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2� 1 ��4787 <br /> interest fr���a the da�e Qf disbursement a� �he sa�ne ra�e assessed on advances under the Con�rac� and sha11 be <br /> payable, w�ti1�interest, upon nalice fro��Lende�-�o�orr��ver rec�i�est�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspe�t��n. Lender or i�s agen� rn�.y mak� reasa��ab}e en�r�es up�n and inspec�i�ns of�he Proper�y. Ler�der shaIl <br /> g�We Bo.rr�wer natice at�he�ime af ar pri�r�a an �nspec��on spec�fyi��g reasonab�e cause far the inspec���n. <br /> �o�demnation. The praceeds of any award or cia�rn far da�r�ages, dire��ar��ps�quen�ial, �n cannec�i�n �v���� any <br /> c�ndemna�ior� ar�ther taking �f any par�flf the P�-�per�y, or for con�reyance �n Iieu of condem��atian, are �ereby <br /> ass�gned and s��a�I be paid�o Lender. <br /> �n �he ev�n� of a �ata� �aking of the Proper�y, �he proceeds sha1� be applied �� t��e sums secured by �h�s Se�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�, whe�her �r not �hen due, with any excess paid �o Barro�ver. �n ���e even� af a partial ta��ng �f�he <br /> Prap�r�y �n whY�h �he fa�r marke� value of the Property i�nmedia�:ely before �l�e takin� �s equa� to or grea�er�han. <br /> �he a�noun� of�he sums secured by �his Securi�y �nst�rumen� i�nm�dia�e�y before �h� tak��ag, un��ss Borrov�r�r and <br /> Lend�r o�herwise agree in v�ri�ing,�he sums se�ured by�his S�curxty �ns�rumen�sha)� be r�duced by�he a�nount of <br /> �l�e proceeds mul�iplied by#)�e fo��ovving fraction: �a}�he t��a1 amoun�of�he su�ns s�cuzed ���nmed�a�ely before the <br /> tak�ng, di�ided b� �b} �h� fa�r mar�et va�ue of�he Proper�y �mmedia��ly �efore �he taki��g. Any ba�an�e s��all be <br /> paid t� Borrov�er, �n fhe e�ent flf a partial �a���ng af�he Pr�per�y in �hi�l� �he fa�r marke� �alue of�he Proper�y <br /> immed�a�ely �efore �he �ak���g �s less �han �he amaunt of�he sums secured �mrned�ately before the �a�ing, �.�nless <br /> B�rro�ver and Lender ��herw�se agree �p wr���ng ar u��less App��cab�e Lavv o�herw�se pro��des, the p�roceeds sha�i <br /> be appl�ed xo t��e sums secured by�h�s Se�ur��y Zns�ru�nen�v�he�her ar n�t��ae sums�.re�hen due. <br /> If�he Property �s abandoned by B�rrower, �r�f, after n���ce by Lender to Borrower tha��he conde�-nnor affers�o <br /> make an award or set��e a c�ai�n far damages, Bor�rovver fa��s ta respond ta Lender within the minimum number flf <br /> days es�abl�s��ed by Applicab�e Law after t��e da�e�he��a���e�s�iven, Leflder�s author�zed�o�o�le��and apply�h� <br /> praceeds, at �ts op�ion, ei�her ta restorat�on ar repa�r of���e Praper�y �r t� �he su�ns secured by �h�s Se�ur��y <br /> �ns�rumen�, w�ae���er or r�o��hen due. <br /> Un�ess i.�ender and B�rr�vver atherwise agree ip w�-iting, ar�y appl�cation of p�-oceeds to pr�r�c�pai shal� x���ex�e��d <br /> �r postp�ne�he due da�e�f�he payments due under���e�on�ra��or c��ange�h�a�naunt af�u���payme���s. <br /> Borrower No� Released; Forbearance By L�nc�er Not a V6�ai�er. Extens�on of �he �in�e for payment or <br /> modif�cat�on of am�r-�i�a�i�n of�he sums secured by ���is Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen� gra�7ted by Lender �o B�rr��nr�r �r <br /> any suc�essor �n interest af Bnrrawer shal� pfl� opera�e �a release �h� l iabi�i�y �f �he ari�i na� Bor�-ower ar <br /> B�CC'DW�r'S SLI�Ce55��'S �n lri���'�5�. Lender sha�� na�be r�qu�red �o com�nen�e proce�di��gs agains�any successor in <br /> �n�erest�r refuse to extend�ime for pay�nen�or����erw�se���od�fy amar���a�ian�f fihe sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> Ins�rum���t by reasan of any de�r�and made by �he original �orrourer ar B�rrov�er`s suc�essors in ���terest. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender �n exer�ising any rig}1t �r remedy shal� no� be a waiver of or preclude the e�erc�se af any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Su�eessors �nd Assigns Bound; Ja�nt and Severa� I.,�ab�I��y; A�c�mm�da��on SignQrs. T��e �o�enan�s a��d <br /> agreem.ents of this Secur�ty I�.s�rumen�sha�i b�nd a��d benef��he suc�essflrs and ass�gns of�end�r and Borrawer, <br /> subject to �he p�ro���ions of s�ct�on ti�Ied Transfer of �he Property or a BQne�c�a� in�erest ��n Barroti�er. <br /> B�rravver's covenan�s and agre��-nen�s shall be jo�nt and severa�. Any p�rson wha�o--s�gns�h�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen� <br /> but has no personal �iab�l�t� under the Con�rac� �"Accommada��on Sigp�r"}: �a� �s co--signing th�s Security <br /> Instrumen� only �a mor�gage, gra��� and convey �ha� A�cflmmoda��an Sig��er's in�eres� in ���e Praperty und�r �he <br /> �erms �f ���e Secur�ty �ns�ru�n�nt; �b} �s no� personal�y Qb�iga�ed to pay �he sums ��cured by �his Se�urity <br /> In�trument; and �c} agrees�ha� L�nder a��� �.ny o�l�er Borrower may a�ree to extend, rnad�f�, forbe�r or make any <br /> acc�mm�da�ions wi�h.regard to�he�erms of�his Securi�y In��rum���t or�he Con�rac�v��t���u�t�a�Accommodatian <br /> S�gner's c�ns�n�. <br /> L�aa�x �harges. If th� Iaan secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rume�n� �� sub�ec� ta a la�v v�h�ch se�s ma�i�num l�an <br /> chaxges, ar�d�ha� �aw is finaliy �n��rpreted s��:hat the in�����st�r o�her laan cl�arges coliec�ed ar�a be collec�ed �n <br /> cannecti�n vvit� �he laan exceed th� �ermitted timi�s; t�aen: ��� any suc}� loan charge sha�l b� reduced �y ���e <br /> amaun�necessary�� reduce �he �harge ��the p�rmi��ed �irni�:s a��d �b} any sums �lready co��ec�ed from Borrower <br /> �vhich e��eed�d permi��ed li�n�ts �i�l be refunded �o SarrQvver. Lender may cho�se �o make th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng the principa� ov5red und�r�he Con�ra�t ar by making a direct paymen�to Borrawer. �f a refund redu�es <br /> pri��c�pal,�he reduc�ion wi��be treated as a par�ial prepaym�nt under t��e�on�ra�t. <br /> No��ees. Any na��ce fio Borra�er pra��ded for in �:l��s Secu.r��y �ns�rument shall be g��en by de�i�ering �� or by <br /> mai��ng�t by frs�class ma�i unless Appl�cab�e La�requires use af ano���er meth�d. The n�tice s��a�l �e dire��ed to <br /> �he .Praper�y.�ddress or any other address Borr��ver des�gnafes by notice �o Lende�-. Borr��er agre�s �fl pr�v�de <br /> Lender �vith Borrawer's �n��t curren� ma�l�ng add�-ess, as i� may c��ange fram ��xne--to-�im�. Any n��ice �o Lender <br /> shal� be g��en b�firs�c�ass mail�a Lender's address sfa�ed�ze�ei��ox any a�her address Le��der de��gna�es by notice <br /> to Borrovver. Any no�ice prpvided far�n t���s ��cur�ty�ns�rumen�shal� be deemed�o ha�e been g�ve�a�o Borro�er <br /> or Lend�r when given as pr�vided�n�his paragraph. <br /> �overn�ng Law; Se�verabi����. Th�s Se�u.rity�n�tru��.en��ha�� be ga�erned by federal �av�and�he �a�vs�f��e s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. In �he e�en� �hat any provisian ar c�ause �f this Security �nst�rument or �he Con�rac� canfl�cts �vi�h <br /> App�icab�e La�, such confl�c� shall no� affect other pro��s�flns af t��is Secur��y Ins�r��men� ar�he �ontrac� �vhich <br /> car��e g�ve� effect wi�hou�th�conflic�ing pro��sion. To�his end�he pra��sians of fih�s �ecur��y �ns�rument and�h� <br /> �on�rac�are declared ta be severab�e. <br /> �orrow�r�s Capy. Barrav�er shall b�g�ven one copy of�his Secur�ty �nstrumen�. <br /> ��0�4-20�S�omp€iance Systems,Inc.$C54-CF22-2Q 15.1�.3.t 0�8 <br /> Cor�sumer Rea�Esta#e-Se�urity Instrt�zr'ient DL2D�C Pa�e 3 of S wEvw.�o:nplianc� <br />