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2� 1 ��474� <br /> D�ED �F TRL�ST <br /> Loan Na�: "��'I�939��� ��ant�r�u�d� Pag� 7 <br /> as�ignment o�r otherwise. Neither the accep�an�e of �his Deed o� Trus� nar its enfvrcemen�, whether by court <br /> actian ❑r pursuant ta fihe pawer Q�sale or ❑�her po�rvers contair�ed En �his C�eed v�Trus�, shall prejudice vr in any <br /> manner afi�ect T�-us��e`s or Lender's righ�tv real��e upan ar enf�rce any other securi�y naw ❑r hereaft�r held by <br /> Trustee vr Lender, i�being ag�eed�ha�Trus��e and L�nd�r, and each❑f them, sh�ll be en�itled to enforGe this �3eed <br /> v� Trus� and any o�her security nvw vr herea�-ter held by Lender ar Trus�ee in such t�rder and manner as they vr <br /> ei�her vf them may in their absoiute discretion �Ietermine. No remedy cvn-Ferred upon or reser�ed t❑ Trustee or <br /> Lender, is �n�ended t❑ be exclusiWe ��any o�her remedy in �his Deed of Trust or by faw pro�ided ar permitted, but <br /> each shall be cumulati�e and shalf be in additivn to every other remedy gi�en in �his Leed o� Trust or n�w ar <br /> hereaf�er existing a�I�w or in equi�y or by sta�ute. E�ery�vwer or remedy giWen �y the Note ar any o#th� Rela�ed <br /> DvGumer��s tv Trus�ee or Lender or �c� which ei�her o� them ma�r be other�rvi�e en�tit�ed, may be eacerGss�d, <br /> concurren�ly o�r independent�y, frvm �ime �❑ �ime and as of�en �s may be deemed expedien� by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her o� them may pursue inconsis��nt remedies. Nfl�hing in this Deed o€ Trust Shall be canst�ued as <br /> prohibiting Lender�rom seeking a de�iciency�udgment against the Trusto�ta�he e�ten�such action is permi��ed by <br /> faw. <br /> EieG�ion ❑� F�emedies, All ❑� Lender'� rights and remedies wi11 b� cumutati�e and may be ex�rcised alane pr <br /> tvge�he�. !f tender d�cides to spend money or to perform any o�Trust�r's ❑bf�gations under �his Deed a� Tru��, <br /> a#�er Trustor's �ailur� to do so, �ha� decisivn by L�r�der will na�C affeG� L�nder`s right#o declare Trus�or in default <br /> and ta exer�ise Lender's remedi�s. <br /> Reques#for Notice. Trustar, an behal���Trustor and Lender, hereby requests�hat a Gopy o�any No�i�e ❑� �e�ault <br /> and a copy v�any Not�Ge o�Sale under this Deed ❑f Trust be mailed�v them a��he addresses set for�h in�hs firs# <br /> paragraph o�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> AttQrneys' F�es; Exp�nses. I� L.ender inst�tu�es any suit vr actian ta enfarce any �� the �erms o�r �hi� ❑eed of <br /> Trust, L�nder shaE! be en�i�l�d �v reco�er such sum �s th� caur�may �djud�� reasr�nab[� as a��orneys' fees at�ria� <br /> and upan any appeal. Whether �r nv� any ��urt ac�ian is �n�of�ed, and to th� exten� not prohibited by iavir, a![ <br /> reasvna�le expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lend�r`s opinion are necessary at any tEme far �he pr�tec�ivn a� i�s <br /> snterest or�he enfor�ement ofi i�s rights shall becvme a par�o��h� Indebtedness payable an demand and shall bear <br /> in�erest at the Note rate from th� da�e o�the expenditure until repaid. Expenses c��ered by this par�gra�h inGlude, <br /> wi�hvut �imi�ation, howe�er subject�o any limits under applicab�e law, Lender's a�torn�ys' �ees and Lender's �egal <br /> expenses, whe�her vr not there is a lawsui�, inc�uding at�orneys' �ees and ex�en�es �car bankruptcy praGe�dings <br /> ��n�ludin� efi�arts to madify or�aca�e any au�omati� stay��inlunc�i�n}� appe��s, and any antiGipa�ed post-�udgment <br /> �all�ction se��ices, �he co�t of sear�hing records, ab�aining ti�l� rep�rts �ir�cluding �oreclosure repQr�s}, sur�eyc�rs' <br /> r�parts, and appraisal fees, ti�le insurance, and �ees ��r� fihe Trus�ee, �o �h� ex�ent p�rmit�ed by applicable i�vv. <br /> Trustor als❑wili pay any court costs, in addi�ivn tv all o�her sums prv�ided by law. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shali ha�e a��❑�the rights and duties of Lender as se��ar�h in this sect4an. <br /> PC�W�RS AND OBL��ATI�NS OF TRUSTEE. The fa!lawing Rra�isions reiating t❑�he powers and ❑bliga�i�ns vf Trustee <br /> are part v#this ❑�ed o�Trus�: <br /> Powers t��f Tru�tee. In add��ion�n all pav►rers ❑f Trustee �rising �s a matter a�law, Trus�ee sh�li ha���he power ta <br /> t�ke th� follvwing actions with respec�ta the Property upon�he v►rri��en request�f Lender and Trustor: {ay join �n <br /> preparing and filing a map ar ptat o# the Real Prvper�y, inc�uding the dedicativn of streets or ather righ�s tv the <br /> public; �b� join in granting any easement fl�- �reating any restriction on the Real Property; and �c� join in any <br /> subQ�dinatian or other agre�ment a�#ecting this De�d o�Trus�❑r the in�erest ot Lender under this �3eed o�Trust. <br /> Trus�tee. Tru��Ee shall mee� all qualificati�ns required ��r Trust�e under appli�ab�e law. ln addition �Q �h� righ�Cs <br /> and remedie� �et forxh abv�e, vtiri�h respec��o all or any par� o� �he �raperty, �he Tru��ee �h�ll have the righ� �o <br /> �ore�lose by nvtice and sa�e, and Lender wi�E ha�e the right t�a forec�ose by�udicial forec�osure, in e��her cas� in <br /> a�cord�r�ce wi'�h and to th�full e�cten�pro�ided by appii��ble I�w. <br /> SuGcessvr Trustee. Lend�r, a� Lender's ❑p�ian, may-�rom time�o�ime appaint a success�r Trus�ee�v any Trus�ee <br /> app�inted under this Deed of Trust i�y an instrur�en� �xecuted and acknowiedg�d by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> vftice ❑f the recorder of HALL Cflun�y, State o� Nebraska. The instrumen� shall contain, in addi�ion �tt� all o�her <br /> ma��ers requir�d �ay s�ate I�w, the name� o� �he vrigina� Lender, Trust�e, and Trus�vr, the bvok and page �ar <br /> computer system re�erence� where this Deed v� Trus� is re�orded, and th� name and address vf �he succe�sar <br /> trustee, �nd the ins�Crumen�shal� be executed and �cknnwi�dg�d by all the bene�i�iaries unde�-this �e�d v�Trus�or <br /> th�ir successars in interest. The su�cessar �rus�ee, v�i�haut can�eyance v�th� Prop�rty, shall su�ceed to a�l the <br /> �itle, power, and du�ies con�erred upon�he Trustee in�his Deed ❑f Trust and by applicable law. This pro�edure far <br /> subst�tutivn a�Trustee sh�ll go�ern to�he exclusion afi a!I�ther pro�isions�or substitutian. <br /> NDTICE�. Any n�tice requ�red tv be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, incfuding without �imita�ion any notice v� de�ault <br /> and any notic� nf sale shalf be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall he e�f�ctive wh�n �c�uafly deli�e�ed, when actUally r�cei�ed <br /> by tele�acsimile �unless �therwi�e required i�y �aw�� when deposit�d wi�h a nativn�l4y re�vgni�ed ar�ern�gh�Gourier, vr, i� <br /> mailed, when deposited in the �Jn�ted State� mail, as first��ass, cer�ified ar reg��tered mai� postage prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses sho►nrn near the beginning ��this fleed of Trus�. Alf cvpies ❑f notic�s o�farecl�sure frvm th� holder af <br /> any lien which has pri�rity over this Deed o�T�us� shall be sent �o Lende�'s address, as shown near �he beginning ❑f <br /> this ❑eed a�Trust. Any persan may change his or her address �or no�ices under this D�ed afi Trus� by giuin� formal <br /> written no�Cice ta the ather persan or persons, specifying that th� purpase of the nati�e is to change the person`s <br />