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2� 1 ��474� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Nv: 'I�'I 2939�� ��flntinued� Page 8 <br /> address. Far no�ice purpases, Trustor agrees to keep Lender in�ormed at all times o�Trustar's �urrent address. Unless <br /> o�herwise pro�ided ar r�qu�red by law, i#there is more thar� one Trustor, any notic� gi�en by L�nde� t� any Trustor is <br /> deemed ta be no�ice gi�en to all Trustors. It wiil be Trus�or`s respansibiiity ta te�!the��hers o�F the natice�rom Lender. <br /> MISCELLANEOUS PR�VISI�NS. The fvff�wing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part of�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. Vllhat is writt�n in this Deed vf Trust and in the Related Documents is Trustor's entirs agreement <br /> wi�h Lender concerning the mat�ers co�ered by this Deed �f Trust. T� be e��ecti�e, any chang� or amendment to <br /> this Deed of Trus� mus� be in writing and mus� be signed by whoe�er will be bound or vbliga�ed by the �hange or <br /> amendment. <br /> Captian Headings. Caption headings in �his Deed v� T�ust are �or can�enience purposes anly and are not tv be <br /> used ta in�erpret❑r define�he pro�isions at this ❑eed v#Trus�. <br /> Merger. There shall be nv merger o�the int�r�st or es�ate creat�d by this Deed of Trust with any vther interest or <br /> esta�e in the Prop�rty at any time hefd by ❑t�for the benefit v# Lender in any capacity, without the written cvnsen� <br /> af Lender. <br /> Choice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request to submit t❑ �he �urisdic�ion of the <br /> courts vf Haii County, S�ate o�Nebraska. <br /> No Waiver by Lender. Trustor unders�ands Lend�r will not gi�e up any o�Lender's rights under this Deed o�Trust <br /> un�ess Lender does so in wri�ing. The tact tha� Lender delays ❑r omits to exercise any �igh� will not rnean that <br /> Lender has given up �hat right. !f Lender daes agree in wri-�ing t� gi�e up one �t Lender's rights, that daes not <br /> mean Trustor will no� ha�e �to comply with the ather pro�isians of this Deed of Trust. Trustor alst� understands <br /> tha� i� Lender does �ansen�t �o a reques�, that d�es nvt mean that Trustor will not ha�e �o get Lender's cvnsent <br /> again i�the situation happens again. Trustvr further understands�ha�jus#be�ause L�nder consents�❑ ane ❑r more <br /> of Trustvr's rsquests, tha# dv�s not mean Lender will be required to ��nsent to any af Trustar's future r�quests. <br /> Trustvr wai�es pres�ntmen�, demand�or payment� protest, and notice of dishonor. <br /> Se�erability. ��a court tinds that any pro�ision af �his Deed ❑f Trus� is not�alid �r sh�uld not be en�orced, that <br /> �act by itse��wifl nat mean�hat the res�v�this De�d o�T�us�will not be �a�id ❑r enfarced. Therefore, a cour�wil� <br /> en�arc��he rest o��he pr��Esions o�this Deed o�Trust e�en i�a pra�ision of�his ❑eed o�Trust may be�aund�o be <br /> in�ali�or unen�orceable. <br /> Successars and Assigns. Sub�ect�❑ any lim�tativns stated in this Deed of Trust ❑n transfer o�Trustor's interest, <br /> �his Deed o€Trust shall be binding upvn and inure ta the benefit of the par�ies, th�ir su�cess�rs and assigns. ff <br /> ownership vf the Property becomes �ested in a person vth�r than Trustor, Lender, withvut notice tv Trustar, may <br /> deal with Trustar`s successors ►rvi�h re�eren��to this Deed o�T�us�and the lndebtedness by way❑f forbearance❑� <br /> extensEan withaut releasing Trustor fram the abligations ❑�this Deed o�Trust or liability under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is of#he Essert��. Time is❑f�he essence in�he perfarmance o�this Deed vf Trust. <br /> 1Naiver ❑f Homes�ead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and ►nra��es all rights and b�nefi�s ofi th� homestead <br /> exempt�an laws of�he State of Nebraska as to all indebtedness secured by�his Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> DEFEN[TE�NS. The follawing wvrds sha�� ha�e the following meanings when used in this Qeed ��Trust: <br /> Beneticiary. Th�w�rd "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points 6ank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borr�wer" means TIFFANY M KELLER and includes a�� cv-signers and cv-maksrs signing the <br /> N�te and all their successors and assigns. <br /> D�ed vf Trus�. The wvrds "[]eed a# Trust" mean this �eed vf Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> inc�udes without IimitatEon al! assignm�nt and security interes� pro�isions relating �o the Pers�nal Praperty and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> Enviranmental Laws. The words "En��ronmental Laws" mean any and all state, federaf and loca� statutes, <br /> regulations and ordinances relating t� �he p�atection v� human health or �he en�iranment, including with�ut <br /> limitation the Comprehensi�e En�iranmental Respans�, Campensatian, and Liabili�y Ac� af 198�, as amended, 4� <br /> L1.S,C. Section 96�1, et seq. �"CERCLA"y, the Super�und Amendments and Reauthori�atian Ac� ❑f �986, Pub. L. <br /> Nc�. 99-499 ("SARA"},th� Hazardvus Materials Transpvrtativn Ac�, 49 U.S.�. Section 1 SQ1, e�seq., �h� Resource <br /> Conser�at�an and RecoWery Act, 42 LI.S.C. 5ection 69D'€, et seq., ❑r ❑ther appficable s�ate ❑r federal laws, rules, <br /> �r reguEations adapted pursuant thereto. <br /> Even#vf De�auit. The words "E�ent❑# De�ault" mean any of the e�ents o#defaul�set fiorth in this Deed ❑f T�ust in <br /> the e�ents o�de�ault sectivn of�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> Ex�s#ing Indebtedness. The words "Exis�ing lndeb�edness" mean the indebtedness des�ribed in the Existing Liens <br /> provision o�th�s ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances. The w��ds "Hazardaus Substances" mean materials that, b��ause o� �heir quanti�y, <br /> can�entration ❑r physi�al, chemical ❑r infectious characteristics, may cause or pvse a presen� or po�entEal ha�ard <br /> to human heal�h or�he �n�ironment when impr�perly used, treated, s�ored, disposed of, generated, manufiactured, <br /> t�ansported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous Suhs�ances" are used in their �ery brvadest sense and <br /> inciude without limita�ion any and all hazardous or taxic substances, materials �r wast� as d�fined by o� listed <br />