lender sha�l be entitled �a callect aii
<br /> expenses incurred in pur5uing the remedies pravided�n�his Secfion 22,including, but not limited to, rea5onable
<br /> attorneys' fees and costs of title e�idence.
<br /> If the power of saie is invoked, Trustee�hal�record a notice af default in each county in which any part
<br /> of the Fraperty is located and shail mail cop�es of such notice in the manner prescr�bed by Appli�ab�e Law�a
<br /> Borrower and ta the ather per�ons prescr�bed by App�icable Law. After�he time required by Applicab�e Law,
<br /> Trustee shall gi�e puhiic notice af sale to the p�rsons and in the manner prescribed by Appiica�le Law. Trustee,
<br /> without demand on Borrower, shall 5e�1�he Property at pubZ�c auction to the highest bidder at the t�me and
<br /> pla�e and under�he terms designated in the no�ice of sale in one or more parce�5 and in any arder Trus�ee
<br /> determines. Truste�may postpone saie af all or any parcel af th�Property by pub��c announcement at the time
<br /> and p�a�e of any previous�y scheduled�ale. Lender or its designee may purchase the Praperty at any 5ale.
<br /> Upon receip�af paym�nt of the price bid, Trustee sha�l deli�er to the purchaser Trus�ee'S deed conveying
<br /> the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shail be prima fa�ie evidence af the truth of the statemen�s
<br /> made therein. Trustee sha�l appiy the proceeds of�he sale in the fal�owing order; �a�to al�costs and expenses
<br /> of e�erc�sing�he power of sale, and the sale, including the paymen�af the Trustee's fees actual�y incurred and
<br /> reasonabie attorney5' fees as permitted by App�icable Law; (b}ta al�sums secured by thi5 Secur�ty Instrument;
<br /> and (c�any excess to�he per5on or persans�egally entitied to it.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Fami�y--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac �NIF�RM INSTRUMENT- MERS Dnr.�ya��c
<br /> Form 3�Z8 �1�1 Page �12 of �5 www.do�rrragi�.�am
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