2� 1 ��4787
<br /> Tra��Sf�r af�h�l�r�perty�r a �eneficial In��rest i� Borro�ver� IF�.1�ar any part of the Prap�rty or any in�eres�
<br /> �n �� �s sold or transferr�d �or if a benef�ia� int�re�� in Bar��ower is sald ar transf�rred and Borr��v��r �s not a
<br /> na�u�-al person� vWi�hou� Len�er's prior writ�e�1 consen�, Lende r ma�r, �t i�s op��on, requ�re immediate payment in
<br /> :fui� af alI sums secured by th�s Security Ins�rume��. ��we�ur, �his a�tion sha�l nat be e�erc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited b�fed�ra��avv as�f the da���f�his Secu:��ty Iris��umen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this op�:ior�., Lender shall giWe Barrower notice of ac�e�era�:i�n. The natice sha�t prfl�ide a
<br /> period of��t less ��an t��e rninimum number �f days estab�ished by Applicable Law fram �he date th�e n���ce �s
<br /> d�li�e�-ed �r mailed vv��hin which Borrower �nust pay ai� surr�s s�cur�d by �his Security �nstrument. �f'Borrower
<br /> fails to pay tihese sums prior ta the expira���n of�his �eri�d, Lender m�ay in�ake any remedies pe�rn���ed by�his
<br /> Securi�y Ins�trumen��ri�h�u�fur�:her n��ice�r d�ma�d�n Bo�-rov�er.
<br /> Sor�o�ver�� �ight t� �eir�s�a�te. If B�rr�vver �rnee�s cer�ain co�nd�tifl�s, �3�r-rav�er shall ha�e the rig'ht �o ha�re
<br /> . enf�rcemen� ���his Securi�y �nstrumen� d�scon#;i�nued at any���ne �r��r t��he earlier af: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> per�od as App�i�ab�e Lav�may specify f�ar reiristatement}hefo;�e sale of�he Property pursuant��any po��er�f saie
<br /> contained in �his S�curity ins;�rument; ar �b} en�ry af a �u�gm�nt enforcing �his Se�urit� �ns�r�mE,nt. Th�se
<br /> co��di�ions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender a�� sums v�hic�i �hen v��uld be due under fih�s �ecurity Inst�u�nen�
<br /> an�the�an�rac�as if no a�cele:ra�i�n had a�curred;(b�cures a ny defa���af any other cavenants or agreE�men�s;�c)
<br /> pays a��expenses���urred in en�forcing this Security Ins�rumer:�,inc�uding,bu�not limi�ed�o,r�asonabl��at�orneys`
<br /> fees�o the ex�en�p�rmit�ed hy law; ai�d�d}�ak�e� such ac�i�n as Lender may reasonably requirL tv ass�:�re fihat the
<br /> l�eri af�h�s Se�u�-i�y Ins�rum�nt, Lender's rights i�the Propert�� and B�rrower's flbi�ga�io��o pay the surns secured
<br /> by this Security �ns�rumen� shall cont�nue unchanged. Up�n reinstatement by Bo��rower, this �ecur��y Ins�rumen�
<br /> and the o��igations secured he�-eby shall remain fu11y effec�i�e as if no accelerati�n had occu��d. �o�Never, this
<br /> right to re�nsta�e shall no�apply�in�he case of ac�eleratian uncier�he sec�i�n��tle�Tran�fer nf the Pr�.p�rty or a
<br /> ��nefic�a�In��rest in�a�r�w+�r. .
<br /> ��azardous Substances.B�rrov�rer shali n�t cause or per�ni�tl�e�rese�c�,use, dispasai, ��arage, or rel�.ase of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on�r�n the Pr��ei�y. Sorro�er sha�l nc3�da,n�r a�lo�v anyone e�se to do,any�hing affec��ng
<br /> the Pr�pert}� tl�a� �s in viala��o�� of any Enviranrnenta� Lavv. 'The preceding �v�o ser��cen�es sha�l n�� a�3ply to �he
<br /> presen�e,use,�r s�orage�i��he Proper�y�f s�nal��uanti�ies of�a�ard�us�ubs�a�ces that are generally�recagnized
<br /> �a be approprxa�e��normal res�dential uses and���r�ain�enan�+�of th�Pr�per�y.
<br /> B�rrov�rer shall pr�n�.p��y give Lender writ�en natice�f any in�estiga���n,c�a�m, demand, �av�sui�or o���er actian by
<br /> any governmental flr regula�o��,� agency or pri�va�e par�� �nW�:.�ing th� Property and any Ha�a�dous S�;�bstance ar
<br /> EnW�ranmen�a� Law of �v��ci� Borrovver has actua� kn�v�Iedge. �f Barr�wer learns, or i� no��f��d by any
<br /> g��ernmen�al or reguTa�or��.u�l��r�fiy,tha�any r�movai or o�h�:r rem��ia�ian of any Hazardous Su�bs�ance affec��ng
<br /> i:h� Pr�p�rty is necessaYy, B�rrower shal� pr�mp��y �al�e �.�1 nec��sary remedia� ac�ions in accor�lance with
<br /> E��ironm�n�al La�nr. . � , .� .. .
<br /> As used in�lais parabraph, "�a:zarda��s Subs�anc�s" a�re those su�s�a���es defned�as tax�c or hazardous substances
<br /> by En��ronmental Law anc� ���e fallaw�ng subs-�ances: �asol�rie, k��-osene, o�her f�ammable �r tox�c petr��eum
<br /> products, ����c pes�i�ides and herbicide�, vo�ati�e salUents, �nate�-x�.ls con�aining asbestos �r forma�d{:hyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive materials. As us�d in�his paragraph, "En�v�ron�r�ental Laa�"means federal.laws and laws�f��he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e to��ealth,safe�.y ar envir�nmen�al pr��ec��tin. ,
<br /> Accet�rati��; I�emed�e�. Len�der shal� g�►v� ���tice �o �orrflwer �ariar �o acc�lerat�on fo�lawing B�or�-nwer's
<br /> ��each of any ca�enan�or agre�m�n�in th��Securi�y���t�•umen��r t�e�ontract under►�hich ac:ce�erat�on
<br /> is p�rr��tted �but r�vt �r�o��o a�c���ra��an un��r���e sec��+�� ti��ed Transfer of�he Property ar a JB�n�ficia�
<br /> In�ere�t ir� ����or��er, ur�less Applicable I.►avv pr���des o�h�r�i��). The �o�i�e shai� spec�fy: �a} t��e defaui�;
<br /> �b} �he a�ti�n required �o rure �h� d�fau�t; �c} a dat�°, ��� �ess than the mi�imum number of days
<br /> e�tabl�shed. by A.pp�icable L���fron� �h�date �he r�ot���is gi�v�n �o �arrower, �y which th�defaulfi must b�
<br /> cured; and ��� tha� .failur� t� cure the defau�t on vr hefe_3re �h� da�� s�ecified �n �he not�ce �na!� resu�� in
<br /> acce�erati�n �f t�i� sums secured by t��s S�curi�y Ins�r��m�nt and sale af �he PYopert�. 'I`o �the exten�
<br /> p�rmi�ted hy law, the n�tice s��a�l fur���r ���f�rn� �orr�wiv� �f th� righ� �a r�i�nsta�e af�er ac�e����atian and
<br /> t�e ri���t�bring�.court actio� ��a�ser��h����-exAster�c�:of a d�fautt or a��y�ther defe�se of Bc�rr�vver to
<br /> �cc�l�ra�i�n ��d sale. �f the t�efault �s ��o�cured. ��� o�- h���r� �h� date specified in the n�tice, Le��der at its
<br /> o�ti��� m�y rec�u��re i�atx�ed��te paymen��in ful� �� a�l �u��s se���red by �h�� ��Gurity �.�s�ru�n�ilt ���hvut
<br /> further d�mand �nd �ma� in�rok� th� Po�v+ver ��5��e ar�d ar.�y ��h��- �rern�c��es perrn���e� b� Appiic;able Law.
<br /> '�I`o th� ex�ent permi���d b� �avv, Le�de�- sha�� �e �n�i�i�d �� co��ec� a�l expenses incurr�l in pursuing the
<br /> rem�dies �ro�ided in �h�s Sect�on, �nc�udin�, ��t r��t�im�t��d �o, r�asomable a��or�ey�t fee�and cc�s�� of�itle
<br /> evide�ce. .
<br /> If th�paw�r of sa�� is invoke�d,'�Trus�ee s�a�� �-�cor� � rn�tic� of��fau�� i� �ach �oun�y in which any �art af
<br /> t�e P�-oper�y is �oc���d an����lI mai� ��p�e��f su�� n���c+� ir� ���� ma�ne�prescrib�d by Applica��le Lar�ta
<br /> �Borro�er and �a �he oti�er persan� �r��cr�bed by �ppi�c;�b�� ��v�. After #�e �im� requi�-ed by l�ppl�cable
<br /> Law, Tru�tee �ha�� g�ve pubxic n���ce �f sa�e t� �h� per�c3ns and ��� ��� mar�ner prescribed by ��.pplic��le
<br /> La�. Trustee,�v���nut d�r�ax�d on l��rrov��r, shall sell�h� Prop�r��a�publ�c auc��on ta�he highest bidder
<br /> a�t�e time and place and �rnc�er th�ter�ns des.�gnated in �h e n�t����f sa�e�n�n�or more parcels and in any
<br /> o�der 'T`rustee d��ermine�a 7.,ru��ee m�� pas���n� sa�e c�f �Il �r any �arcei of the Pr�pert� by public
<br /> announcerne��a��h��ime a�d p���e of any �r��i��siy s�hedulec� sale.Lend�r ar it�designet may pur�hase
<br /> the Pra�erty a�any s�I�.
<br /> Y�po�� re�eip� o�paynnen��f i:he pr�ce �id, T'rustee sha�l del���r f� �h� purchaser Trustee's d�ed �anveying
<br /> the lP�-ap�r�ty. 'I`he r�ci�a�s i�� the Trustee's c�eec� s����� be �►��ma f�ci���id�nce af�h� truth vf the;��atements
<br /> C�]2���-2a15 Comp�iar�ce Systems,Inc.8C54-CE2�?-2fl I5.[1.3.1498
<br /> Co��suzner Real Estate-Security Instrur��ent D�,2�3b �'a�e 4 af 5 www,compliancesystems.com
<br />