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� 2� 1 ��4787 <br /> P�yme��of 1'r�nc�pal and �[n��rest; �the�-�harges. B�rrawer shall pr�mp��y pay v�hen due the principal af and <br /> in�eres��n�he debt owed�.nder�he�ontrac�and late�harges or any�ther fees and charges due under�hE�Contrac�. <br /> ,�pplic�b�e La�v. .�s used in �his Security �ns�rum�nt, �he �:er�n '¢.�4.pplicab�e Law" shal� mean a.11 �fontrolling <br /> applicabl� federal, state and ��c:a� s�atutes, regu�a�:i�ns, ordinances �nd admin�s�rative ru�es and orders ��ha� ha�e <br /> the effect a�'Iaw�as rn�e�l as ail��pp�icable fi�al,n�n�-appea�ab�E�jud�ci�1�pin�ons. <br /> �harg�s; �ie�5. Borr�v�er sha�l pay a�X I:axes, asses�men�s, char��s, f�nes and irr�positions at�ribu�a.ble ta �he <br /> Pr�perty v�hich may at�airi�r�o�rity a�e���i�s Se�ur��,y �ns�ru.m�:n�, a��d �.easeh�ld paymen�s �r graund re��ts, if any. <br /> A��he r�qu�st of Lender,B�rro��ver shall pr�mptl�fu�-nish to L�r�der r�ceipts e�idencing�he paymen�s. <br /> B�rr�v�er sha11 pr�mp�Iy dis�h��rge any Iien which�as priorit�f�ver�h�s Securzty Instrumen�ur�less Bo��ro�ver: �a} <br /> agrees in wr�����g 1:o th� pa�rm�n� of the �bl�gati�n secured ��� �he ��en �n a manner acceptable �o L,ender; �b� <br /> c�ntests in go�d fa��h the Iien by, o� defends against enfor�emen� �f�he �ien in, �ega� procee�in�s w�zi�h in �he <br /> Lender's opin�on operafie �� prevent the enfar�emen� of the l�en; or (c� secures firom the ho�der of�he ��en an <br /> agree��n�satisfac��ry�o �end�r subordin��ing�he lien�a �hi�� Secur��y �ns�rument. �f Lender�e�erm�r��Js�hat any <br /> part�f the Prflperty is sub��ct 1:o a lien which ma� at�a�n pr�or�i:y ave��his ��curi�y �ns�rumen�, Lende��xnay gi�e <br /> Borr�v�rer a no�ice iden�ify�r�g�he 1 ien. Bor�-flwer sha�� sa�isfy the iien�r�ake an� ar more of�he actiar�s set for�h <br /> ab��re�nri�h�n 1 Q days of t�e��ving of n���ce. <br /> Hazard �r Pr�per�� Insur�nr.e. B�rrowe�-shall�eep the im��rfl�ern�n�s��w e�isting�r her��.fter�ret;�ed an�he <br /> Prope�.y insured against Iass by f�re, hazards in�luded��thin the�erm "ex�ended ca��rage" and any nth+:r hazards, <br /> in��uding floods or �.o�ding, ��r wh�ch Lende� requires in�uranc�. This �nsurance shail be maintair�ed in �he <br /> amounts a�d for the per��ds�hat Lende�requires. The insuranc�e��arrier pr��iding�he�nsurance shal�be chosen by <br /> Borr�wer subje�t t� Lender's ��p�oval which sha11 n�� �be ur�reasa��abiy w��thhe�d. �f�arrow�r fa��s t�� mainta�n <br /> cQ�erage descri�ed ab�ve, Le�nder may, a� Lender's opti�n, ���a�n co�erag� �a pro�ec� �er�der's ri�7hts in �he <br /> Proper�y in ac�ordance with se��i�n�i�Ied�r��ect�on�f Lend��r's R��hts i�the Property. <br /> A11 insu�ance paiici�s anc� ren��nra�s shall �e accep�ab�e t� L�.nder and shall include a s�andar�. mor�g��ge clause. <br /> L�nd�r shail l�a�e the right�:��:a�d the�a�icies and renevvals. �f Lend�r requires, Barrovver shal�pr�xnp�tly give to <br /> Lender a�l receipts of paid prem�ums and renevva� noti�es. �n��he e�r�n��f lflss, B�rrower sha11 gi�e prampt no��ce <br /> t��h�insurance carr�er and�,enc�er.Lender�may make proof o-�l�ss if ria��made promp��y b�Ba�raw�r. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrawer ��hervrrise agree in �vr�t�ng, in�?uranc� proceeds sha1� �e applie� �o res��ora��on or <br /> repair �f�he �'r�p�r�y dam�ged, if, �n Lender's s�l� d�scre����, t��e rest�ra�i�n �r repa�r is ecan�mical�y feas�b�e <br /> and L�nder's secur��y is n�t ��ssened. �f, in Lender's so�e�ion, the rest�ratio� �r repair i� not ec+�nomical�y <br /> feas�bl�or Le�der's s�curi�y w��uld l�e��ssened,�he insurance��raceeds sha�l be applied��t�-�e sums secured by�his <br /> Se�uri�y �ns�rumen�, vvheth�r �r no� then due, vv��h an� exavess paid to Borr�v�er. �f Borrower abGindans the <br /> Property, or daes n�t ansvve�wi�h�n the nu�nber�f days p�-escribed by Applicab�e Law as set for�h�n a r.�atice frann <br /> Lender�o �orrflv�er that�h� in;�urance carrier has offe�ed�a sett�e a c�a��n, then Lender may callec��hE; insurance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender�nay use the proceeds t� repair or res�:�re t��e P�-oper-ty �r�a pa� sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rur�e���,v�hether or not�hen due.The per�od of ti�rne f�r Bc�rrov�er to answer as set f�rth in the no�ice vvil�begin <br /> when the nn�ice�s���eri. <br /> Un�ess Lender and�3orrower�the�-�nrise agree in wri�zng, any��pplzca.��on �f prac�eds��principal shal�n��ex��nd <br /> or pos�pone�he due date flf�h�paymer�ts due under the Cont�-ac��r���ange �he amount af�he �ayment:s. �f under <br /> �h� sec��on�itled Ac�elerat���� R��edie�, �he ��fl��rty is ac��u�red�y Lender, Borarov�er's rig�at tfl an�� �nsurance <br /> p�licies an� proceeds result�ng fr�m da��na�e �� �:he Prope�-�t� prior�o th� a�quis�t�an sha�� pass �o Le�1de�to the <br /> ex�en�of�he sums secured by this S�curit��nstrume���i�nmed���teiy�r��r���he acquis�tian. <br /> �r�ser�a��on, M��ntenance ��nd �'rat�c��a� �f �he l�rope r�y; ]��rr�wer'S Loarn .A.pplic�ti�n; LeaSehalds. <br /> B�rrQv�e�-�lia�1 not des�roy, damage or impair the Proper�y, a]low th� Praperty to deteriorate, �r camm��v�aste on <br /> �h�Pr�per�y. B�rrawer sha1�b��n default�f any forfei�ur�ac�ion or���ceeding,v�rhe�her ci��l o�crir�inal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Ler�der`s g��d faith�u��men� c�u�d resu�� i� forfe�tur�� oF�he �ro�er�y �r �the�-wise ma�erially �mpair the <br /> li�n �rea�ed by �his Security lLns�rument or L�nder's secur��y inte�-�s�. Bon-��er may cure such a clefault and <br /> re�ns�ate, as pr���ded in sectio���i��ed�o�-�or�v�r'� l��gh� tu I�e�r�s��.�e, by causing�he action or pr�c���ding ta be <br /> d�smissed wi�h a rul�ng�hat, in Lender's go�d fai�h de�:�r�ni�a�::on,prec�udes farfei�ure of the Bc�rrav�rer's��n�erest in <br /> �he Praper�y or o�her mate�ia� impa�r�nent of. t��e �ien crea�E��. b� ���.is Security Instrument or Lender's securit� <br /> �nterest.Borr��ver sha��alsa be�n defaul�if Bflrrow�Y-,during��he Ioan app�ica���n pr�cess,ga��ma��riaily false�r <br /> inaccura�e inf�rmatian �r s�atements t� Lender �or fa��ed tfl p��avid� Lender wi�h any ma�e�ial �nfo�ma�i�n� in <br /> c�nn���ion wi�h�:he l�an e�idenced by th� �ontrac�. �f�his S��curity �ns�rume��t is �n a�eas�hoid, Bor�•n�rer shall <br /> comp�y wi�h al�the pro�is��ns�f�he lease. �f B�rr�we�-acqui��es fee t�tte��the Praperty,the l�asehflld��.nd the fe� <br /> ��t�e shal�not merge unless Len�er agrees to�he 1�erger�n writ�ng. <br /> PrQ�ection �f Lender's R�g��ts �r� th� �r�per�y. �f B�rr�`ver fa�ls �� perform �h� co�enan�s and agreemen�s <br /> con�ained in�h�s Se�ur�ty��s��-r�men�, �r there �s a�e�;a�pr�ceed�ng�ha�may sign�f�can�ly affec�Lende�-'s rights in <br /> th� Prope�-�� �such as a pra�eeding in ban�rup�cy, p�obate, f+�r c�nd�mna��an �r forfe�ture or to enfar��e �aws ar <br /> re�u�at��ns}, ��en Lender may do and pay f�r wha�ev�r is :z��essary �� pro�e�t �he �alue of the Frnper�y and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�n t��e Pr�pe��y. Lender's ac�ions may include��a�ing any s�.ims s�cured by a l�er�which has priority <br /> ��er th�s Security r�s�:rumen�, a.pp�ar�ng�n court,pay�ng reas��nabie��orn�ysF fees and en�er�n�on the:Proper�y�o <br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Len�er���ay�ake action u�der�:�is secl i�n,Len�er does na�ha�e ta do so. <br /> Any amou�ats �isbu��sed by Le��der urider �his se��ion sha�l b�.cflrne addi�iana� deb� flf Bon•o��rer secu:red hy this <br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�. Un�ess B�rrower apd Le�der agree to other t�rms vf payment, �hese amo�.n�s sha1� bear <br /> C�3?�44-Z4 f 5 Catnpliance 5ystez-r�s,Inc.SCS�-CE21-24I 5.I 1.3.1Q98 <br /> Cflnsur��er Real Estate-Secz3rity�nstniment DL2�3�5 Page 2 Qf 5 www.�ampliancesysterns.corta <br />