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2� 1 ��4739 <br /> �EEa oF �rRus-r <br /> LQan No: 'i[�"1�939�3 ��a�tinued� F�age 4 <br /> For�Glosure by Pawer d�Sale. If Lender e�e��s tv �areGl�se by exercise af th� Pa�wer o�5ale her�in cantained, <br /> Lender shall no�ify Trustee and shall deposit with Trus�e� �his ❑eed of Tru�� and �he Cr�di� Agreement and <br /> such re�eip�s and e�iden�e o�expendi�ur�s made and seGured by�his Deed o�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> {af Upon receipt a��uch na�ice from Lender, Trustee shall cause tv be recarded, pubiished and deli�ered <br /> ta T�ustor such N�tice o� Default and Nofiic� o# Sale as then required �y law and by this Deed of Trust, <br /> Trus�ee shall, with�u� demand Qn Trustor, a�er su�h t�me as may then he required by law and after <br /> r�cordati�n v�such Notice of �efaul� and after Notice �fi Saie haW�ng been gi�en a� requ�red by lawr sel� <br /> the Prop�rty at #he time and plaee of sale fi�sd by i� in su�h Nntic� c�� Sale, either as a whole, or in <br /> s�para�e Iots ❑r parGels vr items as Truste� shall deem expedient, and in such vrd�r as it may de�ermine, <br /> a� public aucti�n �❑ the highest b�dder�ar cash in lawful mor�ey of th� Unit�d 5tates payable a��he time <br /> �a� �ale. Trustee sh�ll deli�er �t� such purchaser or purGh�sers thereo� i�s �ood and su��icien� deed or <br /> decds �on�eying �h� prnperty sa svld, but wi�hout any co�enant vr warr�n�y, ��press or �mplied. The <br /> reci�als in Such deed of any matt�rs ar facts shall be cvnclusi�e proof vf the truth�ulnes� �hereo�. Any <br /> �erson, including�vithau�limi�a�ian Trus�or,Trust��, ar Lender, may purchase at such sale. <br /> {h} As may b� permi�ted by law, af�er deduG�ing al[ cvstsr �e�s and ��cpenses af Trustee and ❑� thk5 <br /> Trus�, includin� cvs�s o�e�idence af�i�l� in c�nnection with sale,Trustee shal� apply the pr�cseds of sale <br /> �❑ payment a� �i} all sums �xpended under the terms of th�s Deed o� Trust ar under the terms vf the <br /> C�edi'� Agreement nvt �hen repaid, �ncluding but no't limi�ed tv a�crued in��rest and late charges, {iiy ail <br /> ❑�her sums �hen secured hereby, and �iii} the remainder, i�anyr �o the pers�n ar persans legai�y en�titled <br /> there�v. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner p�-o�ided �y lavv pos�pone sale at all or any pvr�ivn❑�the Prop�r�y. <br /> Remedies N�r� Exclusive. Trust�e and Lende�, and each o� �hem, shaii be entit�ed to enforce �ayment and <br /> performanc�t��any indebtedn�ss ar obligati�ns secured by this Dee�i o�Trust and�o ��er�ise all righfis �nd paw�rs <br /> under this peed af Trust, under the Credit Ar�reement, und�r any ❑� �he Re[ated Clo�ur��nts, o� und�r any ❑ther <br /> agreem�n� ❑r any laws naw ❑r herea�-ter in torce; notwi�h���nding, some ar all of such in�l�btedness and <br /> obliga�icans secured by this �eed v�Trus� rnay now ❑r hereaf��r be otherwise secured, whe�her by rr�ar�gage, deed <br /> of trus�, p[edge, lien, assignment ❑r o�herwiSe. Neith�r the aGceptance o��his Dsed o#Trust nvr i�s enforcem�nt, <br /> whether by cour� ac�iQn c�r pursuant to �he power of sa�e or ❑ther p�wers cvntained in this �eed af Trust, sha�f <br /> �r��udice �r in any manner aftect�'rustee's �r Lender's right t❑ reali�e upon ar entarce any ather security now or <br /> hereaf�er held by Truste� or Lender, it being a�reed that Trustee and Lender, and each of them, sha1.1 he entitled to <br /> enfvr�e this Deed a# Trus� and any other se�urity naw or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee fn such order and <br /> manner as they ar ei�her af them may in th�ir a�solut� dEscretion dete�mine. No remedy �onferred upon or <br /> reser�ed to Trustee or Lender, is intended �a be exclusi�e of any a�her remedy in this ❑eed o� Trust �� by �aw <br /> pro�ided ❑�- ��rmitt�d, �ut �ach shaii be cumu�a'�i�e and sh�ll �e in additian �a e�ery a'�her r�medy gi��n in this <br /> Deed ❑f Tr���ar novu ❑r here��t�r' existing a� law o� in e�uity ❑r by s'�atute. EWery po�ver �r remedy gi�en by the <br /> Cr�dit Agreement o� any v� �he Reiated Documents t❑ Trustee ar L�nd�r vr ta which eith�r of �hcm may be <br /> o�herwise entitled, may b� ex�rcised, concurrent�y ar �ndependen��y, fr�m �ime �v �ime and a� vft�n as may be <br /> deemed �xpedient by Trus��e ❑r Lender, and either ❑f th�m may pursue inconsis�en� remedies. Nvthing in this <br /> Deed v�Trus� shal� be cvnst�u�d as prohibi�ing Lend�r from seeking a deficiency judgm�nt again���he Trustflr ta <br /> �he ex�en#such ac�ivn is permi��ed lay favu. <br /> Elect�on af R�medies. All a� Lender's rights and remed�es will be cumu[atiWe and may b� exercised alane or <br /> tagether. lf Lender decides to spend maney or to per�arm any ❑f Trustor's r�bligati�ns under this L�eed of Trust, <br /> after Trustor's �aiEure ta d❑ sa, that decisi�n by Lender �rilt no� a��ec� Lend��'s ri�ht t� declare Trust�r in default <br /> and�o exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request fvr iVa�ice. Trusto�, on b�hal�o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests�hat a capy af any Nati�e o� Default <br /> and a copy v� �ny Notice ❑f Sa[� under this Deed a-�Trus� be maiied �p them at the addresses set for�h in the first <br /> paragraph o��his ❑eed v�Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' �ees; Expenses. I�F Lender insti�u�es any suEt �r a��ivn tc� enforce any o� the terms o� �hi� ❑eed o�f <br /> Trust, L�nde�shail be ent3�led �o re���er such �um as the �our�may adjudge r�a�anable as attorneys' fees at triaf <br /> and upon any appeal. V1lh��her or not any ct�urt action is inWv[ved, and t� the eactent not �rohEbi�ed by law, ati <br /> reasonab�e expenses Lender in�urs �hat in Lender's vpini�n are n�cessary at any �ime #or the proteGtion o# its <br /> interest or the en�arcem�nt a�its rights shall become a part at the Indebtedness pay�ble ❑n demand and shali bear <br /> interest at �he Gredit Agreement rate �rom �he da�e af the expenditure untis repaid. Expenses co�ered by th�s <br /> paragraph include, without limitation, howe�er sub�ect t❑ any limits under app�icable I�w, Lender's attorneys' �ees <br /> and Lender's legal exp�nses, whe�her ar not �here is a lawsui�t, including attorn�ys' �ees �nd expenses #or <br /> �ankrup�cy proceedin�s �including e�fvrtS to modify or �acate any au�omatic s�ay or in�un�tian�, appeals, and any <br /> an�icipated pvs�-judgment Gallectian ser�ices, the Gost o# sear�hing re�cards, c�btaining title r�p�rts {inG�uding <br /> fvreclosure repv�tsy, sur�ey�rs' repar�s, and apRraisal fees, �i�le insurance, and fe�s fo�the Trust�e, �o the extent <br /> permi�t�d by appli�able lav►r. Trus�vr also will pay any Gour��ast�, in additian t� ali Q�her sums pro�ided by Eavv. <br /> 1'Vt[SCELLANEC�US PR�1���t�NS, The follvwing miscellaneous pro�isivn� ar� a par�of this Deed o#Trust: <br /> Go�rerning Law. This Deed vf Trust will be g�r�erned hy �eder�l Iaw applicable ta Lender and, to �h� extent nvt <br /> preemp��d by federai law,�he taws of�he 5�a�e of Nebraska wi�hou�regard tc�i#s eontlicts v�law prca�isions. This <br />