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2� 1 ��474� <br /> a�E� �F -r�usT <br /> Loan Nv: 'I D'i 29396� �C�rttinued� Page � <br /> ��her Defau�ts. Trustor's ac� ❑r failure �v ac� ad�ersely af�ects Lend�r's security �nterest in �he Praperty, or any <br /> right a�Lender's in such se�urity. <br /> Right ta Cure. if any de�ault, o�her than a defauEt in payment, is curabie and if Trustor has nat been gi�en a nattce <br /> o�a brea�h❑f the same pro�isEon vf#h�s Deed o�Trust wi�thin#he preceding twel�e ���} months, i�may be cured i� <br /> Trustvr, a�ter Lend�r sends writ�en notice to Trustor demanding cure af such default: �1} cures the de#aul�within <br /> ten ��0� days; ar �2� i��he cure requires mare-than�en {�0} days, immedia�ely initiates steps whi�h Lender deems <br /> in Lender's sole discretion ta be sufficient to cure the defaul#and ther�afk�r con�inues and completes all reasvnable <br /> and necessary steps su#ficient tv produce c�mpliance as svan as reasonably pra�tical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REl1![Ea�ES �N DEFAULT. !€an E�ent af ❑efault occurs under this aeed of Trust, at any time thereafter, <br /> Trust�e ar Lender may exercise any one ❑r more of the�o�iowing rights and remedies: <br /> Acceteratic�n Upon ❑e�aul�; Additivna� Remedies. i�any E�ent of De#aul�occurs as per the terms o�#h� Nate <br /> se�ur�d hereby, Lender may declare all Endebtedness secured by this Deed a�Trust to be due and payabfe and <br /> the same shall thereupan becvme due and payable withau�any presen�men�t, demand, protest❑r notice❑f any <br /> kind. �h�r�a�ter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Either in pers�n vr by agent, with �r withou� brin�ing any a�tivn ❑r proceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appointed by a �ou�t and withau# regard �o the adequa�y o# its security, enter upon and take possessi�n <br /> v�the Proper�y, ar any par�thereof, in its own name or in th� name ❑f Trustee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable�v preser�e the �alue, marke�ability or rentabiEity ❑f the Property, o�par�❑f <br /> the Property or �nterest in the Property; increase the incame from the Proper�y ar prat�ct the se�uri�y a� <br /> the Property; and. wi�h or wi�hout takin� possessivn o� th� P�aperty, sue f�r ❑r o�herwise �a�lec� the <br /> rents, issues and pro�its of the Praper�y� including thase pas�due and unpaid, and apply the sam�, �ess <br /> costs and expenses❑f operativn and collection att�rneys' �ees,�o any indeb�edness secured by this Deed <br /> n� Trust, all in su�h �rder as Lend�r may determine. The entering upon and taking pvssession of the <br /> Praper�y, the cnllectinn ❑f such ren�s, issues and pro�its, and the application thereaf shall no� cure or <br /> wai�e any de�aul�❑r na�i�� ❑#default under this D�ed ❑f Trust vr in�alidate any act done in respanse t� <br /> such defaul�or pursuant to such natice of de�ault; and, nv�wi�hstanding the con�inuanc� in passession o� <br /> the Property ar the coifect�on, r�ceipt and applicatian af rents, issues or pr�fits, Trustee or L�nder shal� <br /> be en�itled ta exercis� e�ery right pr��id�d �or in �he Note or�he Rela�ed ❑o�umen�s or by law upon the <br /> occufren�e o� any e�ent v�de�au4t, includfng�he righ��a exer�ise the power o�sale; <br /> �bf Cammence an actE�n to fvreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receE�er or speci�ically <br /> enforce any❑�the co�enants hereo#; and <br /> �c� Deli�er to T�ustee a written decEaration �f defaul�and demand to�sale and a wri��en na�ice of de�aul� <br /> and election ta cause Trustar's in�erest in�he Property tfl be sv[d, which nat�ce Trustee shall cause ta be <br /> duly filed fvr recard in�he apprapria�e❑ffices af the C�unty in which the Proper#y is Ea�ated; and <br /> {d� With �espe�t�o all oc any part❑f rMe Persanal P�oper�y, Lender shall ha�e a[[the rights a�d �emedi�s <br /> of a secur�d pa�ty under the Nebraska Uniform �ommercial Cvde. <br /> Fvr�closure hy Power ot 5ale. I�Lender elects to fvreclase by exercis� of the Power ofi Sale here�n cvntained, <br /> Lender shall noti#y Trus�ee and shall depvs�t wi�h T�ustee �his De�d o�Trus�t and the Nv�e and such receipts <br /> and e�idence❑�expendi�ures made and secured hy this Deed af Trust as Trus�ee may�equire. <br /> �ay Upon receEpt o�such nvtice fram L�nd�r, Trustee sh�ll cause ta be re�arded, published and del��ered <br /> �to Trustor such Na�ice ❑� Default and No�ice �� Sale as �h�n required by �aw and by this ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Trustee sha��, wiichou� �iemand on Trustvr, after such �ime as may then be required by law and a�ter <br /> reca�da�ian vf such Natice of Defaul� and a#ter Natice o�f Sale haWing been gi�en as requ�red by law, sell <br /> th� Pr�perty at the �ime and p[ace �� sale �ixed by �t in such Notice of Sale, either as a whvle, or in <br /> s�parate lats or parcels �r items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such arder as i� may determine, <br /> at public auction tv the h�ghest bidder for cash in !aw#ul maney ❑�the L1nEted States payable a�the 'time <br /> o� sal�. Trustee shall daii�er to such purchaser ❑r pur�hasers therea# its goad and su��icient deed or <br /> deeds can�eying �he prvperty so sold, �ut without any ca�enan� or warran�y, express ❑r �mplied. The <br /> recitals in such deed af any matters ar fac�s shall be can�lusi�e proaf o�the truthfulness thereaf. Any <br /> persvn, including withvut limi�a�ion Trusta�, Trus�ee, ❑r Lender, may purchase a�su�h sale. <br /> �b} As may be permi��ed by law, after deducting a11 cvs�s, �ees and �xpenses ❑f Trustee and of �his <br /> Trust, including costs a���idence a�t�tle in cvnnectian with sa�e,Trustee shalf appEy the proceeds af sale <br /> �a payment�� {i� all sums expended under the terms�f this Deed o�Trus�ar under�he��rms of the Note <br /> n�t then repaid, including 1au� not l�mi�ed tv acGrued in�erest and late Gharges, �ii} all other sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii} �he r�mainder, if any, �o the persvn❑r persans legally entitled theret�. <br /> tc} Trustee may in the manner prov�ded by law p�stpan�sa�e of all or any por�tian a�the Prap�rty. <br /> Remedies No# Exciusive. Trust�e and Lende�, and ea�h vf �hem, shall be en�i�led to en�orce payment and <br /> ��r#flrmance v�any indebtedness ti�obliga�F�ns secured by this ❑eed o�Trus�and to exercise ali rights and powers <br /> under this �eed ❑f Trust, under the Nate, under any v��he Related Dv�uments, vr und�r any other a�reemen� or <br /> any laws n�w or hereafter in f�rce; notwithstanding, some a� a[E �f such indehtedness and abiigations secured by <br /> this �eed af Trus� may naw ar hereafter be otherwise secured. whether by mortgag�, deed of trust, piedge, lien, <br />